Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My Daddy was a WW2 Navy veteran, my big brother was a Viet Nam veteran. I miss them both.

I am so happy for you, you are almost there! Only a little more, then you can put that rent house far behind you. I hope your knees hold out until fall when you get fixed up with new ones.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday evening. Not a bad day out... Started out sunny, then some clouds then sun came back out. 48 to 74 today.
Knees let me know the past few days were not their idea of fun. Did get some of the stuff out of the car.... and some needs to go in the carport or building. Truck will get unloaded tomorrow.
I have PT in the morning....then will go by and pick up milk that I didn't get today. Then back here and get the truck and car finished unloading. I have to load meters and go test tomorrow afternoon so not going to get alot done here.
DS texted me and wanted to know if I could take the 2 open cull cows to the sale since the the GF father came to work on the pipes that are all washed out at doug's farm where we rent... he is buying... and no it is not a totally done on paper deal yet as she has not done something that fsa wants.... but .... we cannot get the cows from the 3 divided fields to the barn except for them walking through the creek, and then the person bringing them has to go around or balance and hope to not get's a pain, and the widow has not done anything about it for the last 5 years and it makes the fields very difficult to use. The creek area was fenced off through one of those gov't programs, and the pipes made it so that you could walk across them with the cattle...anyway, to be able to move cattle back and forth we usually put them in the trailer and go down the driveway and around the lane to the other gates. PITA....
So he wanted me to stay for the sale and see if there were any cattle we could use too... I said okay since I had a headache and was not going to be doing alot of stuff on my feet today. Left about 1to go to the farm, set up the gates and the trailer, and then had to wait on DS to finish what they were doing at the pipe to bring the cattle up. Finally headed down there and got there around 2:30... unloaded the cows and got some lunch and then sat through the sale. Only bought one steer that DS said he needed to make up a group for someone, and then was unable to buy any others. Prices were higher than they have been... so good for the sellers. Alot of people there too.... holiday and so many were off work, several families of Mennonites too,

For all you goat people, there was a nanny goat with twin kids, that brought $330, and a nanny with a single that brought $285. A bigger older billy by the looks of his beard, that brought $300.... no papers, nothing special, just goats....

Feeders in the 3-5 wts were in the 1,50'sfor steers and heifers in the 1.20-135's... bigger were about .10 to .20 less. Cull cows were in the 60's and fat ones were in the 70's. About the same as the prices were in Staunton on Friday.

Loaded the steer and got back about 7.
DS was getting the cows from the pasture where the fence corner got torn up, bringing them to the barn to pregnancy check them tomorrow. I have to test in the afternoon, so will not be there to help him.

Got the chest freezer all defrosted... there wasn't alot and it fell off the sides into the bottom once it had been turned off. Soaked up all the water out of the bottom and got it plugged in and it started right up. The turkeys are still hard as a rock in the cooler chests, so they will go back in it tomorrow after I get home from PT. Then I will find a half hour in the next couple of days, and just wash out the other upright and get it plugged back in. It will pretty much stay empty but I don't like to leave them unplugged as sometimes I think it causes more problems than to just let them run empty and kept closed. But DS said to leave them overnight at least so that all the fluid settles into the pump system... no air in it that can cause the bubbles to damage the pump? I have heard this often so always let them just "settle" for a bit. Since I do not need it I am not in a big push to get wiped out....this is a newer one so might leave it not plugged in for awhile though. Steer goes to get killed in August...

Got a farm scheduled for Thursday morning and one for Thursday eve and Friday morning. Then have GOT to get the 550 cow herd scheduled... might talk to DS and see if he could do it Wed aft....not that I want to do so many this week, but they need to get done and I haven't heard back from Geneva... don't think she is going to be able to help me much with the "nanny job" she has now.... hate that because she is only 5 miles from the farm so very convenient....

I am going in to get a shower and go to bed a little earlier. Need to be at PT before 8... so can't dawdle in the morning. If at all possible, would like to maybe get a load on the truck before I have to go to work...but we will see.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday... was 53 this morning, sun with a few high clouds. Up to 73 already. Did 2 loads clothes and they were hung. Don't know if I get back to get them off today. We are supposed to get some clouding up, clouds tomorrow and then showers coming back in for Wed night/Thurs/Fri.....
Breeze is back today. We had next to no air movement for a few days.

