Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
From what I have been reading, the one time J&J shot is not the mRNA type.... although there is the big hallaballoo about the one cell line that came from an aborted fetus about 25 years ago..... I am not going to judge about that, but it was 25 years ago... you can't go back and change it, and it is not like they are just doing it now.... not that it makes it right.... but it is not into this gene stuff with the RNA and all... supposedly not as good a response so immunity is lower.... but supposed to be safer....
Doesn't matter to me, I am not going to get it. Don't get all the other seasonal shots.... not going to start now. I think that if we have antibodies in our systems that it is as good as or better than the shots. And it is NOT a true vaccine as I have said all along. I sure wouldn't want to get a tetanus shot to only have a lesser case of tetanus.... or a rabies shot.... how would a lesser case of rabies work out??????

It was a chilly 23 this morning. Sun out and nice enough all day. Went to PT then they called and I barely got home 2 minutes before they came with the freezer.... Got it in the house and got it plugged in. Then the more I looked at it, I really didn't want it on that wall, so went and got a heavy duty "air conditioner" extension cord, and moved it to the spot I had wanted it and plugged it in there. Got it pretty leveled up and it is on now. Will see about starting to get things moved from down there to up here.
The guys that Lowe's had deliver it are private and they do moving so may call them to move the stuff from the other house....

DS came to the barn when I was there doing the cow. Neighbor called and said he saw a cow up in the field looked like she was having trouble.... so I went up with him but it was way down in the brush from where he parked the 4 wheeler.... had to use the calf jack to get it out... shoulders stuck. Calf was dead, Big bull calf, he did get it delivered... luckily this was one of the quieter cows and he put feed down and she stood there and ate it as he got it out.... walked off about 20 ft when it got to the hips and he had to pull again.... but she was not going nuts or anything.... Said she has a good size udder.....
He had to go back to work, so going to go up and see if he can get her back to the barn after he gets off, and I am going to try to graft the new calf on her. It will do alot better on a beef cow out in the field.... and it won't waste her lactation either... Otherwise I would have to try to find a calf for her.... This would be the best of the situation.

He just called, they are supposed to get off at 3:30.... they are going up to shut down the interstate for helicopters... bad accident and a fatality.... don't know how long he will be....

Not turning out to be a very good last couple of days.....

The guy who was supposed to do the tree/boxwoods/scrub stuff called, wanted to know if they could come tomorrow. I said I would be gone after about 10 a.m. for work. I said I really wanted to be here when they start to make sure that they knew everything...that they could do the boxwoods, and the scrub trees around the building... that I wanted to be here when they do the stuff around the telephone pole so they don't cut down the birches that I want to save.... So I will go over the proposal tonight and make sure that what I want done gets done.... got the part of the apple tree that came down in the storm to cut up too....

Got to go help see if we can get the cow down out of the field to the barn....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I'm glad to see him getting excited. That should help in more than a few ways. Our sale barn also has a sale at the end of the season that is registered sheep only and is by invitation. They only invite producers that have a history with them.
I wish we had a sale barn that placed such importance on sheep. Very few here that even have a sheep and goat sale, most sheep are poor quality and they slam them through as fast as they can. They sell by the head. At the sale last Saturday we heard about a small animal sale twice a month in Canton, about 30 minutes away, that we are going to go investigate. They even sell chickens. LOL


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That is tough about losing the calf. At least you didn't lose the cow. Her being calm and not going nuts on you helped the situation. Bummer.

So you are finally getting the boxwoods out! That is progress that you have been wanting for a long time. I'm glad that it is finally getting done. If you can hire the guys that delivered the freezer to help you move, that would be another big plus in the right direction. Moving slowly like you have done, is the best way. It has given you time to sort things out, clean and put away things as you moved them and not be looking at stacks and stacks of boxes that were moved all at once and figuring out how to deal with it all.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday . It started out a little sunny and decent... Clouded over and now cooler, almost damp. Maybe some wet weather this evening.... more coming for the rest of the week in small waves....
Got the meters in the car all ready to put in the barn, changed all the brackets for this farm. Getting the bottles ready to go out to the car to leave.
Not going back to the farm I did Saturday before testing this afternoon. Might go by after testing if I get out early... otherwise tomorrow.

