Hens and Roos
Herd Master
I have 2 that are due soon and this will be my first time and I am really worried that I might not get things right. I had the vet out about a month ago for a check and when I mentioned them coming if I needed help, she automatically mentioned doing a c-section without trying to reposition so this makes me more apprehensive as I don't want to just go to that option if the kids can be repositioned. I use to rescue deer and I had one that would come up to her shelter and deliver and she never had any problems that I had to help with other than staying with her Thanks for your response, I wish you would post more, boy how I wish you were close to me. Thanks a Bunch.
Do you have cement blocks that they can stand on? I've noticed that our does will stand on them with their front feet to help get the kids into position. Good luck with your kiddings!