Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
The things happening are scary! At our level of involvement we see things that the average consumer doesn't. At least it gives us some "prep" time. And on a day to day, our very lifestyle of sustainability is what enables us to at least eat well. 👍. Some of the dramatic weather patterns are because of the global warming situations and I can't fix that! Glad we are on the east coast which has, overall, made it through in a somewhat better outcome -- so far.

There just seems to be no end to these challenges....add in higher crime rates ☹️ I long for the older, quieter, harder working times. We had less material and more empathetic ways.

I am concerned with the Russian situation as Putin just wants to conquer and at some point he can/will release against USA. I'm in a prime target with all the military facilities here but, hopefully, one of the most protected with advance alert systems because of same.🤷

I'm aware, just not dwelling on it! Keep on getting up!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Saturday eve. Started out as a decent day but we had alot more clouds than I thought. We got some sun late this afternoon. Temps went up to 74 on the thermometer, but there was a pretty brisk breeze so didn't feel real warm. I was in a long sleeved t-shirt and was comfortable.
DS finally called and we worked the calves this afternoon. He had a couple of friends come and it went along real good. Plus, they helped him with the broken spring in the post driver which I probably couldn't have done since it took the 3 of them. It was a productive day for him when he finally got to the farm. Problem is he is losing over a half a day's work with babying her. He talks about all he is not getting done, and I just listen...not getting into it but he is sounding a bit frustrated and even a little angry.... guess he will have to figure it out. I understand that she is hurting right now... but... there always seems to be something and he cannot afford to keep this up if he wants to keep the farm and get it to be more workable. He should have had all the litter spread because it has been pretty much dry enough to get on the fields but he is not getting it done as fast as it should be done. gotta be there to do the work and not keep leaving to do something that she "wants to do"....

I have decided to go to Highland County to the Maple festival for a bit tomorrow. Will go by myself since he will not be able to leave her. Haven't heard from Deb so I guess she didn't come out to the farm this weekend again. I will get up early, let the chickens out, and go to eat Pancakes and poke around a little and then quit when my knees start to get too tired. Want to do something enjoyable for a change.

Got some of the soil mix in the one tray to see what seeds will sprout from some of the old ones I have. It will be 6-8 weeks before we can plant the sensitive ones out there... mid-May. Then I can see what I am going to need to get to supplement....

Ordered a couple rolls of electric netting for the chickens and little calves I am going to bring home from the dairy in a couple of weeks. If I can get them to eat down some of the old grass with the new coming up through where I want the garden, that will make it easier to get it tilled too. Then just move them further down into the field.
TSC carries the OK brand of fencing that @Baymule used... EXCEPT NOT the sheep and goat fence.... going to talk to the manager and see if they can get it on a delivery of other fencing.... I want the 4x4 spacing..... or see what other brand they might carry. I need to see if Rural King carries it. JUST AGGRAVATING....

Ate some jello I had in the fridge a little bit ago. Had a hamburger for lunch. Don't know what I want...... I did put a bunch of eggs in to hard boil today.

Got 2 farms set up for this coming week and another called to say they had just changed feed and got into some not so good silage so want to wait for a week. That works since I have one more to talk to and will probably do them on Mon or Wed afternoon and I suspect that Wed will work better since she will be coming home from a show tomorrow (Sunday). I would prefer Monday.... Haven't heard from my jersey herd 125 miles away, so I don't think they have sold out yet....Got 2 for the following week; and a meeting here at the local fire dept for a cattle marketing seminar, on Tuesday.

