Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
It would be so wonderful if we could only direct rain as we do a sprinkler! I've had a year or two here when it was dry. One year a drought with water restrictions in the towns. Of course out here with wells, not so. But some with shallow ones had to drill or haul. I'm fortunate to not be in that group...but can't water several acres! Garden, yards, yes. Didn't have as many animals then, either.

I'd sure like to share...NC is getting hammered this week, talking 6-7". Saying about half that here. Know you could use it!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We got 1 3/4" yesterday. I'd sure send you some if I could. It was dry here, the sand was dry and deep. It has cooled the temperatures off, but the humidity is ridiculous.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I know we can't control the weather.,... or direct where the rain falls. If so, I would have sent rain out to some of the western states when we had sufficient, so that they would not have suffered so much....
Oh well, you do what you can. And yes, NC is getting hammered... and practically drowned.... I feel bad for them as I know they would really be glad to share it.
@Baymule with your soil/sand.... even when you get more than you need, you don't have near the leeway.... and it doesn't take long for your soil to need water.
BUT, Thank you for wanting to share. I am sure that @Mini Horses goats would gladly send some this way too so they didn't get their "delicate little hooves" wet !!!!:gig:th:lol:.

Clouds and cool this morning... But less than a 20% chance now... and the next couple days will be pretty much nothing... Maybe next weekend.
I imagine DS will cut the sorghum field across from my house, this afternoon... He got the rest of the other field baled... said there were a few green spots, but better than it maybe getting wet from the weather that never materialized after all.
Got the testing done this morning and the farmer gave me a half dozen ears of sweet corn. Looking forward to eating some.
Going in to make a tomato sandwich... stomach is growling. I will get the samples packed and then get the meters out and the hoses and have the back of the car empty. Will need all the space to put the boxes of bottles for the Thursday afternoon 500+ cow herd....

I need to get the lawn mowed and weed eating done. Maybe after a rest my knees will be okay for a bit of weed eating after I get the samples done. And dishes to do....
Good day to try to get some stuff done outside with the temps being so comfortable....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Getting dark. Days are getting shorter....

DS called and wanted to take one of the trucks he has down to put at the friends' business with a "for sale" sign on it. Needed me to come get him and then when I took him back to the barn to get his truck, he took the air hose and blew all the seeds and stuff out of the radiator where it had gotten covered when he went to check on the cows at the one place one day.... I was there and doing something... maybe raking? So then I told him that the radiator needed to be flushed and asked where should I take it, and showed him the gunk in it, and so he said that we would get it done as it should not be all goopy like that. He said he would pull the plug/hose off the bottom and drain it, then fill it with water and run it some to get it flushed out... then he will fill it with water and have me run it for a day or 2 and then empty and flush again to get it cleaned out good, so it can get winterized.....

I am going to rake the sorghum across the road from my house that he cut yesterday when I was testing. He won't get to it til Friday to bale... we have the vet tomorrow evening, then testing the big herd Thursday aft/eve.... and it will be 10 before we can leave there. I don't know if we are riding together or not yet.... makes sense unless he gets out of work late. Guess that will get decided tomorrow.

Moved the hose from the one tree to another... will turn it back on tomorrow for that tree....

I am going to go to bed early... time to get the knees up.