Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been a busy day. HOT AND HUMID.....

Was at the barn at 7:30, got the cow in the alley and loaded on the trailer to go back to snyder's pasture where her calf was.... and she went right on her which was good, when my son got there with her. In the meantime, after I got her on the trailer, I went up to snyder's to let the milk cow in to feed the calves, and luckily all the cows and calves were still in the barn lot. Son got there, unloaded cow to go to her calf, took one load of cows/calves out. Then came back to get the second load and got them moved to the main barn for tomorrows' preg check and to band a couple of calves I hadn't gotten in, and ear tag a couple of heifers. And to do the calf that has to come back to snyders' as his mother is there and I cannot get her back in. Couple of days maybe.... she is a pain in the rear to get in. So just going to bring the calf back to her for now, after he gets worked.

Anyway, son and I talked about what needed doing, and tomorrow morning's preg check and that I won't be there at the start but will come from the farm to there as soon as I can get done. I had taken the vaccine bottles to him to put in his fridge so he will have them in the morning to start.

Got ahold of my friend, and they were going to kill the chickens, so I went down and got the cooler at my son's house, then went and loaded the chickens and headed to her place. She does deer in the fall, and has a walk in cooler and a walk in freezer, and all that stuff. Just got a divorce and will be dismantling it all since he is getting the house,(was his to start) but she has a couple years to get all her stuff and everything pertaining to the butcher shop is hers. Too bad the cooler or freezer wasn't in an enclosed trailer type thing.... I would buy it in a heartbeat. Anyway, they were starting the chickens, there was another person there too with a few.... so she and I talked for a bit, and then we unloaded my chicken crates, they were going to do them..... and I eventually left to come home. She will put them in the cooler chest, I took some ice too, and leave them in the walk in cooler, then bring them with her Monday when she comes to work and I will pick them up in town after I have PT. Works out great.

Came back, got a "can of fuel" went up to the tractor at the field where he had cut the rest of the hay in the field where he hit the rock.... the alternator must not be charging the battery in the 4600 ford right, as it was dead. I had parked on a hill up out of the way of the other hay I had raked, so could roll it to get it started, then down to the truck, put the can of fuel in it, then spent 2 1/2 hrs raking the rest of the cut hay.. We did not tedd this out and there was more "green" color underneath than I thought there would be, but with the 90+ degree heat, it ought to be dry for him to bale tomorrow. Had to really work at making sure I raked as much as possible away from the ledges so he doesn't run the baler over the rocks. We have spent 25 years improving this place, and it makes a pile of hay..... but we aren't going to miss the rocks as this is the last time we will be cutting it. Since our friend sold his house and acreage across the street, which we always pastured, and we can no longer use it to rotate grazing (after we always took off 1st cutting ) it just isn't the same and is not worth dragging all the equipment out there .... and tearing up stuff like this discbine repair. We will get close to the fertilizer money out of this first cutting, and he returned the rent because he has people who will pay him "alot more than we are paying" to rent it. Good for him... I just hope this owner of this 20+ acre piece, realizes how much time and care we put into this place..... I think that after a few years of others tearing up equipment, and if they don't keep up with the fertility program we had, it will slowly produce less and less. Plus our friend used to go out and spray the thistles, because he hated them..... and all these little things add up. We know who is "pushing for the rent".... the one that bought our friends' place..... and he hasn't put anything into it as far as keeping up with the thistles on his side of the road... so far.... Oh well, not our problem anymore. Get it rolled up, the hay moved out, a couple of things there that are ours like the mineral feeder and an older wagon with a bunch of fence posts that Ted told us to take out of the barn before he sold.... and we are done. Got all the water troughs out....

So then I stopped on the way home and got a load of water at the spring ( I had switched trucks when I came home from the chickens since the tank was on the 4 wd truck) since it was on the way home from this pasture. Gotta make the trips count. Took the water up to the nurse cow barn lot and ran it out in the troughs. The cow was there so I let her in, gave her some grain and then went to take the clipboard with all the info for the preg check down to the main barn. Then came back up by, she was ready to go out standing at the gate, so I let her out for the night and cooler grazing. I need to get the 3 calves eartagged and her bull calf banded and since there aren't very many there now, and no bigger calves, I will start letting these 3 calves out with her some and see how they do. They have managed to get by me into the other half of the catch pen, and went out the creep gate a couple of times, and seem to like coming back into the barn after they have their little "run around wild" session. So maybe I will be able to monitor them better and if they are tagged, will be sure of if they are getting enough to eat. I will still bring her in for grain for awhile so she keeps her production up..... I mean she is feeding 3 calves. Plus with so many fewer cows/calves there, the grass should grow better and she will be getting more good grass to make milk on.
I am hoping that these calves will also get the other 5 "young calves" ; this spring born so about 2 months... to start to come in through the creep gate too. Then they can get worked. There are 4 heifers and 1 bull calf out there. My longhorn cow has the bull calf, and then the others have heifers. If I can get them tagged, then I can get them matched with their mommas.

