True BYH Addict
Following…I’d like to see where this goes.
Sounds good. Clean is great - though I'd probably hit it with Bactine - or maybe Vetrycin. Bactine being go to for almost everything. But - I'm still a newbie in the caring for sheep. Dogs, horses chickens been there done that - have them all down pat.No panicking todayshe had some clear discharge this am and everything still looks the same. Found an area on her foot in between hooves that looks like it had some damage and starting to be infected. Reason for lameness so soaked in betadine and have her in separate pen. She was being a bit more distant from others and bleating. Prob getting close. We'll see how she does separate otherwise will get her back with others and see. Thankfully she will let me soak her feet. Wasn't sure if antibiotics or meds at this point since she will be possible lambing. Got foot as cleaned as possible. With the nasty snow melt mess I wanted her in a clean area while I clean the cement area she likes to be in and throw down something clean for her to be in.