Loving the herd life
I know not very BYH but how do u guys put on eyeliner (pencil not liquid)? i don't want something big and dramatic just casual
not snow but cold and ice and freezing temps20kidsonhill said:sorry can't help you with that, I haven't worn make-up for years. I don't even own any make'up right now.
My daughter really likes the roll-up little tube of eye-liner that is soft(like a soft crayon), but It seems expensive and she goes through it really fast.
Get any snow yet???
so rite now i have black but i'll try a lighter shade next timewoodleighcreek said:I put it just above my lash line. For casual, I dont use black. Usually brown or a purplish brown.
k tht was on of my questions (where best to put it)secuono said:I put it right in between/over the lashes. Never over on the skin and never under where the two halves of the eye lid touch when closed.
It looks far more natural that way. I only use black, my lashes aren't brown or any other weird
You want to find a pencil that has a very creamy mark, not the ones where you really need to rub it on. It should easily mark on your hand w/little pressure. You can even find ones that have very thin tips.
I have the soft one. those hard ones look like they hurt...daisychick said:I put it on my top lid right along the eyelash line. I only do the outer half of my lid to make my eye look more open I guess. I use a really soft crayon type of liner, the ones that twist out of the pencil like tube. The hard pencil ones scratch the eyelid. I use black and sometimes purple or light green.
Oh and don't worry about asking about this on the BYH forum. It is just as relevant as anything else on the Games, Jokes and Fun thread.
Mine?manybirds said:i like your avatarChikn Luva said:You could have been a little nicer, ya know... :/ChickieBooBoo said:Your asking on a farm forum how to put eyeliner on???
Ask your mom or sister or something, its not something you can really explain on here. :/