Need to get the mower started... and get some "pre-grass growing", old stuff mowed... maybe this week? And get the lines for the electric netting mowed, so I can get it up; and contain these PITA chickens, so they quit scratching all my daffodils and iris along the porch. I want to put down some mulch/wood chips and they will have a grand old time just scratching them all over....I miss the meat birds.... they never came this far even....and they certainly didn't do all this "enthusiastic" scratching !!!!! And get some seriou weed eating done along the 3 peach trees so I can mulch them good too. At least now I can stand, to run the weed eater.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Chilly morning and day. 43 to start, and now only up to 52 with the wind blowing so feels colder. Mostly cloudy and had a few sprinkles while coming back from Highland County from the Maple Festival. Ate a good breakfast of buckwheat pancakes and a ham slice and OJ... Walked around the school's gym with alot of the crafters, did a few outside in town but knees were starting to ache a bit. Mostly due to the temps and weather I am sure. So, I did a little more then took a scenic drive home. Saw one of the "girls" that is a dental hygienist at my dentists' office... she is real nice... working in the kitchen at the high school where I ate breakfast.
There were getting to be quite a few people there and didn't want to fight the crowds.... not as much fun when you are by yourself either. So, I left about 7:30 to go over... left about 1:30 to come home. It's an hour or so drive. This is the last day and people get tired out and ready to quit earlier... several people said it was quite busy yesterday....Warmer too...
The wind is really blowing and gusting here this afternoon. So, it will be an "inside to work", the rest of the day. There's always plenty I can do. Going to go through the seed packets and get them planted to see what is what.
I am going to put back on a lightweight sweatshirt, it is cool in the house...Got socks to fold and vacuuming to do...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Got some vacuuming done. Put what was left of the chicken in a pot to cook for soup and to make some chicken salad since I didn't eat as much of the meat off this one.
I finally figured out how to get the cupboard upright without doing any damage to me or it... put the folding step ladder under it as I lifted it part way, then swiveled it around to get it the rest of the way... YAY... but then found out how "crooked" the floors are in the DR... and I do not have anything that I can use for wedges since there are basically no pieces of scrap wood here and I want to put the tapered ones under it so that it will stay level.... GRRR:th
:confused::duc:duc:duc But that is not the end of the world.... I will get something tomorrow. So that is in place and as soon as I get it leveled, I will start putting some of the clean stuff that I stuck in some boxes, into it.... and out of the kitchen floor.... the doors are a little worse for being outside on the deck even though it was covered... may have to take them off and either see if they can be sanded or maybe have to replace them... they are finished on one side, plywood so not cheap... But I will still put stuff in there as soon as I get it leveled tomorrow.

I will text my farmer tomorrow morning and tell them that the only thing I have open to test is on Wed afternoon.... or we could do it saturday...
Locked in chickens and pulled up the hose from last year out of the overgrown grass so I can get out there with the mower...and not cut up a new hose....

Ate another hamburger/no bun for supper as I was not real hungry from the big breakfast of buckwheat pancakes but didn't want to eat at 9 p.m..
Wind has slowed down finally. Going to quit for the night. The recording thermometer said it got down to 39 sometime this morning after I left....and it is down to 43 already. Tonight is supposed to be a little colder than last night.

Happy 1st day of Spring... better late than never.. Sure didn't feel much like it today. March came in like a lamb, spring came in like a chilly lion.... no tellin' how it will go out in 10 days.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thanks @Larsen Poultry Ranch ... I think I got some at Lowe's the last time. That was my probable go-to. I rather hate to make a special trip when I am going to be half way there tomorrow.... but I have PT then testing tomorrow, testing Wed morning... possible testing Wed aft (waiting for them to get back to me)....PT and then I want to go to the exotic animal on Thursday.....then a big herd testing on Friday which I will leave here by if I don';t go get them today, I will have very little time to work on getting the stuff in the cupboard and out of the boxes for several days. Debating to run up there in a few minutes and just get it done, against the extra gas for something non-essential.

It got cold last night... 36 but it is mostly sunny out and temps warming. Supposed to get up into the 60's-70's maybe.... Maybe if I go now, and do whatever other errands on my list, then tomorrow I can come straight home from PT and work around here until testing late in the afternoon. They don't start til 4:30 and it is only 15 minutes up the road. Might be the smarter move. I can see about the mowing after I get back when it is warmer....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Total change of plans today. Was finishing up in town, and DS called and he was going to the stockyard in Roanoke, 1 hr south; so I wound up going with him instead. It was still cool around 1 but the sun had finally come out full, so it warmed up quite a bit this afternoon. Hit 70 on the thermometer.... He got some more bull calves. Most are pretty nice, 2 are real skittish... and one 800+ lb steer that will be a future beef because he was a good price. Thick built but had some white on him like he was part holstein and he didn't bring much. Got a heifer he has been feeding that just isn't gaining and won't make a good beef I don't think. So, think he will sell her and get whatever he can out of her, and do this steer in the fall instead. He needs 2 for June, 1 july, 1 aug, 1 sept.... then 2 in dec. Got a couple on feed now and might try to find another "bigger one" or 2 for the fall killings if the ones aren't big enough.

So we came home, unloaded, and checked them out in the barn, will work them this weekend. Finding that it works better to just let them chill for a few days before doing any shots or anything. Plus, some of these had not been weaned, so they are going to walk fences and holler for their momma's. Hopefully they will chill out in a few days. They are in with a couple that we banded on Saturday with the help he had, and a couple of other ones so they ought to learn to come in for feed and water. Doubt they have even seen silage before but they did know what eating hay was.
Watched the gates as he fed some silage in the barn and in the back lots for the calves already back there. Then came home, locked in the chickens. I will put the meters on the truck in the morning before I go to PT. Then stop and set them up since it is on my way and then I can come straight home after PT and get something done here before going back to test late afternoon.

So, I am going to go in and get these shims under the cupboard so I can wipe out the shelves and get some stuff in there.