He used a tree in his pen to his advantage and took a flying leap. Yep he bent the fence down a little but it's not irreparable damage. I see no sense in fixing it and putting him back as it'll become a daily struggle.
Our only hope is that the round bale that was delivered last night will satisfy him and entice him to stay in. If he jumped out of the main field, my patience will likely snap...it's already quite thin.
Right now he is content with the giant hay bale in the big field. As long as he stays that way he'll go until 11/5. But, if I have to chase him one more time I'll grab my gun and knife and be having that burger. My mom thinks that if I shoot him that I'll be digging a hole for him. Heck no! I'm perfectly capable of butchering him. It might not be a pretty job and it might take me forever but I can get it done...and I'm just mad enough to follow through on that threat so the steer better be good.
Starting (very) soon my gluten free baked goods will be offered in a local store here.
Then come spring 2013 they will be available on weekends at a local gourmet food shop.
I took a chance attending the last day of a different Farmer's market today and while sales weren't anything to brag about I did make a couple of important contacts (obviously).
About that dern steer...I have never heard of a steer with such jumping capabilities!!! Sounds like he would like to be a circus steer and jump through hoops. I grew up on a cattle farm and never did we have this!!! Had a few fence crawlers, but never jumpers...wish you could get a photo of him jumping!
Wow that is exciting!! THIS is the news I thought were going to hear about before-so cool that you have two awesome things happening for you right about the same time!
Kids are under the weather today and I had a sinus migraine this morning so we all slept in. And we decided to stay in our pjs today, so lazy day here at Honaker Farm. I think I'll go heat up some zucchini latkes shortly and figure out what we want to top them with for lunch.
I hope everyone is enjoying your long weekend (if you get tomorrow off work / school).