Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well. I am in front of the computer because I cannot stand just laying in bed... even with the roll on my side positions that I can move into... It seems that I must be allergic to the pain pills.... I took one about an hour before I went to PT and about an hour after I got home I just started the itching..... taking Benedryl for that now. I also got some raised welt-like places on my legs and they were driving me nuts with the itch. I now have red slightly swollen earlobes on both sides and am using the anti-itch children's benedryl gel, to try to calm them down a bit.
I called the dr office here and got the opinion that yes, I am most likely allergic to the pain pills as these symptoms are somewhat common. Also probably causing the itchiness in the legs and the the queasiness. Which I expected. So done with them and a future reference to not take this type of pain killer. And the dr office said that I could also have allergic symptoms to the tape on my legs... and it can affect more than the immediate area that it touched....

Waiting on a pot pie to cook so I can eat some late lunch/early supper.....

One thing I can say is that I wish I had gotten the recliner. There are only so many ways to sit in a chair and feet up a bit makes the knees either straight, or bent and then stay that way which is not ideal. I can only find so many positions in the bed because it is flat. A recliner would help with different positions for the feet/knees..... and back and all too. Definitely go with the electric one though to get the multitude of heights... unlike the ones with the arm on the side where there is only an up or down; or even the ones that give you some other position options.

I can't sit for very long so that's it for now.


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
Well. I am in front of the computer because I cannot stand just laying in bed... even with the roll on my side positions that I can move into... It seems that I must be allergic to the pain pills.... I took one about an hour before I went to PT and about an hour after I got home I just started the itching..... taking Benedryl for that now. I also got some raised welt-like places on my legs and they were driving me nuts with the itch. I now have red slightly swollen earlobes on both sides and am using the anti-itch children's benedryl gel, to try to calm them down a bit.
I called the dr office here and got the opinion that yes, I am most likely allergic to the pain pills as these symptoms are somewhat common. Also probably causing the itchiness in the legs and the the queasiness. Which I expected. So done with them and a future reference to not take this type of pain killer. And the dr office said that I could also have allergic symptoms to the tape on my legs... and it can affect more than the immediate area that it touched....

Waiting on a pot pie to cook so I can eat some late lunch/early supper.....

One thing I can say is that I wish I had gotten the recliner. There are only so many ways to sit in a chair and feet up a bit makes the knees either straight, or bent and then stay that way which is not ideal. I can only find so many positions in the bed because it is flat. A recliner would help with different positions for the feet/knees..... and back and all too. Definitely go with the electric one though to get the multitude of heights... unlike the ones with the arm on the side where there is only an up or down; or even the ones that give you some other position options.

I can't sit for very long so that's it for now.
Is there any way you could order a recliner to be delivered? I don’t know, maybe they are all back ordered or months out in production, and might not be needed by the time it arrived. You know what kinds you liked, so if there are any that could be gotten within a few weeks, it might be worth it. Or even if all you can get is an inferior one, it might be worth it just to get in some comfortable positions, and then sell it later on.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
So done with them and a future reference to not take this type of pain killer.
What type is it? I presume not the general Tylenol or Advil or Aleve?

I could also have allergic symptoms to the tape on my legs... and it can affect more than the immediate area that it touched..
Certainly possible, DD1 is sensitive to certain types of tape. Was a problem when she needed tape for certain "injuries" related to figure skating.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Not worth the aggravation for the recliner now. I will just deal with it at this point.
Feeling a little better this evening.... itching again so time to go take another benadryl. Knees aren't so awful throbbing hurting tonight either.
Made another hamburger and drank a protein drink. Ate earlier and drank over a pint of good "real milk".... Walking around some and trying to do a little bit.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Knees aren't so awful throbbing hurting tonight either.

Sounds like MAYBE the discomfort is on the decline and improvement on uphill.

Considering what was done, you are going to have some healing time for a while. In a few weeks you will be glad you went through it all, when you're walking without the horrid knee pains you had! Truly, it will be spring before you can feel "healed" to point of gentle discomfort. Hips and knees are in the center of walking ability.....and you just assaulted both of your knee joints!! Your PT guy is your best friend right now. Even tho he makes you do painful things. 😁🤗. Doing his job!

When all the itching and nausea are out of the picture, you will only have to work with the healing pains and reprogramming muscle use. It has GOT to be less than before and an end is in sight. Wasn't before. pep talk over. Hugs!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
"This medication is used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. Hydromorphone belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics."

"Controlled substance
High risk for addiction and dependence. Can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol."

Sure sounds like one I wouldn't want either!

On the mend, soon this pain will be a fading memory.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I am only on here for short periods since it hurts to sit at the desk for long. Just the discomfort of the knees being bent for a time.
Have been fighting this queasy stomach since I had the surgery and after a talk with @Mini Horses realized that eating some yogurt to get the good gut bacteria built back up should help. I just cannot eat much without feeling half sick. The food really did a number on me.... you can't realize that even eating occasional "fast food" is still better than what I was eating in the rehab.....but that eating real food at home, to then go to that sort of industrial slop would cause such an adverse reaction in my stomach. So today I started with some yogurt added to whatever meal I am eating.
Have to keep up with the benadryl for the itching though. Never had such a reaction to the ankle replacement.

It cooled off last night and is partly sun/clouds.... mid 40's. First day of Rifle Season for deer hunting... I have been pretty much lazing around since the stomach is still so to go in and see if I can stand for long enough to do some dishes from the last few days. Walking in the house with just one crutch mostly for a little balance since the walker won't fit between doors and such and I find it very cumbersome. I actually walk from the bed to the bathroom without even the crutches some... they said to walk any/all I want without aids if I can do it safely. In the house there are bureaus and all sorts of furniture to "hold on to" .....
PT on Thursday was rough... and I didn't do anything yesterday. I feel a little stronger today. Will try a few of the exercises later on. Want to make sure my lunch will settle. Soup again now... It is chilly enough outside and I am feeling chilled in the house.