The last time I found a hidden nest I put a 2" nail through my knee crawling through the grass to it. I hope you have better luck. I wish the kids the very best for the new school year!
It's not really worth recapping everything but I thought that I would share a culminating moment at the dinner table that just made me break down. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to cry so I kind of did both.
We had spaghetti and when I grabbed the jar of parmesan cheese I realized that it had a large clump in it. So I shook the jar...
The lid popped open and cheese went EVERYWHERE! All over the table, all over the floor, all over everyone's plates, in our drinks - everywhere.
<------ That's a perfect representation of my response.
Em, I would say that you "keeksed out" ... a word my daughter made up when she was around 3 years old...when you laugh and cry at the same time, you are keeksing out
7 days into the new school year and I am already getting a call from B's teacher to say that B was extremely rude and disrespectful today. We cannot have a repeat of last year.
And I know that I'm supposed to be able to share my BIG news today but I have to talk to one person yet...