Will probably move the 8 or so bred heifers due to have their first calves this fall (all according to the results of the preg test tomorrow) back here to this pasture as it is a good place to calve heifers. Plus got to move the jerseys back so that they can get calves put on them, with theirs, when they calve. Of the 8 heifers, there are 4 that are jersey/hol or jersey/angus.... and probably a couple will need at least a 2nd calf. That is why I like this place, as they learn to come to the gate, come in and get grain and feed calves. After a few weeks, or a month, they usually will let the calves nurse in the field and I still keep them coming in for grain for awhile to keep them in a routine and it just makes anything I need to do easier if they are used to coming in. Plus keeps their production up while the calves are in the real fast growing stage needing the milk. Then by 4 months or so old, they are eating more grass and such, so if the cows production falls off it isn't so bad. I usually go to once a day grain by then.

So we will see what's what tomorrow and move stuff around accordingly.

I have to get the sample bottles ready for the herd to test in the morning, and I smell pretty "ripe" after all the sweating today so a shower is in the plans here very shortly. It is still 81 at 8:15..... got up to 92 again today.

Forecast is for this weather/temps to last nearly all week. One station has 50% chance of rain everyday for a week then 60-70%..... the other has 30% chance to 40% a few days.... scattered showers. Son cut 2 more places this morning.... they will get tedded out tomorrow, and if all goes well and no water on it, will get raked Monday after I get back from PT and getting the chickens, and he can bale Monday aft.

It turned black, clouds and looked like it was going to rain, and heard thunder this afternoon and I looked and said,,,, figures,,,,, but we got about 20 drops.... so I am hoping it passed by the hay I raked too, today. It has been real hit and miss.... some areas get downpours and 5 miles away they don't even get enough to settle the dust. We have been missing it here. We need the rain, but we need to get more of this hay done since the discbine is back in working order. Wish it would just say 80% chance for 2 days, then clear off again.... Corn could use it too and he just got the sorghum sudan seeded so a good soaking would really get it sprouted and growing.
Take it as it comes.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Miss @farmerjan,

I have been intending on asking you about this video and kept forgetting until now. On the YouTube channel "How Farms Work", Ryan showed using a "merger" instead of a rake to produce windrows for baling:

I have never seen one before. Why would a hay farmer want to use a merger instead of a rake?

