Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, Happy Thanksgiving to all again. It was a pretty nice day. We wound up with just .25 rain total. Sure glad that @WolfeMomma is keeping all that snow to herself !!! Talked to my father in NH and he says he is still progressing a little with the therapist that is coming to the house since he is home. They just got cold rain, no snow.

Breezy still this morning, but the sun was out so not bad, cool.... I went up and got the 3 ewes in with the other sheep, they had found the spot I left open for them. Then was trying to get the 3 out loose, in. Son came up the road with the truck and 2 rolls to go to "my pasture" so came down through the field and they went in the gate to the small field that I had just gotten the others out of. I had opened both gates. So just fixed it so they can find the hole in the fence that he had put a gate in front of back awhile ago, and they will get it sorted out. Tomorrow they all ought to be in the front section where there is grass and I can just close the gate back over the hole. That section of fence there, all needs to be replaced along that part, so I don't feel bad about using the hole in the fence as a "gate" so to speak to get them where I want them.

I had gone up earlier to the barn, and found 2 calves out, not one. So I walked them up along the fence, then parked my truck to where I could open the gate against it, and finally got them into the field with their mothers. There is a "laneway" that goes out to the road, and all the fields open out into it so it makes moving the cattle between them easy. At least I didn't have to worry about them getting out into the road. So for now, all is quiet there, and hopefully all are together now.

Put chicken feed into the barrel and will have to do a good feeding tomorrow. Supposed to be sunny and 50 again, then some clouds and rain coming in sat aft/eve and rain on Sunday.

Saw a couple of things I might go out early to TSC tomorrow morning.... didn't realize they had their "black Friday" sale starting on Wed or I would have gotten that stuff on Wed. I just got the flier read. Cat food is a few dollars off, and I usually get it at Wal-mart for the outside barn cats, but this is a little cheaper on sale, so will probably pick up a couple more bags. Have unlined bibs 20% off and I need a pair, got 2 pair of insulated ones but sometimes I just need a little extra warmth on my knees. Also have their Christmas stuff 30-40% off, couple of things I might like. They also have a pk of 4 game cameras that are $50 off.... would like to look at them. Thought I would get a bag of sunflower seed and wild bird seed for a friend that feeds the birds in the winter. Shavings are 2/$10 so might get a couple too for future....

Cattle panels are $2 off in case anyone needs any, through Dec 1st.

Just trying to decide if I really want to get up early......the cat food is good through the 1st, the game cameras are the only thing that is exclusive to Friday I think. Maybe the bird seed....

FINALLY, Got the clothes washed to hang out in the morning. Didn't do the sheets or blankets, will just take all them one day when I don't have so many other clothes to go out. Guess I could get up early, go to TSC, then come home and hang the clothes, then go get my meters from the farm where they take them down, so I have them for Sat. Then go up to do the chickens, feed extra so won't have to go back on Sunday if it is raining. Been doing them in halves everyday so I am in and out of there daily, but otherwise do them every other day unless the water freezes. Not calling for any real cold weather so might just feed extra and not have to go for 2 days. He is in and out some since he has the automatic truck to drive, so I don't feel the need to go in and out everyday.

And the farm that I wanted to drop meters off, for them to test on Mon eve/Tues morn said that was good, so I can save myself 2 trips since I will be right near there both Sat to drop them and Tues to pick them up. YAY, something actually falling into place.

Going to go empty the dish drainer and do another sinkful of dishes, then get a good hot shower and quit for the night....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Oh yeah, forgot that I have to go pick up my tire. It kept getting soft and so I had the co-op put the spare on, Wed before I went to the chiropractor, and told them to just see if they could find the problem. Well, it had been plugged, the plug was leaking a little. So they put a patch and replugged it. It has about 75% tread that is why I really was hoping to get it fixed. But I was tired of having to put air in it and figured one day I would come out and it would be flat. It is between here and the farm where the meters are and TSC is further south, so have to go right by it. Now if I just remember....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It is Friday afternoon. I got about half done what I planned, but that's okay. Didn't go to TSC early, just looked at the clock and said NOPE..... Got up and did get all the laundry on the line except about half the underwear, so hung them in the house where I often do. Thank goodness I didn't do the sheets and blankets. I had 9 pair of jeans..... not counting all the shirts, and all the sweatshirts and everything, from the "barn clothes", plus the delicate fabrics. There were quite a few of the short sleeved shirts I wear in the barns when I test too, from several weeks ago when we had some warm days. They will all get hung and put away in the closet til spring. Then went to see about the tire switch, but they were busy and it isn't a life or death thing, so I said I'd be back the first of the week. The spare on the truck is good. Then stopped and got all the meters loaded in the back of the truck and talked to the one brother there for about 15 min.. He said he had to go to a funeral tomorrow for a cousin..... 48 yrs old, worked in computers (some "computer stuff" he said) and he just died. Didn't know if it was a heart attack or what. They are fairly scattered and the wife didn't disclose the reason when they talked. Still very SAD.
He is 63, younger brother is 61...... said it was really sad to lose family members that were that much younger than him.

