ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
bonbean, thank you so much for sharing! I've never known anyone like myself. I knew there were people out there but since most don't talk about it you just don't know who they are. It makes you feel like you're on an island all alone. Until recently DH has been the only person that I could talk to. Then I opened up to my therapist because how else could I explain some things without really sounding crazy. And then my confession to all of you. And like you, whenever I've ignored my "gift" I've been hurt for it.


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
Em I grew up in a strong Christian family and they believed it came from God. I don't know, but I kind of think everyone has it in different degrees. Seems a bit like a survival thing to me and through the generations it has been ignored or pushed aside. This fear of being seen as a fruitcake keeps people from nuturing it...just my opinion. DH who has never felt "it" this summer one night said something didn't feel right in the bardyard...no unusual sounds or anything, but we went out to check. One of the silly ewe lambs in the weaning pen had managed to jump just high enough and land with her head stuck in a square of the fence...had we not gone to check we would have found her dead in the morning hanging there. Geesh...she is a nice looking ewe, but so far has kept us on our toes...in the catch pen she was the only one able to actually jump/climb out. When moving the sheep if any of them is going to be a wondering exploring, not with the herd...it will be her. Sometimes a pain in the behind, but also very endearing :)

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
Just got caught up. My grandma used to say that we are never given more than we can handle, and those who are given an awful lot, must be extraordinarily strong people. I remember that every time I feel overwhelmed with life, and sometimes it helps (other times I just want to cry and say, uh, yeah, no I am NOT strong enough to get through this so please return to sender). You are a strong person and those kids are in your care because you can handle it.

I do believe that we are all gifted in our own ways, and some experience them in greater degrees. I am a Christian (though I don't often come right out and say it before getting to know someone because I have far too often encountered people that wear it like a cloak for bigotted behavior and I don't want to have anyone assume that I am like that and then never get to know me). That being said, there are plenty of things we don't know or fully understand and your talent I am sure is one of those. I'll have to share with you sometime about something that I went through as a child involving a biological parent and something I can only describe as a premonition that saved me from a very scary situation. ;) Gotta go get kids.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
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Dardanelle, Arkansas
I believe we often get more than we can handle. However, that teaches us humility and to trust and rely on our family and friends. We must learn to say, I can't take this, I need to ask for help.

It also teaches us that we are human and helps us learn to see the value of those around us and to appreciate their love for us and their help.

You have two wonderful kids Elevan. And you are doing a great job with them. They may drive you nuts some day, but what a great mom to be able to allow them to be themselves. There is many a parent that would NEVER allow their kids to be themselves and accept and love them like you do. What an awesome person. And not only that, you are learning to love and accept yourself. Way to go!

Sometimes a curse is really a gift. It isn't weirdness what you have, it is a specialty. And there are others like you. But noone is exactly like you. That is what makes you so awesome and cool. I for one have come to really appreciate your insight, your kindness, your acceptance and your very wonderful gentle personality. Always knew you were awesome just didn't know how much more awesome you were until you told us all about it.

Hang in there and keep on loving yourself.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I have a cold and can barely talk today :(

I sent K out to let the poultry out and then we headed for the pharmacy for some lozenges for my throat.

Kids are going to a Halloween Party tonight with my mom. They are excited for the promised pumpkin carving and hayride. I'm invited too but I just don't feel like being out in the cold air.

Our crazy weather is heading back up to 70* this week after dipping into the 30*s at night and 40-50*s during the day. It's a roller coaster that my sinus and respiratory system don't like at all.

One of our dogs was making a lot of noise last night and when DH went to check Bull (dog) was trying to get to the biggest coon that DH says he has ever seen.

Something is afflicting my duck flock and taking them down (and out), especially my larger ducks. The only thing that seems to fit what is going on is Botulism. (Symptoms: Loss of muscular control of legs, wings and neck - hence the term limberneck. Birds are unable to swallow.) Since the ducks love to root through the manure of our other animals, I would guess that's the source. I have a couple of the ducks in isolation with fresh water and pellets to eat and they seem to be recouping but are thoroughly unhappy to be confined. My smaller ducks seem to be unaffected. It's frustrating because DH had planned to start slaughtering ducks next week and now we've lost some that were intended to eat and we have to wait longer to bring the rest back to full health. It's always something isn't it? :/

DH plans to start slaughtering selected chickens and guineas next week still. Wishing we had Pearce Pastures set up to make things easier :D

The solution to keeping the steer in the field seemed to be dropping a round bale of hay into the field. The funny thing is that he is out there eating grass and ignoring the bale but that's the only change and he's stayed in.

I've been on a house cleaning / organizing / rearranging rampage the past several days. I had quite a bit of fun "shopping" from within the house...moving different things around to different rooms. It looks more inviting and makes more sense now. I tackled the kitchen, dining room, foyer, living room, hall and laundry / mud room. I still have to work on the bedrooms and bathrooms but I think that I've run out of energy for a little while.

There are plenty of projects to accomplish outside too and it seems like the upcoming week is gonna offer the perfect opportunity to get those done.

I need to:
1) Build a cage for Little Roll. We still need to find homes for the 6 baby rabbits too.
2) Finish up a room in the barn that we started.
3) Fix a wall of the barn that Ranger managed to bust loose.
4) Prep the coops and barn for the upcoming winter.
5) Fix a couple of fencing issues
6) Make our culls within the flocks and herd

I've come to the conclusion that a) Farm life is a never ending list of things to do AND b) Motherhood is a never ending list of things to accomplish and learn and c) It sure is tiring. :lol:

Alice Acres

Ridin' The Range
Jul 22, 2012
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I'm fighting off a cold too...and also the lung effects from a very nearby wildfire that blew smoke over us for several days until it finally got put out (peat bogs, kept re-igniting).

Sounds like your list is getting accomplished pretty well, it's just too bad that the list always keeps growing!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio

Dogs were carrying on, guineas were screaming and chickens were squawking, so I looked out the window to see the neighbor's dog chasing guineas and chickens around my yard. Grabbed my gun and ran outside. Took a shot and barely missed but the dog ran home. Pulled out my phone and called the dog warden's office expecting a machine since it's Saturday but surprised that I actually got a person. She took my complaint, said the warden was out of town and that the warden would pay the neighbor a visit on Monday morning and given the amount and nature of my complaints it was time to start issuing citations (about daggone time!) and that in the meantime if I need to shoot the dog over the weekend to prevent it from killing my animals then do so and call and leave a message letting them know.

This neighbor already had to surrender one dog to the warden for killing my cats not that long ago. :smack


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Steer jumped the fence today :rant I should have known that he would as they finished off the round bale last night. We ran him back in and tossed some square bales to him. 2 more daggone weeks :he

While I was in the field, I made a gruesome discovery that just devastated me. :( Cruella - dead. Something had attacked her sometime in the few hours since I let them out this morning and that time (around noon). The back of her skull was missing and her brain had been eaten and the rest of her was just left there. My poor, beautiful Cru is gone. :hit


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
:hit I am so sorry EM. Cruella was a beautiful girl and she will be missed. That is the risk we take when we free range our flocks. With the head being the primary target I woudl normally think coon or possum but not during the daylight. Not sure what to tell you. :hugs