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday eve. Just got home from doing the nurse cow and turning her back out. It is way too hot to leave her in the barn lot for any amount of time except to get the calves fed and all. Going to get them tagged and they will be able to go out loose with her pretty soon. She is accepting all 3 pretty good. I want the one that is 2 weeks younger to get another week or 2 on her so she is capable of staying with the cow without any problem.
Plus we have been really busy with getting the cows moved around and preg checked and all from this pasture. (snyder's). I think that I mentioned that we were moving them to the other barn to get preg checked.... and then my internet was so flucky that I couldn't get on and stay on with the crazy weather and all. I will miss the peace and quiet here with next to no traffic on the road.... but that is all I will miss. Internet seems to be worse lately, the little icon on the tower from the phone co keeps flashing on and off ar turns red so no internet.... SO OVER IT.
So only had 2 come up open.... one we expected because she was thin and had 2-3 calves sucking on her, the other is a smaller bought heifer that has a calf.... not bad out of 32 or so checked. Oh yeah, my older jersey cow that only had 2 good teats, is all weird feeling inside and not bred so she will go to the stockyard. If there was any possibility of getting her killed and done into hamburger, stew meat and a few choice steaks, I would. But no dates available anywhere. So she will be sold. Got the jersey steer to do; I would have sold him and kept her if I could get a date now.... but none til after the first of the year, so he will be cheaper to feed and will do up into steaks and all better then. Less meat to move anyway.
So brought back the heifers due with their first calves to snyders, along with the 2 young jersey cows. Both are in the 4-5 month so will calve in Oct-Dec.... I will get calves on them before I do any surgery. Have several other jersey/holstein crosses that were going to be for my milk/cow share deal..... remember I started working towards this more than 2 years ago. I think that I am going to ask one of my dairy farmers if he would be interested in calving them out, milking them and no cost to him (not paying me a rent/lease for them or anything) just so that I don't have to deal with all them in the barn; and wanting to go in and probably do the knees in January. My son does not like the dairy cows much and got pretty bent out of shape as he says...." they are not worth what a beef heifer is, and their calves do not bring what the beef calves do" ... and went on and on about how they are taking up good grass that I could have a beef animal and make more off the offspring.... I just do not want to listen to it. He got more apologetic later, but we go through this every time. So if they are somewhere else.... then he can't b@#$h but so much about the other "couple " of dairy cows I have there. Then after I get myself all put together, I can see what the farmer and I can do and maybe get some of them back..... if any don't milk good, they can get sold or something....
These heifers were all acting stupid at the barn, not wanting to come in and trying to run out the gate when he was getting them in for the preg check.... and with all the cows there, they were just being dumb, and yet when I got them back to snyders, several came right up to me to see what was going on at that barn, and 2 wanted to be scratched. I think they sense he really doesn't like them.
There are a couple of heifers that are crazy... one out of one of my cows that is pretty decent (3/4 beef) but this daughter is a fence jumper and just idiotic. She will get sold as a bred heifer if I don't eat her.... and there are 2 others that I am on the fence about. I just am tired of fighting with him about my passion for the dairy cows and the nurse cows.

Kept the jersey steer at the barn to go to another pasture with plenty of grass. He has been on the cow for a year.... she is screaming bloody murder looking for this "calf".... followed the truck up the field, looking for me to bring her "baby" back.... dope..... she needs a rest. Pretty comical really. The other jersey cow is following along with her .... I have upset their little "cliche" since the older cow is gone and the steer is gone.... funny how the dairy cattle seem to stick together more.... like a "sub group" . They will get over it in a few days.
Also there was one heifer, that was short bred, that I have caught still sucking on a beef cow with that cow's own calf, and I suspect she was sucking on these 2 jerseys as they have more tighter udders today. She is going to go.... not even going to give her a chance to suck after she calves..... She did not get a chance to come back since there are 5 there with small calves that need their momma's milk..... Most all of them get over it after weaning and don't go back on a cow but this one didn't. So I was going to put her away from the cows with calves and then see what she did after she has her first calf, but decided that she just needs to go. I'm not in love with her, she isn't overly friendly or anything.... so BYE BYE.

This will really help as the grass was getting short and without rain, it would have dried up and been a problem. They weren't all supposed to be there this long, but I haven't been all that mobile.... and since he is back with the girlfriend, he is too busy to help me with much anyway. So this was all "his idea" to do, so except for the dairy cows, nothing he could complain about.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Posted the above, in case something goes wrong here with the internet.

So anyway, I tested Sun morning, and went by the one hay field that I had raked on Sat because there had been a few showers around. The raked hay did get a little wet on top, but with the hot weather forecast on Sun was hoping it would dry out. So came to the barn, helped with the preg checks, then listened to him get mouthy, then he left and went to get the tedder to come tedd out the hay he cut sat morning. They were calling for chances of t-storms again Sun aft.... but they have missed us every time before. I loaded and moved one load of heifers back to snyder's pasture, then moved cows around in the barn so the rest could have water. He was tedding the hay, so I met him at the field, and rode back to middlebrook so he could bale the hay that had gotten the shower on, and I brought the tractor and rake back and started raking the hay he had tedded. It was drying pretty fast and he was going to bring the other tractor and baler back to bale after he got done out there.
It was MISERABLE HOT.... he called his girlfriend and asked her to bring him some baling twine for the baler as he was going to run out, and she brought us both a bbq sandwich and some cold drinks. So I had just finished raking by the time he got there and she got there.... and I was close to heat exhaustion just from the heat and humidity... felt a little nauseous and was getting a headache. It was very nice of her to do that and I just sat for awhile because I was really feeling it. The food helped. I had been drinking all along, but probably was getting depleted of electrolytes . I carry at least 4 bottles of water, in a little insulated pouch on the tractor.... freeze 1/2 bottles, then add water just before I leave, so they stay cold a long time and melt as time goes on. Works real good.

