family dog


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 8, 2017
Reaction score
Personally, I would research the breeds that "Fit the Bill" of the purpose for the dog and the characteristics and personality that would best fit your son.

This is nonsense. There are more differences between dogs within a breed than between breeds. You want a good dog, get one from someone who actually knows the dog and doesnt breed them. The best dogs Ive known were mixes who were old as the hills. You dont want a dog that will grow up to be who knows what. You want a dog that is known, who is trained, who has years of good reputation with children. Just because you get a puppy doesnt mean it will grow up to be an angel who is perfect for you. Most dogs in shelters were bought as puppies. JS


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Actually, with the cost of testing, stud fees, vaccinations, etc. you won't make money breeding dogs. If you are breeding show dogs, the cost of finishing a champion is exorbitant and the return from puppies is not there. I no longer breed dogs because I believe that there are plenty of great puppies and dogs out there.
There are lots of good purebreds and lots of good rescue dogs too. Most rescue dogs are not to blame for their situation but everyone has their choice.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I don't have a whole lot to add to the on going discussion, but there is 1 very important thing that has to be considered with whatever breed ya settle on....your son. I can tell ya from experience that to him the ideal dog will be a pup....with them growing up together they will have their own special relationship that will be priceless for his entire life....and he won't care if it is PB or mix....breeder born or shelter rescue...or, even the amount it cost to get it. Personally, I would research the breeds that "Fit the Bill" of the purpose for the dog and the characteristics and personality that would best fit your son. Having farm animals also has to play a part in the the size range that ya are looking for I wouldn't discredit a Jack Russell....they are a terrier, but are highly trainable and very loyal....and Super smart. I know whatever ya decide it will be a really good one....just remember there aren't any perfect dogs out there....they all have their own personal quirks and personalities....just like all the other animals ya deal with.....:)
Well said.
@promiseacres the thread has definitely taken a life of it's own. ;) CntryBoy777 makes a great point. See who your son meshes with. Within our large family there are so many personalities and many differences as far as dogs go.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
I don't have a whole lot to add to the on going discussion, but there is 1 very important thing that has to be considered with whatever breed ya settle on....your son. I can tell ya from experience that to him the ideal dog will be a pup....with them growing up together they will have their own special relationship that will be priceless for his entire life....and he won't care if it is PB or mix....breeder born or shelter rescue...or, even the amount it cost to get it. Personally, I would research the breeds that "Fit the Bill" of the purpose for the dog and the characteristics and personality that would best fit your son. Having farm animals also has to play a part in the the size range that ya are looking for I wouldn't discredit a Jack Russell....they are a terrier, but are highly trainable and very loyal....and Super smart. I know whatever ya decide it will be a really good one....just remember there aren't any perfect dogs out there....they all have their own personal quirks and personalities....just like all the other animals ya deal with.....:)
I agree, a pup will be best. For my son and the fact we have a dog who is very used to being an only dog. She's never shown agression but...


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Well said.
@promiseacres the thread has definitely taken a life of it's own. ;) CntryBoy777 makes a great point. See who your son meshes with. Within our large family there are so many personalities and many differences as far as dogs go.
I know... just been watching...reading.... frankly last few rescues weren't great experiences (one wasnt housetrsined, and had heartworms.... both things lied about, truth omitted by a rescue :barnie)! I hate when a rescue labels a dog as a breed and you know it's off.
but to pay over $500 for a pup....IDK. guess I'll keep you all posted. We may not get one until after our fair.... but my friends pups are now about 10 days old. Definitely appreciate all the input.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Well said.
@promiseacres the thread has definitely taken a life of it's own. ;)

Understatement of the year. :) They can be a pain in some ways but my favorite lifetime pet was a small Beagle. They have the fun personality of the Jack Russel and the intensity to focus which the Jack Russel often does not.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
This is nonsense. There are more differences between dogs within a breed than between breeds. You want a good dog, get one from someone who actually knows the dog and doesnt breed them. The best dogs Ive known were mixes who were old as the hills. You dont want a dog that will grow up to be who knows what. You want a dog that is known, who is trained, who has years of good reputation with children. Just because you get a puppy doesnt mean it will grow up to be an angel who is perfect for you. Most dogs in shelters were bought as puppies. JS
Well, we all can speak of our own experiences, but to throw a blanket out there to cover all ya don't know or have experienced and label it as "Nonesense" doesn't accomplish the "Goal" of this "Thread". It is obvious that ya have a strong "Opinion", but that sure doesn't make ya right....and such a snappy attitude sure doesn't give any credibility to your stance either. I have raised dogs of varying breeds and mixes since I was in the 3rd grade, I'll soon be 60yrs, I've seen and experience quite a few and am raising a PB GSD at the moment. I sure won't get into a posting match, but @promiseacres is asking for serious dialogue about this topic and not someone standing on a soapbox. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but so am I...whether ya are pleased by it or, allow her to weigh information gained, because it is her "Thread" not yours.....:)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
What is that supposed to mean? Ive worked with rescue dogs for decades and have seen the sh*te that comes from supposed reputable breeders. Those 'titled' dogs end up in shelters more often than you know. Its really sick how someone can spend thousands on a dog and then dump them in a shelter when they dont want them any more. It happens ALL the feckin time. Sorry, hun, no rose colored glasses here. Just someone who has seen the reality of it all. Maybe you should volunteer at a rescue or shelter and help kill these supposedly well bred dogs? You might change your breeder loving tune.
Edit to add entire post in quote.
It means that you ONLY see what you see. And the fact that all you see is sh*te leads you to believe that it's all there is. Sorry, but that's simply not the case. You DON'T see all the wonderful dogs from breeders that DON'T pass through your hallowed halls. You have a very "narrow" view on which you profess very "broad" statements.

I suggest "Hun", that your view is somewhat jaded. As an aside, there were many years in my past when I did volunteer work along the lines you suggest. But it has been many years and It hasn't been a topic of discussion. I still visit the local dog pound here on a rather regular basis. I don't care for "shelters" as they are indeed for profit enterprises.
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Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
@promiseacres I wish you well with your new dog (when the time comes)!

Everyone will have their own mindsets, but I think in the end, you will know what's right and I look forward to following your journey.
Love being able to keep up with the "regular" BYH members. I think this will be awesome for your son.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
I apologize for spewing font on your thread @promiseacres and hope whatever you choose is the absolute best for you and your family. Decisions involving lots of $$ are never easy and you have to take many things into consideration. No matter what you do, I'm sure your kid(s) will be thrilled with a new puppy or dog. Looking forward to pics down the road. :)