Texted the guy about the boxwood clearing stuff.... made a copy of the original agreement that he had e-mailed me .... LAST October..... and made a few changes that we talked about.... I am not too concerned about the whole deal... don't think it will change the cost.... want the part of the old apple tree that came down cut up and not cutting out the limbs of the holly tree since I can clip off the crummy couple of branches for Christmas decorations instead. There is plenty for them to get started on this afternoon if they get done with the other job and get here.

Got lots of boxes stacked still.... some waiting on some furniture getting moved in, the desk, and things in the kitchen to get done. I have hit a real "depressed" state of getting stuff done here lately, think it is partly due to the knees really aching. Have to get my act together here and get it done. But it will get done.
Some of the daffodil bulbs that I planted last fall are coming up... making me smile, so a plus.

Got to help haul a load of the cattle tomorrow evening with DS.... he is talking about not continuing to buy for this guy . Waiting too long to take them.....
I think that we could still buy some of these 7 wt heifers, and if bred then calve them out for alot less than he paid for the other ones. We'll see.

Yeah, it is not a great situation with the cow that we had to pull the calf. She is not interested in following it to the barn.... being dead there is not that maternal "want" so much with her. If they had been in the field they should have been in, it would have been easier to get her in and get her interested in the orphan calf. Hoping that my cow calves here real quicdk so I can get it on her.

Okay, got to get things done so I can get going.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
DRUM ROLL........ ( I had to go to work) ...... but they did come to start the cutting/trimming stuff. Not very good to see with just the car lights.... but they got a serious start on the boxwoods, and some other stuff done. Dumped one load of chips... not exactly where I wanted it but I will get them to dump anymore in another place tomorrow.... don't want the chips on the edge of the new gravel he put in the driveway... sometimes I think guys hear one thing and then just do what they want anyway.....I wanted them right next to the other load.... on the upper side, not the lower side... that is why I left the truck there.... but I did say the keys were in it if they HAD to move it... so I guess they figured they HAD to move it.... GRRRR... but I can live with that I guess. Not on the gravel but just about....

So, tomorrow morning I have to pick Deb up down at the farm bureau as she is going to take her truck in to get the oil changed and inspected.... I will be back here shortly after 8... it is only 5 miles away....She is telecommuting for work so can't sit and wait for it.... Then I will come right back here, go over stuff with them.... then go do the cow and calf.... then go to the farm that needs all the paperwork caught up.... and then come home and get the samples all packed to go out.
I was SOOOOO HAPPY to see the truck parked in my yard this evening.... FINALLY me some incentive to get my butt in gear....

DS texted to make sure I could help and haul one load of the cattle tomorrow eve..... Got a farm Thurs eve/Fri morning, that I will go set up Thursday morning around 9 a.m. I will put the calf in with the cow, go set up and then come back and turn her out and put the calf back in the side where the chute is. Then I have another set for Sat afternoon, 230 cows.... SUNDAY I intend to do as little as possible on my feet.... I know I always hurt after that farm.... get to sit for like 30 seconds inbetween each group of cows in the barn so constant up and down....

