I'm the same way. I love love love the unusual. I see no point in something unless it's unique. If she ever got stolen I would be able to easily identify her, I wouldn't be able to do that as easily if she were correctly patterned.
Today is supposed to be the day! I'm at work till 5:00 so I'm having my boyfriend go check on her to see if we have any babies Fingers are crossed!
Welcome to the forum. I hope to see pics of new kits soon. Don't get too worried if she didn't kindle. I thought Cassie was due Dec 1st. She kindled the 16th, 31 days from the last breeding session which was 2 weeks after they bred the first time.
Well it's a week past when we thought she was due and still nothing.
But I'm not totally sure that it was her that they said the due date was Dec 23. It could have been another doe and I overheard it and the date is stuck in my mind. I don't know but i hope she surprises us.
Most does will give you some signs that they are "expecting." Some won't do this, but the majority of mine have become "touch me nots" once they become pregnant. If a generally friendly doe starts hiding in the corner and whining or growling when you try to pet her, you can pretty much bet she's got a litter on the way. Most does will try to make a nest well before the babies are due. They may start digging in one corner of the cage, as though trying to dig a burrow. You may see a doe carrying a whole handful of hay around in her mouth (they can look really silly doing this!). Usually, these behaviors will appear at least a week before the doe is due to kindle.
Of course, if this is the first time this doe was bred, she might do none of the above. I have had does that gave me no signs at all until mere minutes before there were babies in the nest box! With rabbits, each doe is different; you never know what a doe's pattern of behavior will be until she's gone through it at least once.
I know you were expecting babies a week ago, but I wouldn't count her out just yet. She might have gotten bred on her way to the sale, or at the sale itself (the rabbits may have been handled by people unfamiliar with rabbits). I would keep a nest box with her until at least 32 days past the day you got her, just in case.
I'm definately keeping the box in with her. I could easily have heard Dec 23rd due date for another doe and they may not have said a due date for this girl