Farmer Tired of Kiko Goats - selling herd in Raleigh, NC

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Overrun with beasties
May 23, 2009
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n.smithurmond said:
Calliopia said:
And in the world of free range meat goats.. the statement "never wormed or trimmed" can actually be a good thing. It can be a sign of a very low maintenance goat.
That's what I was thinking- they didn't get it because they didn't need it. We hope anyway!
That can also be the reason for orphaned kids. Does in need, by instinct, will take care of themselves before taking responsiblility for a new kid. Kikos, being nearly unmodified or overbred, could live more closely to this law than some of our more "civilized" breeds. No Need to trim hooves or deworm can be a good thing...providing the animals are putting kids on the ground and then bringing them to weaning with a sufficieny milk supply and little body condition loss for the doe. If they are leaving kids to fend for themselves I would think some new management practices would be in order, probably starting with a round of hoof trims and deworming agents for those in need....Followed VERY closely by a heavy cull.


Chillin' with the herd
Feb 18, 2012
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Sorry guys you read this ad ALL WRONG!!! I know this breeder, he is basically saying IF YOU are tired of trimming hooves and having to constantly deworm THEN try Kiko's. He absolutely does not neglect his livestock. Kiko's and NZ (New Zealand) Goats are from NZ and original feral stock and because of their origins they are parasite resistant. Hence, rarely, if any deworming! Their hooves do not need trimming. Many Boer breeders are crossing for percentages with Kiko's to help with the parasite issues, as well as hooves.
BoKi or Genemasters are the results. Producing a great goat.
Kiko moms do not abandon their kids which is a problem with many of the other breeds of goats. They are awesome mothers. Kiko's are meat goats but they are actually great milk producers too. The price of his goats are not unreasonable. He is not tired of goats.
The ad was worded poorly, so it's understandable that it could be interpreted that way. Don't stress- He is a good guy!
We have Nigerians and a La Mancha. When we started researching for meat goats we received quite an education. Boers are everywhere here, and they are fine animals, however, breeder after breeder we heard the same issues. I'm thankful so many breeders don't just tell you the good stuff but the drawbacks too! That's when we really started looking at the Kiko/NZ. Our choice became easy at that point.

Parasite resistant
No hoof issues
Excellent moms
Very little human intervention needed

So you can enjoy your goats without the stress and without the loss!!! Proud owners now of KIKO's
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