Got well splattered in the barn this afternoon so going to go down and wash my hair/ get a shower and fall into bed.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Well splattered huh? Haha, I have a visual picture of that. I bet you really do want that shower and after all that you have done today, putting up with the knee pain, you are drained. Get some rest.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good bye common cattle, good to have them gone and out of your hair. Wild cattle gone out of the barn. Hope you slept well, you sure need it. I woke up before 3 AM and laid there, storm rolled through, lightening and a hard rain that didn't last long. We got up at 4:30 and I let Trip and Carson in. It's funny how a dog the size of a mini horse (Trip) is a quaking bowl of jello in a thunderstorm. If he can sprawl out in the floor and be inside with us, he's safe. LOL LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday. I have to go to work in a little bit but will update some here. Wed was a good day. We got the cow in that we had to pull the calf from and DS helped get her in the chute. Put the orphan calf on her hoping she would have a "AH HA" moment and want the calf to suck her. She did not, and I had to keep her tail twisted but did get the calf to suck her out. But he has been used to my nurse cow that doesn't pick up her foot and I was not happy with him shying away as the other one kept trying to pick up her foot and kick at him. Hoping that maybe this morning would go better.
So we got the other cattle loaded, and we took and delivered them. 18 head that weighed 13,000 + lbs. 700+ lb average. My charolais weighed 930.... and he took her which was good. 1.00 lb .... he will get paid in a couple weeks when the guy gets paid for the load he is shipping out.
DS and I stopped at the truck stop and ate some dinner and got back about 9:30.
It was mostly cloudy all day but comfortable.

So, today it is fairly warm... Cloudy again, supposed to rain this afternoon and into tonight. It is coming from southwest.... Tx to Tenn and headed this way. Hope you all did not get any tornados from it.

I had a bad time with the cow this morning. I finally put the little guy back on the nurse cow since she is talking to it and all. I have got to get her in the chute and get her pregnancy checked and see what her status is. I texted DS and said that the other cow just doesn't want him and I don't want the calf to get shy of nursing a cow. The cow can go dry and get bred back. She is a young cow and having to pull the calf is just one of those things. I will move the nurse cow and this calf up to the nurse cow field in a few days.... want to get the "sucking cow" and her calf out of there. Then I can bring 801 (sweetie pie) in to the barn to feed the calf for a couple days, then it can go out loose with her. I am still waiting on the other jer/hol to calve and she will need another calf on her.... might switch this calf over to her if 801 is very far along bred.... Will just see what happens day to day. Just not going to fight that the other cow since she is showing no interest in the calf at all.

Went up to the farm and set up the meters for testing this afternoon. Came to the house for a bit.
Yesterday, I picked up Deb early from dropping her truck off at the FB to get the inspection and oil changed.... took her back down late afternoon to pick it up after they called.
The tree guys were in and worked... I talked to them when I was here after they got here shortly after noon time due to the early light showers/rain. Then they left when I was gone from here.
I am a little upset with the tree guys. I walked around with the young guy that was like the "foreman".... showed him the stump they were supposed to get out, after he was saying that they might not be able to grind the boxwood stumps due to the septic lines that go through there and he said it goes deep to get the roots... and I said that they could just do the stump part and not go down to the roots.... any way, there is a stump in the front that I specifically wanted done and cleaned out the little bit of scubby stuff.... and I showed him the apple tree.... said that I wanted the wood just cut up and just the brush shredded.... that I wanted all the wood just cut into lengths and I would get it up and use in the wood burning furnace next year.
They wound up chipping/shredding all the apple wood, from the part of the tree that came down.... did not grind any of the boxwood stumps off even at the ground level.... and did not do anything with the stump in the front. There is stump grinding and all in the contract. I have not talked to the owner....I have been a little pissed off about it. The one walnut they took down was over 12 inches in diameter... would have been close to a 1/2 cord of wood from the trees and stuff they took down.... and they chipped it all. It is not that I can't get any more wood.... but it was already here that could have been getting dry right here, for later use. And I specifically told him I wanted the apple wood to burn.....
I will talk to him maybe tomorrow since I am not yet ready to be civil..... I had been pleased with the boxwoods down and all.... and made the comment to the guy that I would be using the wood for a wood burning furnace that I was putting in this year..... and that I wanted the apple wood for burning/grilling for the smoke.... and the da@# stump in the front where I want to be able to drive over to the chickens so not to drive right on the lawn right in front of the house.
The boxwoods are gone which is good. But it did not go as well as it could have/ should have...... I don't think I would have them do anything again. They did dump the rest of the chips where I showed him, at least.
I can see out the DR windows......

Got to get some stuff together to go to work here shortly. It is raining/showers now. They said it will be wet this afternoon.... at least it is not cold. upper 60's... low 70's ......