Then went to TSC. Of course the game cameras were gone, but I did get 3 bags of the cat food, a bird seed and a black oil sunflower seeds. Looked at the Christmas stuff and saw one little "ornament" that looks like a white enameled tin cup with a very decent rooster on it. Not alot "hit me" so didn't spend as much money as I could have. Didn't get the shavings since I had the back of the truck full with the meters, hoses, and the cat food and bird seed bags.

Then I stopped at Walmart and it was busy but found out that they opened at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving, so most of the "crazies" were done and gone. This was after 1 p.m.. Did some grocery shopping, then came home & unloaded the cold stuff, then went to do the chickens. Saw my son in passing, he was going "home" as he put it, to her house. Said he was hurting, had done too much and everything ached. GF wanted to go hunting & he was going to stay with the daughter whom he gets along with pretty good. Whatever. I spent some time, unloaded the bag of chicken feed off the truck, did all the chickens, and then stopped to drop off the bird seed. Penny's husband Glen was there, helped put the 2 bags in the building & we were talking for a minute and it started to sprinkle a little. So I scooted home, got all the clothes off the line and in the house and the 3 bags of cat food in too. Going to decide what to eat for some supper. I didn't get the dishes put away or the other ones washed so plan to do that then maybe sit and pack some books. Got a bunch of sewing/pants-patching to do so might do that. The forecast looks like rain this eve and most of the day tomorrow, so can find plenty to do inside. My knee and ankle are both aching, on them too much I guess. Plus the weather makes them ache more.

The JOYS OF GETTING OLD !!!!! :old :old :tongue:tongue:rant:somad:th:th:he:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hate when livestock gets out. We have good fences, so not a problem, but after a storm, I check the fencelines, there are so many trees here.

At least your calves were easy to get put back in where they belonged.

Laundry is done, that has to make you feel better. Maybe not all of it, but enough to be dressed this week. LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The calves didn't "get out'; my son didn't get them all the way moved through the field into the new field where the cows were. It was more of a job not fully done and him not realizing it because...... and because he can't get around on the crutches to go move them down the field. I certainly can't walk very good, but I would've made sure they followed the cows. But, done and over, they came on their own which I figured they would if he had just left them all alone to start with, and I got them up the lane and in with the rest. It was just frustrating because he "had to do it" and I wanted to just let them do it on their own so they would all be there together. That is something that I have learned BECAUSE I know I can't run after/chase them like when I could walk better.

Yes, actually all the laundry is done. I have several sets of sheets so that's not a problem. Sure am glad I didn't do the blankets as they never would have been dried because I ran out of line space. Looking to probably do the sewing/patching tomorrow. Weather is going to clear off again and being decent next week several days so I think I might try to do the blankets because there won't be anything else to do.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Starting out with a chilly wet morning. 44 and sprinkles, showers. Looks like we might be on the northern edge so don't know how much we will actually get.

Farm just texted me that I was going to test this afternoon, and wants to put it off..... I put them off last sat when I had tested 5 days straight..... planned to drop off the meters at the other farm that does the owner sampling, after I tested this one to save a trip..... now I will have to make a trip up there today or tomorrow. The owner sampler farm is going to test Mon eve/Tues morn and I am going to pick up the meters and samples and all after I do the big farm Tues morning. Oh well, still will only have to make one special trip but I really was hoping to not have to make any special trips this time. Don't mind not having to go out and get wet up there at the farm, getting the meters out of the truck and all that......but really wanted to get them done.