So he ate too, loaded the baling twine and said he was going to finish the one field, then go get his truck, then finish up and bale the other field later. She decided to ride in the tractor with him. Well, I just sat there in the shade and "relaxed" for about 15-20 minutes, then was going to go do the nurse cow. There started to be a darker looking sky to the west and then I heard thunder in the distance; then I texted him and said he better finish all the baling first. I came home and got on the computer and it was showing a real severe storm... hail warnings.... and all that. I texted him although realized later they could get all that on their phones. So I switched trucks and went up the road and saw he had finished both fields, and I got to the top of the hill, and it started to sprinkle, then big fat drops.... got the cow into the barn, and it started to really rain.... then let up a little, got her turned out, went down the driveway and as I went through the gate, it opened up again.... waited 15-20 minutes before I got out to shut and chain the gate. Wind really blew and it actually took a tree down up the road. He called me to ask about a couple of the cows, so I met him at the barn and we moved 4 more cows and 2 calves to snyders'. Then it started to rain another shower. He was going to her house I guess, and I came home, took a shower and washed my hair and went to bed at about 9:30 or 10, because I was tired and still felt a little sick. Slept straight through until 7 this morning. WOW. Felt alot better today except I ached from the long day yesterday.

So went up and did the cow, went to PT, went and did 2 loads of laundry because everything just stinks when it is this hot and you sweat, took back a part to the tractor dealer, then went and picked up the chickens from her at her work. All by 12:30 today. My legs/knees ache from the tractor and all yesterday.... but still could be worse.
Then I came home, and tried to stay in where it was a little cooler, packed the samples and took them up and dropped them at the place that UPS picks up late (they come by my house between 12 and 2 so often am not done with the packing to get shipped); then went back to snyders, and put the cow in to eat and let the calves nurse. Made a few phone calls for work, talked to the daughter at the house as she just got back from the in-laws in Pa and will be staying for a little while again.... then let the cow out and came home. Ate a Wendy's salad and am going to get a shower and go to bed early again. Might feel normal by tomorrow. Have a big farm to test on Saturday, but no one else wanting this weeks so far. It is too hot and most everyone's cows are down in production as it it so hard for them to eat enough when all they want to do is lay around and pant and drink water.
I will process the chickens tomorrow, they are in the cooler i ice. I want to part some out before I freeze them. She kept 4 which was fine with me, I offered 4 or 5 when she originally said 2 in exchange for doing them, They didn't do as good a job as the other guy who I pay to do mine, and will probably get him to do the next ones; there are some pin feathers I will need to pull.... but it could be worse. At least I don't have to feed them and they can't die from heat exhaustion this way.... which they are susceptible to do in this kind of heat.
There will be another batch here shortly I am sure.

Went by the house and thought of the trees/boxwoods to come down, and how I will leave some of the other trees along the dirt road to see how the shading is in the heat. I see 2 trees that are dead/dying that will have to come down. The guys still haven't come back to work on the road for the cell tower.... doesn't matter as at least since they started, officially he started getting paid now. The longer they take to get back, the more likely they will be here when I want to get them to look at the boxwoods and some other stuff to get taken down.... so that is all good.

Got the paperwork from the benefits co that has our investments/401K etc. Got it filled out and goes out tomorrow. Seems the first guy I talked to did not bother to send it out. I called back on Thursday, talked to a woman, she pulled it all up on her computer, said there was no evidence that he had sent it, and she said she would put it out in the mail that afternoon. Well, didn't expect it Fri., Sat was a holiday, so hoped it would be here today, and it was.... so it goes back to our manager, for her to sign and authorize, and then the benefit co will release it. I think I will have it direct deposited so that it is there. Haven't heard from the bank yet, will call them the end of the week, let them know that the money has been requisitioned and I should have it within the week, and to see if everything else is "kosher" so we can have a closing somewhere the week of the 20th.... As far as I know all is proceding along okay.... the owners have been at the house a few times getting some more stuff out, cleaning.... I told them that they didn't need to worry about the plants they want to take, that I would let them get them anytime....with this heat they would be better off waiting anyway. Glen won't be able to do much on the bathroom for a few weeks either, he is trying to get a log cabin done and it is slow going in this heat.... and he is making hay inbetween like us. I just want to own it.... and then can get the utility room cleaned and painted so I can move the washing machine up there, and if the bathroom toilet works so I can use it if I am near there, .... get the potatoes into mulch and see if they do anything.... and start maybe moving some stuff up as I go, into the garage/building that is there.... make my trips count. Get the bedroom painted and carpet cleaned then I can start moving the bureau drawers and bureaus as I go. Get the address changed on the UPS for the sample bottles that I ship.... and get the elec company to see about the high speed internet they offer.... and get the elec changed into my name also. Then maybe I will be able to use the cotton picking computer without all this aggravation.
Well if I forgot anything I will try to add.... but need to get something cold to drink as it is still 80 out there.... at least I don't have any "appts" anywhere in the morning.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Senile_Texas_Aggie I am unable to play the video the internet is going gofluey again. I will try to see it later as I am not sure what a merger is compared to a rake... Sorry. I think I am going to lose the internet again this eve.

