Don't be surprised if you have to repeat the worming in 2 weeks. It can take a couple of doses to take care of it. But it sounds like he will lick this thing.
Thanks for the support. I was very encouraged to have to reprimand him tonight, he was so zippy and naughty! He was feelin' good! And HUNGRY! I gave in and lightly pruned an apple tree for him, spoiled boy.
His poo was the worst ever this morning. Total dog poo. Soft dog poo. Someone please tell me that this is because of normal worm die-off. I have some huge stresses that are demanding my immediate attention today and tomorrow, so I need to know from you experienced folks how much to worry about this. I simply won't be home much and it can't be helped, but there is the flashlight at midnight..... :/ I should be "off" on Tues/Wed (usually work harder on those days, just at home!)
If he was as "loaded with worms" as you say, he will be passing lots of dead stuff for a couple of days. This may cause an unusual(?) texture/consistency to what might be "normal". As long as he isn't scouring and covering his backside with "junk", I wouldn't worry overly. It might not hurt to give him some more B complex and an iron supplement wouldn't hurt either....
As to feeding, if I had a section of pasture I knew to be infested I would keep him off it until the grass was at least 6-8" tall. I would also spray a Sevin mixture on it ASAP to kill all the potential and now viable larval parasites, then again in a few weeks. If There is no where else for him to go I would feed him only hay in a hay feeder off the ground and imediately, as possible clean up any dropped hay and burn it, so he couldn't eat it once it has potentially been in contact with larval BP worms...Strict and "over the top" ? Maybe but it works especially if you have an over-infestation of worms.
He is in a small pen, it is my only option for him, but it is small enough to clean thoroughly. He is fed a bit of grass hay in a rack that is almost waste-free, and mostly eats from branches and goldenrod that I tie in bundles on his fence. And a wall feeder with free-choice alfalfa pellets, until I can get second cut alfalfa hay.
He is getting no grain right now, until this is resolved.
I am giving him supplements and probios twice a day. Drenched him the first time, now he sucks 'em down.
His poo was better by this evening, still not perfect, but improving.
What do you consider "loaded" on a fecal sample slide? I am used to seeing 3-15 eggs per slide, and I stopped counting at around 50 before I was 1/3 of the way across this slide. Combined with dog poo and thinness and anemia, thought that was "loaded." But I really don't know what would actually be considered super high for egg counts. Based on what I counted, I would guess the entire slide would likely contain close to 200 eggs, almost all barberpole, as there was an air bubble on the part I counted and none on the rest of the slide.
Anyone know what the scale looks like, what is low, medium, high? I usually deworm as the numbers climb into the higher teens.