Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
You might try digging out your favorites that he cut down. Wrap them in moist newspaper and put them in the fridge for a couple weeks, then try planting them again. Maybe he did not kill them completely, and by refrigerating them you can trick them into dormancy again. Planting them outsiide in a month maybe they will wake and put out shoots. Worth a try if your knees can take it. :fl

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
What a jerk! If you are still renting, he shouldn't be anywhere near there without giving you advance notice, unless your laws are very different than CA.

I hope you can save your roses, they are sometimes more hardy than you think. I planted a rose at my mom's place, had it for over a decade and it started doing terrible so we dug it up and planted a different one. About 1-2 years later the first rose came back to life from roots we must have missed and mom trims it back each year and it still comes back.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, he cut the other one off at the ground out at the storage building, and had the **** to come to the house this morning before 9 and haul the branches off. I did go out front and he missed one fairly long stem on the one rose that I wanted, and I managed to get part dug out.... it was a shoot that came off the root, sorta like it split off, in the ground... I took the shovel and managed to slice through and get some root on the shoot... brought it right up here and immediately put it in the ground and watered it. It is the one that I wanted and had been meaning to dig and just hadn't gotten to it. We'll see.... All I want it to do is survive and grow at this point. Luckily we are supposed to have a little bit cooler temps for the next couple days, more clouds than sun, and possible showers. Better than 70's and bright sun for it to maybe settle in after the shock.

I did not plant the roses so they are his to chop off. But they have probably been there forever and were very fragrant. Stupid. I just am ready for it to be over. And since I have moved there he has been in the yard at times... used to go in the garden and take a few tomatoes and then tell me he did...said he " Didn't think I'd mind" .... since he was in and out every day due to it being the same driveway to the barn and all, not much I could do about it....
Probably old ones.... they mowed off the daffodils in the lawn that were just ready to bloom.... they were always later than most. Many people around here have random clumps of daffodils in their lawns.... don't know if it was because sometime their were flower gardens there and then they were changed. Many times will see them near old homesteads too.

Had the stupid calf out AGAIN this morning when I got up here and found another spot he was going back through. So I came and planted the rose bush after I got him in, then got some feed and came up. Called the cows and most came in. The calves were being a little standoffish, but then they came up and he happened to come near the gate and I managed to have a cow between him and me and he kinda got pushed into the pen. Luckily his mother was still in cleaning up the grain. So after about 15-20 min of slowly walking the others around got all out but a cow and 2 calves, then got the cow out and then the other 2 calves so the cow and the ERRRANT little basturd are in the pen. DS had to help haul steers for a friend to WVA and I told him if I got them in, him he could come directly there and get them moved out. So I texted him awhile ago and said they were in, and he just got back to me and said he was about an hour away and that he would get them. Plus I told him about the fence so that it can get fixed. It is low down and I don't expect the cows to bother it much as there is also some strands of barbed wire across, but they are reaching for grass, and needs to be fixed. At least this will stop this little sob from being out everyday. He is taking them to dougs to put in with the others of about the same size.

Brought a few things up and was sorting, boxing more from the desk earlier. Got the other freezer washed down inside and the front... so when he can get them moved then I can get in there and start in the porch to clean and sort. It shouldn't be too bad... I hope. I still have a bunch to do inside and have been trying to be more dedicated to it as it is getting down to the wire.... I am going back down there in just a little bit to do more. Had to sit and eat and give the knees a break.

Well, time to try to get back at it.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
$8.00 hanging wt is nuts. Here we are getting 5.00 hanging and that is pretty good. People must be desperate there. Good for you @Baymule to get that kind of price. And the good thing is that you have it all USDA... here that adds nearly $1.00 lb for the processing. But we are getting between 4.50 and 5.00 for ours. That's by the half, we pay the processing when we pick it up and deliver.
Have a 1/2 sold from the one scheduled for Nov..... the one in Aug is my jersey and probably won't sell any. I am about out of beef and will share some but not looking to sell any. I don't know what his thoughts are for the 2 he has scheduled in Dec..... I think the GF father wants a half or even a whole.

Tired and aching. I mowed around the house and a section and looking at the grass I am thinking that electric netting and a couple calves.... don't want to mow it all the time. Stupid waste of grass. Need to see about the cost to do the fence along the Christmas tree farm.... I have several cattle panels too that I can use.....but it is a waste to mow it when something can be eating it for awhile.
Then I used 2 batteries worth to weed eat... and it looks better but I am feeling it. Normally I use one battery and then take a break but it was getting later and wanted to do what I could before getting too dark and coming inside. Probably 20 min per battery when I run it on "high" ....

Before I called Deb called a guy who lives just a couple miles away and asked if he was working since he drives by every day. Told him I needed about 10 min of his time if he could stop on his way home. He said he wasn't working today... but was out checking cows and would be by in 15-20 min.... I said I didn't need him to make a special trip but he said it was no problem. I needed to get the 4x4 out of the carport so that I could see about closing in part of the end. I can't give the truck a shove and steer it at the same time.... it is a little downhill out of the back of the carport so once it started rolling I could steer it into the yard in back and not hit the telephone pole.... So they stopped and he gave it a shove and as soon as it started to roll, I steered it back and around so it is out of my way. Took all of 10 minutes . It is supposed to go to the guy who has the automatic 4x4 flat bale bed truck, doing some engine work; since there doesn't seem to be anyone around here who can figure out why it won't run. Tired of this and will not let jim touch it anymore. But DS has done all the normal things and it won't start either. Something in the fuel system... put new parts on it and it has DS stumped and he usually can figure it out on the older vehicles... but again, he has other fish to fry all the time and I really don't think that working on things like he used to is a priority anymore. Tired of asking , so it is out of the way out of the carport.