By the way...... I am in the market for a good decent desktop computer. Would like anyone who is pretty good with computers... WHICH I AM NOT.... to tell me the best for a less than proficient operator to get. I know Windows 10.... but what about all these megabites/killabites or all that stuff. I am in way over my head. I realize that it depends on what you do.... I want to be able to do some of the cattle forums, things like BYH and sister sites.... watch you tube stuff like you referenced.... do my online banking and bill paying..... maybe watch some of the older movies that are available.... I have a "new to me" smart TV that I got from a friend that bought a newer/bigger one. I understand that I can watch movies on it "streaming" off the internet????? This is getting way beyond my pay grade...... play a little solitaire on the computer..... simple games on occasion....

Dam the lights are flashing on the stupid tower again.... better send this now


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Ooo. My kids (7 and 5) were just bestowed cheap ones (<-link) from their programmer dad that they've already figured out and are beginning to program on. If all you like doing is playing minecraft, youtube, movies, pacman online, and very beginning programming/messing everything up, these apparently work. I won't know for sure how good they are for about a year though, so don't take my recommendation as gospel. The mouse is tiny and the keyboard feels cheap...kind of like my laptop. Also, these require speakers or headphones and a monitor. But the kids are very happy telling me how to tell things to happen in the terminal. I prefer the gui provided (windows 10). I'm not sure if these are kid or adult level, throwaway or bare bones functional, but they are an option if you are desperate and/or don't feel like spending more than that right now.
So far their only complaints are that it doesn't like them running minecraft, the minecraft server, and having another person or two playing on the server at the same time (probably with videos running in the background for audio, just like dad). Feel free to translate that into a farmer Jan level activity. I am not a computer person. I get the impression that they are about as nice as my chromebook from a few years ago, maybe a little lighter weight in power, but not as old and slow as my chromebook because they're new.

Somebody else will know more, because this is not my area of confidence. These computers have just served us well so far in the use we've put them to.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Came in out of the heat a little bit ago and decided to see if I can get a few things done online.

Talked to the people at the investment firm; I had received the papers yesterday. Went over it with her, made sure I had it filled out in all the right places. Went to the bank to get my signature notarized, and then to the P.O. to get it mailed off to our mgr to get signature for the okay for the funds to be released. Sent along a voided check so it will be direct deposited rather than wait for the mail. Sent it certified so that she will have to sign for it.... so I will know that she got it. She is supposed to fax copies of it all to the investment firm, and they will go from there. Said with all the mail and everything, that it might be 2 weeks from today, until the money is deposited.... Will depend on mgr getting it faxed to them in a timely matter. I also called and left a voicemail, that I was sending it today, that she should receive it between Wed and Friday, and that I sent it certified so it wouldn't get lost in the mail shuffle......

Did the cow this morning and she didn't want to come back out so I left her in with the calves. I guess she liked the is fairly open, maybe the flies aren't as bad in there?

It is only 90 but the humidity is oppresive and feels just miserable out. Talked to another tester that is a year younger than me and she is having to help her mom with her leg and knee and hip difficulties. Both of us are talking about the possibility of retiring.... that we both like not working so cotton pickin hard.
Gonna see if I can get online to do some other stuff....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, thank you very much @TexasLisa for coming over here to BYH and getting it on my journal. I still can't believe that so many people are being bamboozzled and not looking further than the CDC and Dr Faucci and all them for other posibilities in life.