Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Hey guys & gals.... it's pushing 11 p.m. and finally have a little relief from the "acheyness". After some time of just trying to relax, I gave in and got a dose of pain med. Took about an hour or so for it to finally get it to calm down. But now I can sit up with my foot on the bed, and not see stars or feel like it was going to overwhelm me..... I didn't think it had gotten so far and then it took a little to get it back down. But I am definitely better than before.

The male CNA from the other night of my hysterics/nut case night was back on tonight. He was off yesterday. He was very nice and I thanked him for the help Wed with all the unwanted visits and all. He brought my dinner and said he heated up my cornbread so it was warmer. He had to do my bp and all; with it at 128/74; and then just now came by to see if there was anything I needed. He said that I was the easiest patient on the floor. After Wed I am surprised he didn't ask for a transfer to another wing!!!!!! So, I am going to go in and wash up and hit the sack in a bit. I hope to sleep better tonight. Presently watching a "sappy" Hallmark movie.

I went out to the lobby earlier and tried to call a friend, and then my son, but got voice mails. Then when I came back is when the ankle got hurting so didn't go out to try again.

Think I can handle sitting in the chair to go in and wash, and stand one legged long enough to brush my teeth. Then will watch the rest of the movie & call it a night.

I don't know if I am ready for that knee replacement any time soon..... Let's get through this ankle and get it healed. And see how this goes. I know it is going to have to be done, but I would like to get back on my "feet" for a bit. It wouldn't be before next winter at the earliest. I will probably have it done there in Charlottesville, Va by the dr that my friends friend had hers done because she was back to riding in 5-6 weeks. I would probably go into a local rehab for a bit, but they have you up and walking within days, so it will be a short stay so that I can get it together to be able to go home. That is for a consideration next year. Let me get through this first. Time to call it a night.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
Yes, sounds like you need to focus o one surgery at a time...but it’s good that you are realistic that it does need done, and have a good dr to go to! I’m sorry about your rough week too. When my Dad had his stroke, his roommate was a younger guy. Apparently a nice quiet fella before HIS stroke. But, after his stoke, he yelled the f- word and even WORSE constantly!! My poor Dad. Visiting him was a real eye opener!! I’m glad you met a nice farmer friend, have a nice OT guy, and are doing well at your own therapy!! Great job girl!! :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good morning !! Hope you get some HOT coffee this morning. Definitely get this behind you before knee replacement. One at a time. BJ had a triple bypass, knee replacement, shoulder replacement, prostate surgery and his latest is cataract surgery. All have saved and improved his life tremendously. None were any fun, you have to go through it to get to it. The results will be worth all the pain and crazy, I promise you.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's Sat eve. It has been a decent day mostly. Sunny here but was 27 this morning. My son said it was down to 13 there. At least he got to get feeding done with the ground frozen this morning. This eve we discussed the cattle market, and strategy about selling calves. The worst thing is I had to go to the lobby to use the phone after getting his text.

So I did, talked to the nurse from Wed night's madness and the cna as I went by. Called my son, then he was trying to hook up the trailer so said he'd call me back in a couple minutes. He did and we continued the conversation. Within 5 min, someone else comes into the lobby..... and it is the "lady" I had my problems with. She is with her "babysitter" and starts towards me telling the sitter that I was talking to her, and the sitter said, no, she is talking on her phone. So they sit on the couch, within 10 feet of me as I am trying to have a personal conversation. This lobby is huge, split down the middle by the entry way which is at least 10-15 feet, and the bigger half of the lobby with the piano, and entrances to the restaurant etc. on the other side of where I was up in the corner at the desk to talk. Common courtesy would indicate anyone to go to another section if someone is having a private conversation. Not that they would understand the cattle talk..... just the principle of the thing..... So I finished the conversation and as I turned, the lady said hello, the sitter also said hello, I just acknowledged them with a hello and turned and came back to my room. About an hour later the nurse came by to issue my regular aspirin, and I told her. I said this is just ridiculous. She said she agreed, but she was sure the sitter had no idea who I was.... so she brought her to my room to make sure she was aware that I am the person this woman has such a fixation with. She said she was sorry, she didn't know, which I am sure she didn't. But now she does.

The nurse said she cannot understand what the problem is with her, but she could fully understand what I was saying. So, I am hoping that now this might help.

You know, you couldn't make this up........

Had alot of "achey" pain all day, no rehab, but I was up and down quite a bit. Can't just stay on the bed, but even with it up level,when I sit, it is below the heart so causes more blood and aching/throbbing. It isn't swelling though, and color and temp of the toes is good everyone says.

Oh well, tomorrow is Sunday, and I will spend more time here in the room as there are alot of visitors, and I don't need to see any that are visiting next door. Not hard to hibernate and keep the door closed so to have privacy.
Gotta get leg up higher since I have been out and about with the chair and all.
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