Then called Deb to see if she wanted to advise me on a small project.... putting up the 2 panels for the carport to close off the back partway. Plus I wasn't sure about how to put the blade in the new small skill saw... Tomorrow at 10 we are going to meet at the house and get the one cut ( the carport has an angle going down to the side and the panel won't fit under it without cutting.... then get them up so that I can get the yard sale stuff moved in there. Plus, they are wanting me to start feeding the horses daily as the owner wants the older mare to put on a little weight.... she is going to try to breed her once more. The younger mare they are supposed to be coming to get in another week or so to start working with her... She is maybe 4 and not yet broke???? NUTS..... but not my horse; not my problem. I don't feel so bad asking for a little help when I am going to be doing more feeding.... Honestly, will be glad when they are both gone. Luckily, I will not be able to do alot next fall/winter with the new knees.... not wanting to put myself in a position to get hurt.....don't want to keep on doing this for months at a time for it is past time for them to be gone since we have already fertilized for hay and they are eating it as fast as it is growing in this field. We gave them 5 rolls for the horses no charge, but they are eating the grass we are trying to grow. Should've been off it by the 15th of March. DS is going to have to work out something different if there are going to be horses on it... we are not going to pay for fertilizer and not get a good cutting because they are eating it. But that is his dealing, I do not work out the arrangements for the hay.

So, I am now in and ate and am going to go down the hill. It is staying light so much later that it is later than I thought. Plus, I have to get off these knees. I will take some stuff in the morning to see if I can dull the pain a bit before I come up and we do the panels. I will try to load some stuff in the morning to bring up...

I also did plant the tulip bulbs from the pretty yellow Easter tulips I bought myself. I do realize that many times the "forced bulbs" don't come back... but if not, oh well.

It was mostly cloudy all day and cooler. A few sprinkles but nothing much. Not as cloudy tomorrow but now the weather is cooler than normal with highs maybe in the low 60's... Wed eve a cold front coming, some rain and temps dipping with some possible frost... our last frost date is MAY 15th... so not unheard of.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a few plans changed, but still a decent day. DS got here and we got them loaded... so they are at doug's farm. I started a post on the "when to send to slaughter" thread and forgot I was not on this thread, so put in a bunch of what my day was like. will try to get it changed to this one since it is "my stuff"....

Mowed grass and all and am ready to go down the hill to the other house. Hope to be able to get a few things together to load in the morning and will be back to meet Deb @ 10 a.m. so I can get the 2 panels up on the end of the carport so stuff can get out in there that I don't have space for in the house right now. Some of it is yard sale type stuff.... some furniture and all I don't need or have room for.... It ought to be okay if protected from the weather for a few weeks then will have a yard sale and hopefully sell some of it....

Got a plastic tote yesterday.... the only one that they had in that size, but it will go a long way to getting some of my winter stuff packed away... even though we are going to have a chilly spell, I don't need all the insulated overalls and stuff... just one pair.... that's for tomorrow after Deb and I do the panels on the carport....
I'm beat, need a hot shower and a warm bed for these knees.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I'm washing and packing those winter things, too. Now to find summer. 😁 A while back I had found some huge, heavy zip storage bags that were for such storage, at discount. Nice for these things....may use them this year. :lol: Time to hem some jeans into bermudas. Don't do shorts much. Need some new jeans but, they don't make them like they used to!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sunny then cloudy now, chilling down a bit. 40% chance of a few stray showers, but then some clouds and sun for a couple days, then RAIN forecast for Wednesday.

Had a good morning. It was sunny out so nice to work, earlier. Deb came and we got the 2 panels up on the end of the carport. She showed me some stuff with the skill saw and the drill/screwdriver. Really, I am not a power tool person, but at least now I know some of what to do. It closes in nearly half of the back of the carport... so really good. I am impressed with it and now can start to bring up stuff that does not need a place in the house. She was a BIG help... she will be going back up to her other house near work either tonight or tomorrow morning early.... then I will start feeding the horses daily.

Got all the nails out of the 3/4 inch plywood that I had gotten out of the dumpster back awhile ago, so ready for DS to put in the shed where the freezers are going. Will need a pry bar to get the 2x6's apart and nails out but don't think we are going to need them.
Knees are hurting so am going to eat some lunch even though it is after 3, and take a break. Want to finish with some things here moved around so I can bring up stuff to put in the DR for the time being...get the winter clothes in the tote and stacked out of the way too.

Guy came to the barn, cut the 4 calves and DS was taking them down to his house.... gave me an envelope of cash for them. NICE...... Glad they are done and gone. Glad he cut them so not on us.... DS and I still prefer banding. If you do them right, there are no problems and they seem to have little or no after effects. And, no flies to deal with open wounds either. To each his own...

I've got a bunch of stuff on the truck to go to the dumpster on the way down. Might take the car in case we get a shower, anything I load will be inside in the back so won't get wet if it does shower.

Okay, ate some lunch. Took another couple of pills for knees and hope they will knock off just a little of it for me although usually I get very little relief. Now, I am going to do some of the stuff here and then go down the hill for the evening. DS is at the barn, and has to fix fence because the bulls are tearing stuff down wanting in with the heifers in another field. He is going to use guard rail for the bull lot as soon as all the paperwork for the farm goes through. It looks like it will fly.... he will be in debt til he is too old to count he said.... but it does look like it will happen. I am not sure if he knows exactly when yet. Then there is the well situation.... I am not sure how long before he has to put in a well. Since we pay the electric for the well, they get their water use for free..... At least anything he does will be his now....

Time to get back at it. Sure wish I could do what I want to do a little "easier" and faster.... Oh well....

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