EMERGENCY! Puncture wound in abdomen, tetanus and peritonitis?


Loving the herd life
Jan 1, 2010
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Thank you for all the sympathy. I guess if I had to lose one, better a young open doe that I was going to have to feed another year and a half before I'd be able to milk her than one of my big heavily pregnant senior does. Still sad though, she was a real sweetheart, she was my husband's lap dog pretty much. I put in an order today for CDT shots for the next round of kids, tetanus antitoxin, and a bunch of other meds to add to my stockpile. So long, Hanukkah money.... So much for spending my gift on something fun like art supplies. Seems it always goes to the animals instead. :/

Moral of the story: Don't ever skip those CDT vaccinations!


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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Ariel301 said:
Moral of the story: Don't ever skip those CDT vaccinations!
I applaud your sacrifice -- really I do. Definitely get the antitoxin.

But...are you really sure it was tetanus? I know this is all still very tender, and I know what it's like to be at a point after a loss when you just want to forget about it and move on instead of spending a bunch of time analyzing...and if that's the case, ignore me...but my understanding of how tetanus works it that it usually ends in asphixiation due to paralysis of the diaphram.

You mentioned before that she would cry out and paddle occasionally...from that state to death in such a short period of time doesn't *seem* consistent with my understanding of how tetanus progresses..

Could it have simply been septicaemia or something along those lines?

Again, I don't know that it matters at this point...and if it doesn't, by all means just tell me to shut my yapper. I will -- promise.

And, again, I'm *really, really* sorry. I just see that you're kinda beating up on yourself a little for skipping a C/D-T and thinking...but was that *really* it?

:hide :hugs