So, I am going to go in and get some sewing done I think, then go up and check cows and all. Take the 4x4 since I haven't driven it for a couple days. It is supposed to go in and get the u-joints checked, and I want them to do the tailgate holder cables that I got, and replace a back brake line that has a leak.
Got a squeaky fan belt in the 2wd ranger, son said there is a small leak from the radiator and it is getting wet.... gotta get that looked at now.
Yep, always something with a vehicle..... but when I think of how much I use them, and rely on them, and that they keep me WARM AND DRY in this cold wet weather, I am glad that I don't have to use a horse all the time..... and horses have "breakdowns" like going lame and such too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's Sunday; was raining early, supposed to be moving out of the area, some sun and a bit warmer. Then supposed to get colder, windy and chilly. Possible flurries tomorrow, then back up to 50+ and sun for the better part of the mid week. Hoping the sun comes out in a little bit so I can go up to do chickens at son's house. 41 earlier, only up to 45 so far. If the sun would come out it would just "feel warmer".

Going to do a few more things here then go up regardless if the sun it out. Time to eat some lunch and then get my butt in gear.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday eve...... oh "just another day in paradise"....... well, started out chilly, 37 mostly cloudy still,. Windier and so really feeling the chilliness. Got a text from son about the bull at one pasture, seems he went to the neighbors..... GRRRRR... they will get him in in a couple days and then I will have to take truck and trailer over and get him. The fences at this pasture are all good except along this one side and the neighbor refuses to go halves on replacing it; he has cattle against it so is responsible for the cost of half of the line fence.... guy we rent from is willing so that all fences are new or real good...... so just another aggravation. I am assuming that the 12 cows( with their calves) there are all pregnant so the bull was looking for more "work" next door.

So decided to go take the meters up to the farm and drop them off. Did that then left and headed back. Went a couple miles, was going to stop and get gas and all of a sudden there was smoke (steam) everywhere out from under the hood. Got into the parking area of the station, opened the hood and steam everywhere. A young guy in a pu came up, said that he had seen the smoke, was a member of the fire dept and thought maybe there was a fire, but saw that it didn't look like it. He was really nice and I thanked him, then I let the steam disperse. Got some water, added it and started the truck, moved it to a better spot & shut it off again to check it out. There was water dripping underneath, looked like it was from the water pump. So I called the guys who had just fixed the brakes (replaced the leaking wheel brake cylinder) and they came and got it on the flat bed car hauler truck. They were going to do the u-joints on the 4x4 ranger tomorrow. So instead, I asked them to put the 2wd ranger in, instead, and figure out the waterpump or whatever, is the problem. A friend came and picked me up at the local station where I had the guy drop me off, one exit before where he would have gotten off, right off the interstate at my normal exit, she took me to get my 4x4 ranger, and I went down to get the rest of the equipment I needed for work on Thursday, and other stuff I needed out of the cab, and talked to them there about working on it instead of the 4x4. I had a new thermostat to put in it, and told them to also check out the heater core since my son had flushed it out but it had had so much junk in it. I will check with them tomorrow afternoon and see what is what. I still think it is the waterpump, and if they have it out then the thermostat will be easy to replace at the same time.
Then went to my sons and did a "quickie job" on the chickens, did the ones that really needed and will do all of them tomorrow. There are a few pens that were fine, but a few that has several chickens and they need more feed and so I wanted them to have something this evening. Was planning to do them on my way home from dropping off the meters at that farm, then come home and get stuff ready for tomorrow. Things never go as you think.

Got all the stuff in the 4x4, as long as I don't have the hubs locked in, or run it in 4wd, I don't hear the squeak, so I am thinking it is the u-joint in the front axle for the 4wd. So I will drive it to the farm to test tomorrow because I really need to get this farm tested. Got the girl who is going to help when I am off with the ankle replacement, coming to help in place of Michael....rather than helping Michael in place of me like was planned. I didn't want to try to change the test.

Oh to just make life more interesting....

I am going to wrap a sandwich I just made (made 2) for tomorrow morning, have some granola bars and stuff to munch on and several drinks and juice and water in the truck too. Got to put the printer and computer in the truck for the Owner sampler farm where I will pick up the stuff after I get the big farm done in the morning. Got all the boxes of bottles in the truck..... Hope I am not forgetting anything.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We had .7 inch of rain that I dumped out of the rain gauge today. Will be glad when this "cold front" with this wind, passes through and Wed is supposed to be warmer and not so much wind. But it still beats the 4-12 inches of snow that Pa and other areas are supposed to / are presently getting. BRRRRR....

Hope everyone's surgeries go/went well on Monday and Tuesday...... and SOOOOOO glad that @B&B Happy goats , Barb's eye, is doing good and she will be able to get back to some "normal" life.....