Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a miserable start to the day yesterday. 1/4 inch ice, had to really work at getting it scraped off the truck windshield. 29 to start.
Went with my son to a hearing at court...... yep..... about the cell tower again. She is trying to say now that this is a disagreement between landowners and that Verizon has no place in it. Because we are supposedly not following the restrictive covenants, which it was noted that she had also built some sheds that were not in compliance because they did not have "living quarters" that met the minimum requirements.... Well, at the last one, where the judge found in our favor, he said that he didn't understand why Verizon was not involved in the action. Verizon has finally decided to get into it, and with that they will be picking up the attorney costs now..... even whatever our attorney does. The judge found in our favor, to allow Verizon as a party to the lawsuit, because they do have an interest since they are leasing the piece of property, and then the judge ruled in our favor that Verizon could file a suit against them.... which they tried to block. She had hired another law firm from up in Washington DC area, there were 3 attorneys there for her, we had the Verizon attorney and the local one we had been using. In the meantime, since the county has approved it, and all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed, they can go and start the project anyway. I think that it is a foregone conclusion that we will eventually prevail.... One other neighbor that is being a real b$#@h about it has said she will fight it to the "supreme court" ...... that neighbor's husband has said that it is no skin off his back if they build it or not; that it won't hurt anything.....but that wife is as bad as this next door neighbor.... after my son had the fall, right there at his property, and had to wriggle around on the ground to finally be able get service to make the call, because there is a dead spot right there, he hopes that if it goes to an actual "hearing" again, (this last one was for a motion to allow Verizon into the suit, that's all), that it will be brought up about how he could have been in serious trouble due to the dead spot, if he had not been able to get a call out.

Roads were slick in spots, but the rain finally was melting it all off. It stayed right around 39-40 all night. This morning it is 42 and cloudy. Had some pretty steady rain earlier. I am going to go make sure I have everything I need for work, go by and do the chickens, and the pasture and feed the cows some grain and 1/2 bale of hay. Will have to feed them above the pen as it will be a muddy mess and no sense in having the cows in there and someone slipping in the mud. Since they are coming down, I am not worried about feeding them a little above it on drier ground. I walked all around them Thursday when they were all in the pen and they were pretty calm. So I don't think I will have any problem, to get them in and then load them. Just don't want that one cow to slip and go down, or the calves to get spooky and get riled up.

We went to the stockyards yesterday to watch the sale. Not much there due to the weather. Prices about the same as they have been; steers from 1.20 to 1.50 according to quality. Heifers 1.10 to 1.25. Mostly in the 350 to 500 weights, some bigger ones there yesterday. Nothing to get excited about. This is not a good time of year to sell anyway with the holidays. We are going to have to get our biggest group of steers home from pasture in a couple of weeks. Just turned them into the last big field for grass. I think he is going to earmark about 15-20 to go in the Rockbridge Cattlemans assoc sale so they will have to have the MLV shots as soon as they get to the barn, then again 2 weeks before the sale in March. That is going to be all on him after the 5th of Feb when I have to go to Duke for the replacement.
Got one bull in with cows to start breeding, hope to maybe get another one or 2 into places with the cows in a week or so. Got to look at the heifers I have at snyders, where I have the nurse cows. Probably going to let most of my heifers get bred, but there are 3 or 4 that are just smaller that I am not in love with that will go with the group to be sold. Have to get the cows with calves in and work them and get them up to the winter pasture with the other 12 we did a month ago. The calves next year, are going to be strung out again, not in a close together group, if we don't get these worked and out with the bull. I guess we have a good reason to be a little bit out of step, but then I want to do stuff and since he is semi-mobile, and back to making decisions, things aren't getting done like I like. I would have had Caleb back already and gotten another group through the barn and moved up to the winter pasture already. I am going to go up to the barn at snyders and get the group of heifers in, they hang around looking for feed when I go in to check them, and sort out the ones I don't want to breed and get them moved out. But it has to be a little drier than this as it gets slick up there around the barn and it is hard to get the trailer backed up to get them loaded if it is muddy.

Time to get out and get going to head to work.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Sorry to hear that the court stuff continues, not surprised though. She'll probably still be fighting it when she uses the new tower to make a call to her lawyers. Doesn't help that she has a like minded neighbor to keep her going.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Maybe if I find a SINKHOLE big enough in one of the fields..........

Thing is now, it is costing her own money and we finally are getting a relief. Plus the Judge didn't seem too impressed with their 3 lawyers..... and since he shot down both of the times they tried to block this, I think that we are going to be successful. Just a PITA and stressful aggravation. Target date to start the roadwork and all is April.....which we can legally do since it is county approved. Just so much BS.... hoping that she will decide to go back to live in Boston or wherever her family is..... since it is so burdensome on her to travel back and forth. I feel somewhat sorry for her husband with all his heart problems.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I feel somewhat sorry for her husband with all his heart problems.
Caused by her, no doubt.

The other PITA is just that. Another "transplant" with more money than sense.....she runs her mouth about alot of things in the community.

I can't stand women like that. Any way you could take her snipe hunting?