Same as a full size Jersey?
8.6 lbs per gallon is the industry standard isn't it?
Jersey: 12,699 lbs of milk per year.
"Assuming" 365 days of production, that is 35 lbs/day.
35lbs ÷ 8.6=4.04 gal/day.
Did anyone read the story about the Holstein that just set a record ?
I think it was 77,000 lbs
I remember it worked out to 25 gallons per day
And that farms herd average is 44,000 I think
There was a pic of her in the story I read
Of course we raise goats but my wife worked at the dairy at NC State which had Holsteins and she was in some dairy judging group too
Her conformation was excellent
If she were a goat she would be a 92 EEEE
I bet the price of semen straws from her sire and any of her male offspring just went up
@greybeard Don't they give cows two months off like they do goats? Not sure what they would do to the math. I was just browsing around forums to look at prices and saw a lot of people saying that the mini Jersey gave 3.5-4 gallons a day.
Not to get into the math on this but really the price is really the novelty factor
To me a mini Jersey could be had a lot cheaper it would just be called a Sannen or an Alpine
But if you want what you want and you can afford the price then go for it