Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Even if your numbers were lower due to your diet, even if they didn't meet what is "the suggested" numbers, then the doctor did what he is "supposed to do" and prescribed something.
On a note for the drug costs. I do think they are way out in outer space for the most part. However, I have done alot of research over the years on how drugs are developed, and tested and then finally brought to the table to be approved. The US requires such extensive testing on most before giving approval. It costs the drug companies boo-coo dollars to get them through the process. Part of that is re-cooped in having patents and having the drug only available as a name brand for x number of years.
I would be hesitant to take some of these drugs if manufactured in other countries. But I still agree that they are very high priced. And the drug companies are in bed with the doctors to get them to write prescriptions much more often than might be necessary.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
On another note. We were supposed to get a dusting of snow yesterday evening. Wound up getting 3-4 inches total and it snowed off and on most of the night. Roads were getting covered by 4 pm. I had cancelled my farm yesterday afternoon as I had a feeling about the weather and did not want to be coming home in the dark with snow covered roads. My 2wd ranger is useless in the snow. And do you know haw hard it is to get good SNOW tires for a 14 inch wheel???? Around here what they call a "snow tire" I call an all purpose one. We can't get anything with good old fashioned "lugs", like on the bigger tires. There are ton of "all season" tires and they are not worth the powder to blow them to .... will have to see if I can get any when I go north to see family. I will have to make the trip this year.
So I put it off and am going to do it this afternoon.

The funny thing about the snow, it never got below 33 last night. It is a very wet snow. And then this morning the temps started to rise, was 36 by about 8:30 and FOGGY as all get out with the rising temps.... Sun is trying to come out, temps up to 39 at 10a.m.. and it is maybe going to hit 48-50. Then we are going to get rain tomorrow, and then get the huge drop with temps going down to the single digits and changing over to maybe snow or sleet or...... and bone chilling cold. It will be very hard on the animals if they get thoroughly soaked and then the temps drop. Supposed to stay very cold on Monday then back up to the 40's on Tuesday. There will be more pneumonia to deal with I am afraid. Will this crazy weather never end????
Wrote a bit on @OneFineAcre 's journal about the added stress of a lawsuit we are trying to deal with now when I was asking how the in-laws were doing with the cattle rustler situation they had faced. It is getting to the point where you don't know what direction to go in. Wish we would have normal weather at least.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule I just checked my bank statement and see where the supplemental policy the our "ins lady" at work put me on was just deducted. $84.00 a month. Does that sound pretty reasonable to what you pay?? With the drug plan at about $15 that's $100. plus Medicare Part B is like $135?, so $235 month total for ins? My supplement is through Anthem BC....


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
A $15 part D drug plan is good, and yes, PartB is $135.50 this year.
$84 for your supplement sounds less than what many people that I know have, but it depends on which 'plan' you chose as differences in co-pays, coverage, and deductibles all play into that.
If I could get coverage for $235 I'd be happy happy.
Different states have different supplement premium rates, depending on a lot of different factors.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
And do you know haw hard it is to get good SNOW tires for a 14 inch wheel????
Have you checked TireRack? They will ship to your house and you can take them to a tire place for mounting. And yep, a rear 2 wheel drive pickup is not a good snow vehicle. Pile a bunch of weight for traction over the rear axle, tight so it can't slide around. But then you still need to be able to steer with the front wheels .... that have no traction without proper tires.


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
I used to put a couple straw bales in my truck and wet them down. In the winter they would stay frozen. Helped alot with traction.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
DH's Supplement is $224 a month. Medicare is the same as yours. His supplement is accepted anywhere. There is no network of doctors or hospitals. He can go to any doctor or hospital he wishes.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
WELL, SURPRISE SURPRISE; It is RAINING !!!!!!:barnie We had that snow, then it warmed up with some sun peeking through yesterday at times. Decent day. I did go test the farm yesterday afternoon... almost didn't get there though. Had been losing brake pedal and my son said that probably was a leak. Had next to no brakes on Wed and it really bothered me. So I took it up to his barn Fri morning to see what was what. Would have taken his truck to work if we couldn't get mine fixed. But after putting it up on the ramps, he immediately saw where it was leaking. So, took the brake line off, had a hole, went and got a new one at the closeby and local parts place. Came back, got it put back on. Tried the brakes so he could bleed them, and pop, a new leak in the other side!!!!!! So back to get a new line for that side. Then couldn't get the bleeder to work, had something in it or something because all of a sudden it started to work and it had alot of air in the system. Got them bled and off to work I went. Almost put myself through the windshield the first time I used them because I had gotten used to them not being very good!!!:eek::eek:

But all is good. Nice to drive it and be able to stop!!!!

So this morning I did a sink full of dishes after emptying the dish drainer from the ones I did yesterday. Then got my stuff together, and went to do some errands in town that I haven't gotten done on the way home from or to testing. Some days, like Wednesday, after being in the barn @ 1:45 a.m. to test the one farm, then going to the other where it was so cold and having to wait nearly an hour because they started late, I just don't feel like going shopping or anything on my way home. I was cold, and tired and by the time I got home I had already put in 12 hours!:ep. And then almost not getting to the farm on time Friday, and the snafu with having to replace brake lines to both wheels, I didn't get a chance to stop on my way to work. So I did several errands, and went to Sharp Shopper which is a "discount type" grocery store that I usually find some real good stuff at. But this wasn't a very productive trip although I did get some stuff. Finally took back the "core" for the starter we put on the 4wd ranger a few months ago, and went to the one farm where I have a cow, on my way home to get some milk. Wound up talking to that farmer for nearly an hour as they were getting done milking. They are struggling and are seriously thinking of going out. The youngest son is going to be 18 and not "gung ho" to milk and the next older one says there is no way he is going to take over because there is no future but just struggles. The farmer said that he cannot afford to hire help, as the kids work for lessor pay because they get room and board as part of it after they graduate from school. They are looking at the possibility of a poultry house, but don't know if that will happen. Said maybe 2 more years. His wife started making donuts, has the kitchen approved, and they do real well. They are considering getting a trailer and going into it more "full time" . They set up at several of the local businesses, especially on a saturday morning, and will sell 30 dozen in about 3-4 hours. They do several places in the warmer weather, like store openings/sales; and go to some of the fairs and events. He says it buys their groceries for the family all month and puts some money into the household account over and above costs too; on just what they are doing now. (They are mennonite and grow a garden and butcher their own hogs and kill several deer a year and all that too). Really nice people. I tested for his dad when he had a dairy, and watched this son grow up and have seen his family grow up. Boy, makes me feel old!!!!:thWell, I guess I am...:(:old:old:old:old:old:old

I can't blame them. He really likes milking, but its a losing proposition anymore.

It was really raining when I left to come home and there are puddles on the gravel road to my house. Really big puddles. It's not pouring, just real steady rain. Temps went from 31 of a low, to just 40 and are on the way back down. Supposedly, we are going to get out of this rain and some clearing but temps are going to drop like a rock tomorrow with temps down to 10? and daytime Monday up to MAYBE 20 and down to 5 on Monday night then moderating back to the 30's Tuesday.
I did put the rain gauge back out so will be able to see how much we get and hopefully will remember to bring it back in before it freezes and breaks tomorrow night.:hu:hide:hide


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
With all the farmers that are aging out, their kids want nothing to do with the farm, there ARE young people who want to farm. The young people cannot afford a farm. There ought to be a way to take a young family, let them live on the farm and apprentice on running the farm. Then give it to the young family, sell it at an affordable price or will it to them.