We had it on burgers tonight. Soooooo yummmmmmmmmy!
I'm really really really frustrated right now. I'm down a turkey. Neck snapped and feathers everywhere and laid out on it's back. Obvious that there was an altercation. I don't know if the other turkeys got into a fight with it or if the guineas (who have been flying into their pen) got into a fight with it. I'm glad I decided to set aside 3 breeders for next year but this leaves me down to 2. If I lose another bird then I have to replan as I'm sold out leaving me (now) with only 1 for our Thanksgiving table and 2 breeders beyond those that are already sold for other people's tables this Fall.
Another turkey "attacked" in the coop. So I guess that answers the question of "who"...it's the other turkeys. Too many males? This is only my second year with turkeys and the first year that I started them as day old poults.
Wynette has a chick in her nest box. So I guess when I played "musical eggs" the other day she was rotated an older egg. If she leaves any in the box then they'll be rotated beneath another broody I guess. It seems that I'll end up finishing some eggs in the bator.
Speaking of the bator...my eggs there are now on lock down and are due to hatch in a couple of days.
Oh and Charlie decided to flog me this morning. Charlie NEVER flogs me. Charlie the only rooster that I will give a quick pat to at turn in time. Charlie is a nice rooster. I guess that gallon jug that I was holding on that side of my leg upset him or something.
I think it is great that you post about your kitchen adventures. Even if you don't share the recipes it is inspiring me to go out and find/create my own. I love the ideas that you provide.
With my boys misbehaving is more than simple misbehaving or boys being boys. They manipulate - big time. The other day K "pushed" every single button on me until I was at the boiling point. When DH talked to him about it he said that he wanted Dad home so he thought that if he made me mad enough that I'd call him and have him come home.
I decided to wear them out. Took them to the local State Park and we went hiking.
I snapped some pics to share.
Raccoon Hand prints by the shore of a stream.
I love the texture of wood so here are some tree bark pics.
(with a little moss)
(some fungi)
A hollow in a tree. Reminds me of a cave.
I'm not sure what happened to this tree but the effect was pretty cool. It was just stringy. My mom thinks it looks like it was twisted. It's right in the middle of a bunch of tall trees. Really weird.
So it seems that Wynette doesn't lay claim to the little chick that was in her box this morning. Tonight I found the chick under a different broody. Well, both of those girls only recently started setting so they're not going to leave their nests to show this chick how to eat / drink so I had to come up with another solution. Frizz is still in the broody box since I want her to have high protein feed (she's getting turkey starter) to grow her feathers back in. I put the little chick in with her and she readily took it under wing. So Frizz will be raising a week old chick and a day old chick together.
I wonder if I can get Frizz to take on the incubator chicks when they hatch in a day or two... :/ I'm definitely considering giving that a try.
That is a good idea! I think it should work! I usually mix match my chicks from hen to hen and have never had a problem!
Now I want an incubator! The possibilities would be endless!