Had PT and not as bad as it has been other times. Yesterday's rest must have helped. Went and got the milk and it is in the fridge; will have to go back and pick up his 5 milk samples on my way to test this afternoon at the other farm, as that is the farm we run them through with. Car is emptied out and have to change into "work jeans" and clothes, then will load the meters and hoses. Need to leave the clipboard at the barn for DS to check cows this afternoon.

Turkeys all back into the freezer too. Still hard frozen in the cooler chests.

Won't get to the old house today, but will work on it tomorrow.

Ate early before PT and now stomach is growling.... oh, it is noon... no wonder. Better go find something to eat.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just a quick post. Busy day... tested this afternoon, and it went good. Talked to Geneva and she was involved with a wedding last week so just said she was overwhelmed... but she is going to go with me tomorrow to do the 550 cow herd.....That is great.... EXCEPT.... that I have already got Thursday morning scheduled, and then Thursday eve/ Friday morning at another herd scheduled....... I will be "overdosing" on stuff to keep the knees under some sort of pain level..... But I haven't tested in nearly 2 weeks and have to get some caught up that did not want to test last week....
Also, DS wants me to go with him in the morning to the DR that he gets the prolotherapy injections, as the last time he went alone and said that it was rough. So, I have to get up at 5 a.m. tomorrow.... we will get back around noon, pack this afternoons samples & get everything loaded in the car to go to the 550 cow herd at 4 pm..... will be out til probably 10-11 wed eve.... up at 3:30 a.m. Thursday to go test....test thurs eve and not home before 8, and up before 5 Friday morning to go back for their 2nd test... at least that herd is only 6-8 miles away.... then a test on Sunday (morning, I think)...... Going to be a ROUGH week..... still got to get back down to the other house to get some more stuff cleaned up......

Never rains but it pours......

So I am going down to get DS's truck at his barn... he wants to take the "good truck" and he didn't think to take it home with him after doing the preg checks at the barn this aft..... GRRRRR.... but I had to come home first with the samples and stuff so they don't sit in the car tomorrow if it gets too warm.

Oh, got to get the clothes off the line during the day after we get back, they ought to be dry... more rain supposed to come in Wed night... we can use it but the hay is getting over mature.... after 2-3 days we might be clearing off.... then it is going to be HAY making.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Another quick post because I am Pi$$ed off and had to sit for a few minutes.
Went with DS and the dr decided since he has been in so much pain, that they would forego the prolotherapy shots and just did some chiropractic type adjustments and worked on the neck. So, had time in the truck to sit and read for an hour and we got to talk about some stuff in general on the way there and back.

Got the samples packed and the boxes for this afternoons test in the car. Laundry off the line in the house in the basket for now.
Former owner of the house called and said that he went to pay the taxes on the piece of property next door; that the house was split off of, and said that it was already paid by the mtg company...????? WHAT ????
So he called me, said "thanks but...." and we laughed about it, and I said I would contact the mtg company, and get it straightened out since the tax office could not "reverse it".

Seems like MTG co., paid his taxes and not mine.... they have no record of a bill for mine.... Now I have to fax them a copy of the tax bill.... and they will research it.... In the meantime, taxes are due June 7th.... or a 10% penalty... and they don't know if it will get resolved by the 7th, which is Monday.... so I may have to pay them or be responsible for the penalty.
I will fax them a copy of the tax bill....but the more I think of it, after getting off the phone, it looks like the TAX dept at the county is at fault for sending the wrong tax bill..... and is that the fault of the original bank that I got the mtg from???? I called them and the loan officer I dealt with is not in her office.

