Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Same here, 6-7 is a nice time. I'm over the 4-5 stuff -- unless I choose to go to some "event", usually animal related -- then it's my choice and excitedly ok. 😁

I got gas Tue, $3.19. Same station, Wed morning. $3.35! We are being so screwed over!!

Unfortunately, options are few.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's "early" Sat morning. Woke up at 6, stayed in bed til 7. Just ate a couple of fried eggs and looking out at the sky. We have some partly cloudy and a little sun peeking through but going to continue to get cloudier. I checked the 2 weather stations... 50 mile north and 50 miles south..... and now the regular weather forecast is saying we could get up to 4 inches of snow. Starting after midnight and into the morning then exiting and much colder. It was 46 as the low but might only hit 50 couple then drop and only mid 30's tomorrow. Cold again Monday then warming back up into the 50's for mid week and warmer for the end of the week. I really would prefer the warmer temps for testing....Monday is set up meters, Tuesday they have their own, Wed/Thurs herd is set up meters and Friday is set up meters, Sun morning they have their own. The Wed and Friday herds use all 24 meters....My butt will be dragging by the end of the week.

So I am going to hang the last load in the house, underwear and such so easy to hang on hangers in the bathroom. Not going to bother with taking it out and then bringing it back in for no more than it is. Glad I got all the stuff in yesterday with it being blown all over the place. They were dry and warm from the sun and smell like fresh air.

I'm in the mood to tackle the cupboard I brought in the house a few weeks ago... going in to move some boxes around so I can put it against the one wall and decide if that is where I want it. There are 2 possible places, but I am thinking that the one wall would be better utilized by this cupboard and it is a little closer to the kitchen doorway. Hope that I can get it upright by myself. It is just awkward due to the size. If not, maybe I can get DS to stop after he gets off work in the morning, after the night shift tonight with the snow (?), if he is coming this way to go to the barn in the morning.

Got to do dishes and go out to the chickens. They have been laying a little more, days are getting longer... and I am getting 2 brown and 1 white egg pretty much everyday. Just put in 8 to hard boil for deviled eggs or egg salad. I will carry another 2 gal bucket of water to them since it is unlikely it will freeze much with the temps only supposed to get in the low 30's... the greenhouse/shelter does get the morning sun and warms up quite a bit which is nice. This way I won't have to carry any water if it is snowy tomorrow.

I can sure sympathize with the boxes @Baymule ... my DR looks like that since I moved in here and the kitchen has a pile against the one wall where I want the table to go. But with having to seriously think about doing something with this sink and the counter tops/formica that is raising and trying to peel from the moisture underneath, I sorta hate to get anything else in the cabinets "done" . I certainly don't want to put stuff in the bottom cabinets for them to tear the tops off.... why clean twice.????

Time to get off here and get somethings done for a bit.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Did the chickens, got the stuff moved away from where I want to put the cupboard. Got to get the vacuum out and get the floor cleaned up and some stuff in the kitchen while it is out.
Hung the clothes on the hangers in the bathroom with the clothespins.
Brought the boxes in when I came in from the chickens, so I can put the sample bottles in the trays for the next couple of farms.
Dishes done.
Stomach is growling for some lunch.... and just realized it is almost 1 pm so no wonder. Will go in and eat some of the tuna fish I had made in the container in the fridge.

On a roll for doing stuff with the cupboard so hope I can slide it over then set it upright.

Sun keeps trying to come out but mostly cloudy. Not bad though, up to 55. I need to get a few more meters out of the storage box to put on the truck for Monday so I don't have to be digging around for them in the cold. Got the hoses for this farm in the tote to put on the truck Monday... it uses short hoses. I left the longer hoses on the truck for the farm Wed since I won't be doing much else with the back of the truck in the meantime. I will put whatever else I need on there on Wed. Will need all those longer hoses on Friday too. Want to be outside while it is nicer this afternoon.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Sounds like here Mike. 68 yesterday, 71 today...sunshine both days😁 41 at get up tomorrow. Rain by noon, low 30s and wintery mix by 6-7. 😲. Couple days of chill and back to 70s. Need summer and winter clothes at hand. Of course, it is still winter!!!

Crazy weather. Animals don't know whether to shed or grow more hair.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Sounds like here Mike. 68 yesterday, 71 today...sunshine both days😁 41 at get up tomorrow. Rain by noon, low 30s and wintery mix by 6-7. 😲. Couple days of chill and back to 70s. Need summer and winter clothes at hand. Of course, it is still winter!!!

Crazy weather. Animals don't know whether to shed or grow more hair.

The sheep are already shedding and the fruit trees were already flowering. In spite of all that, I'm starting my spring garden seeds in the next couple of days.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
If they're shedding, signals warmer is coming. They're usually better than the weather people. Overall. 😁. I know when mine start the fuzzies too early in Fall, they are to be trusted! Get the long johns out -- no matter the reports.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We have a picture perfect Currier and Ives postcard out there.....!!!!! It is about 35 and there is at least 4 inches of the white stuff... Not a bit of wind so everything has this LOVELY white snow on all the branches and the smallest twigs. It really is pretty.
It must have come down pretty fast to finally get it to stick. Temp gauge said it got down to 32 so the ground was cold but not frozen. I will go out to the chickens to let them out of the crate in a few minutes. I already put away the dishes in the dish drainer and made some instant oatmeal to eat.
Road looks to be pretty good. Don't know if they ever plowed or just salted.

The radar is showing us to still get snow until about noontime... we are in a pocket here and it isn't leaving anytime soon. @Mini Horses will get some... something..... later but doubt it will amount to alot so that is good for her.

Truck just went by with a plow so I guess they did/are plowing. It will melt pretty fast if it stays above freezing, but if the sun doesn't come out there won't be alot of melting.

So time to get dressed and get something done. I will enjoy the scenery too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just an update. I went out to the chickens and the snow is still coming down. Very fine but quite thick. Have had another inch since earlier this morning. The perfect snow ball, snowman making snow... wet and packs . Threw a couple handfuls in for the chickens and they were loving picking at it. I didn't get any eggs yesterday but already got 4 this morning... so there are at least 4 laying. 2 whites and 2 browns and they are from different birds.

Did some dishes that were in a box, canning jars that were pretty dirty and some other stuff. So one more box emptied. Going in to work on the cupboard. I did not get it all wiped out inside yesterday so going to do that. I didn't call DS so that was good since I was not ready for him. Don't think I can get it upright by myself since it will fit close to the ceiling and there is limited room in there with all the boxes, to tip it up.

Clothes are dry in the bathroom, so will have a basket full now with all the socks.
Have to get the sample bottles in the racks. Lots to do today... little bits here and there which is good. I won't get too frustrated with any one thing and can quit and go to another thing if I want.

Really enjoying watching the snow today. It is 35 so not real cold and no wind so didn't feel all that bad when I went out. It won't last but a couple days if the sun comes out like they said.