Loving the herd life
We have been breeding Leicester Longwool sheep for a while and have had good experiences with this calm and beautiful breed. This year we split the flock into two barns for Winter and one of the ewes will not enter the barn…even to eat! We have had sub-zero temps (she has plenty of wool) and several feet of snow but she refuses to come in. Her health scale is down to 1 and I have resorted to offering food outside even if it is snowing. She is stable for now but she will have to be euthanized if I can’t figure out how to get her to join her flock. The one issue I can think of is that the new barn has a small ramp to enter and the old one did not. could it be that I need to put rails on either side to make it look like a more safe and secure access? (I don’t know sheep psychology so if anyone does…help!)