ET in labor and not a happy camper! Updated


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Little River-Academy, Texas
ET definitely is in labor, but it's very early. Tried to leave her in with the other goats, but she just wasn't getting to settle down any where and they wouldn't leave her or me alone (mostly me because I was with her). So we moved her to the kidding pen and this is the first time she has ever been away from her mother and the rest of the herd. So saying she is a bit upset is putting it mildly! I even moved our vehicles out of her line of sight so she could see the rest of the herd from her pen. This being her first kidding she has no earthly idea what is going on with her. Poor baby :hugs.

Anyway, hopefully this will go smoothly for her and me. I will post once we have new baby(ies), with pictures. Gotta go put new batteries in the camera right now.....:thLater everyone!


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Little River-Academy, Texas
It's a boy! Here's pictures of the little one! I had to assist because of her pelvis being so small. I also noticed that before her water broke that she had ketotic breath and I knew she would never have the energy to get through the labor without something to boost her. So I gave her 30 mL of NutriDrench and her labor picked up and she had the energy to push while I assisted. He presented hooves and head first, but that darn small pelvis wouldn't allow anything but his hooves through. So, like I said, I had to pull him with her contractions and it was still difficult for her. She wanted nothing to do with the little one, which I don't blame her knowing something like that had caused her that much pain, but I keep putting him back into her face and she finally started licking him. She is a FF. I got 2 squirts of NutriDrench down him and he got to his feet really quickly and was looking for a teat. ET was starving, so I gave her a large helping of feed and BOSS and will give her some molasses water in a few minutes to help her replenish her energy. Whew! Two down, 1 to go!
ET\'s baby 002.JPG
ET\'s baby 003.JPG


  • ET\'s baby 001.JPG
    ET\'s baby 001.JPG
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Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Little River-Academy, Texas
:loveAwwww...what an adorable little baby!!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Thank you! He kept coming to me thinking I was his momma, but I think I got him convinced I don't give milk like his mother! LOL! She was hesitant to nurse him at first, but he was very persistent and of course she gave in to his demands. She'll be a good momma. Got to get to the feed store to get some antibiotic for her since I had to manipulate her so much getting him out. Poor ET's lady parts are pretty puffy, but she's eating and drinking well and taking care of her newborn like she should now. Wish I could give her an ice pack to put on it, but I don't think she would go for it. Anyway, I'm going to take a nap, as I only got 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm really tired.....:th


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Little River-Academy, Texas
I forgot to tell everyone that the reason I knew ET was ketotic, is because I had just watched a Dr. Pol program the weekend before and he was treating a ketotic cow and he said you can tell if they are ketotic by smelling their breath. If it smells sweet and like dirt (like acetone) then they are ketotic. While ET was in labor I just happened to get a whiff of ET's breath and I knew that was what I was smelling! Amazing how I had just learned that and needed it. Being ketotic in late pregnancy, and in her case the delivery, sapped her energy almost to the point of developing toxemia, which is life threatening. I'm thinking that in the future with does who go into labor I will go ahead and treat them at the beginning of labor with Nutri-Drench as a preventative against ketosis and possible toxemia. It's mostly vitamins and glucose to provide quick energy when needed. I figure it couldn't hurt. Better safe than sorry I say....