What a day. I got home from getting the monitor and somehow my dogs and goats got out. They were all easy to catch. But the dogs got my chickens! . I'm so sad! I have found 3 of my 12 alive and 2 dead. One of the 3 is touch and go. Hopefully they all ran and hid, guess I'll know more when it's time to close the coop tonight.
So after I got that mess straightened out I started feeding the goats. As I was checking Daisy I noticed her udder was wet. I watched for a minute and she is leaking colostrum. Is that a sign that she may go soon or could she still be a month out and leak? Thanks for any advice.
Edited to add:
I brought her in the kidding stall so that I could make sure I could see her on the camera. She is quite happy in there. I feel so bad for her though. She keeps getting up and back down. Then up and back down. Then she lays flat and stretches back. Then gets back up and paws the ground a couple times and back down again. I don't know if she is just uncomfortable or getting the kids in place. Ugh! She ate her grain but isn't touching the hay.
Now she is curling her lip and grunting too! Ahh! Maybe it's time!
Well I would have thought so too. The little heifer decided she wanted to mess with me one more time though. I sat with her last night for 3 hours! The first 2.5 she pawed the ground, was up and down, stretching and arching her back, panting and grunting, curling her lip, talking to her belly... I thought for sure it was time. Then she all of a sudden got up and started munching on her hay. She looked at me as if to say, "What?! I just had gas." She is going to drive me insane before all is said and done. She must have read up on the doe code, probably made some of her own rules too.
Well, I spent the day with my best friend at an amusement park today. I thought for sure since we had this planned that we would come home and find babies. Wrong yet again. This girl is driving me bonkers. I would assume that she is on track for the April 17th kidding since we are so far past March 17th but she seems so much more developed than Sara is and she is due 3 days before Daisy. I dunno. I guess I just give up. I'm telling you guys, Wednesday night I would have bet $1,000 that we would have kids by Thursday morning!
Well, Daisy is still driving me nuts. She is back to doing her lip curls today. I have her in the kidding stall and I'm watching her on the monitor inside. She is up and down and yelling alot again. She had chunky white stuff this morning. She has been stretching alot the past two days. It's like she pushes her belly down and stretches her back legs out. It's weird. Anyhow, that's the latest update on her. Sara is still acting like she is due in April 15.