Worst: All you gotta do is give them sweet feed and they'll be fine. -the man who sold me 3 goats, one of whom was already on deaths door, RIP William H. Bonnie.
Best Advice: Take your shoes off at the door, or you'll track chicken poop in the house.
(God bless my grandmother, she was my role model and inspired me to live a homestead life. This is one SIMPLE lesson she taught me at a young age, and it is very true. I have never forgotten it, and have taken my shoes off at the door all my life. Even at a time when I didn't have chickens, I would do it out of habit! I find myself telling my husband this all the time. What happens when he doesn't follow that advice? Just look at the floor- I've got some sweeping to do... )
This advice was given to my friend by her VET!
"The scours can't be coccidia because it's not that time of year- just give some pepto and antibiotic"
BTW it was a 6 month old kid- my friend had the fecal tested somewhere else... loaded!