This is EXACTLY WHY I told them I did not want my taxes in the mtg.... because I could better use the little bit of interest it generates in my own account, as well as being SURE that they got paid on time.... since I do most of my payments on line.... paying all my bills the day before the due dates so that the money sits in MY ACCOUNT until time to make the payment. My checking ( credit union ) pays interest.... may as well keep it for me....Easy to set up payments ahead of time and then I keep a list of what I am paying, on what date, to whom, and then I can just check it off as it gets paid... and then no worry about the mail being slower than molasses going up hill in January or getting lost or anything... and I get a confirmation number right when it goes through...
They did say at the bank when I got my mtg originally, that after a year, they would see about the possibility of me being able to get the taxes and the insurance premium taken out of the mtg escrow and just pay it myself...because I told them I would rather not have it sit in escrow at the bank for 6 months or so... and that I paid my vehicle insurance once a year, you get a discount.... I pay the drug plan I have to have with medicare once a year... etc.... Just easier for me to pay it a year in advance and know that it is done... but to have the bank sit on it and then it gets screwed up like this..... :duc :he :barnie:rant:rant:rant:somad:th

So, I am just P.O.ed right now. Plus my allergies are giving me a fit and nothing seems to be hitting them...
NOT one of my better days....

Going to put the packed samples in the car, and leave early enough to go by the bank and pay the electric bill. They charge 3.95 "courtesy fee" to pay it over the internet on the debit card... or 1.00 to pay by checking account..... so screw them for that, I will stop and pay it for "free" except the cost of the check at the local bank that takes their payments. You would think they would be glad to do it on the internet and be sure they were getting it.....

Getting breezy out, clouding over... rain, possible T-storms late and into tomorrow. We can use some more....DS is off the rest of the day and is spreading litter on the hay field that they are supposed to plant in a couple of days.... that will be good if we get this rain and soften up the ground.... then get started in hay...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Finally caught up with you! Everything yo do! I think I better go rest just hearing abut it all!

So glad that the move is finally just about complete. Finish the move, haying this summer, and knees in the fall - you are on a roll.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Have you reached out to the tax dept yet? I would, so at least they are aware of the issue and can start researching on their end too. If they sent the wrong bill to the mortgage company, then I think the least they could do is waive the penalty if this doesn't get resolved before the due date.

Wouldn't the amounts on the two parcels be different anyways?? So they amount they've been charging you in the mortgage escrow would be off.

Can your neighbor pay the amount he was supposed to for his parcel so the county can reapply the amount paid by the mortgage to the proper parcel? I don't think it's fair for you to pay twice, once from the escrow and once to fix their screw up.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
What a mess. Taxes are bad enough without getting them mixed up like that.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Larsen Poultry Ranch ; neighbor tried to get them to refund the money back and let him pay his own taxes but the tax dept said they cannot do that due to it coming out of an escrow account..... I have not called the tax dept yet.... wanted to make sure the mtg company did not pay both... but they only got the 120.+ tax bill, so paid that.... did not get the 414.+ tax bill for the house and all.... It sounds like it is a screw up at the tax dept....someone not paying attention to what they are supposed to be doing and sent the a copy of the wrong bill to the mtg company.
Yes the amounts on the 2 bills are totally different.... the taxes on the 34+ acres is "agriculture" rates since they have the christmas tree farm, and the taxes for the house are normal taxes.....and there is no mtg on that parcel either....
So I will go fax the tax bill for the house to the mtg company... and call the tax dept today too. But all of you know what it is like to deal with stuff on the phone.... call, listen to a recording, pick this option, listen, pick that option, person finally comes on, tell the story, they put you on hold while they "research" your account.... and on and on.... I spent over an hour yesterday just getting to the person that told me all the stuff and that I needed to send the copy of the bill.....

I will work it out with the neighbor, he said he would reimburse the escrow if needed, but they may not allow that.... but he can probably just write me a check for the amount; I will see what they say today. I can designate added money to the mtg company for whatever reasons as long as it is recorded what it is for .... like extra towards the principal, additional escrow, etc..... This is just BS.

I just got home from testing this morning, and unloaded the samples from last night's big herd, and the ones from this morning's herd. Going out to get the meters in the car and head up to the farm to set up for this afternoon. He has to run them through the complete wash systems to make sure "they are clean".... he is not but 6-8 miles away so not a real big deal. Pain in the butt.... but you do it to keep the farmers happy. If he was very far away I would not do this; the good thing is that I can just walk in the barn at 4:30 this afternoon to test because it is all set up.

My next printer is also going to have fax capabilities.....

Then come back, get the samples all packed to go out... I have a headache already......