Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Printed off your post about hay and price and gave it to DH. Asked if he had his glasses to read it but was told he didn't need them and then he immediately started saying you did not know what you were talking because gas has not gone to $10.00/gallon! :barnie

Got the magnifying glass and pointed out that the text stated gas had gone up
$.10 - TEN CENTS - not to TEN DOLLARS! DS1 started laughing and pointed out that was why I asked about DH's glasses. DH is still reading the posting. He keeps putting off going to get hay even though we will be out next week. I keep telling him to call and see if the hay guy is getting in a load. GRRR!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
That is how FarmerJan wrote it! DH just can't see well to read without his glasses. He is currently reading a Kindle. He turns the size of the letters up to giant size! Not needing his glasses to read goes along with not needing his hearing aids to hear! Any legal docs he just hands to me to read then signs where I tell him! Lucky for him I love him!

Alfalfa is now $20/bale for a 110 lb. bale. :ep

DH has finished the article and is now instructing the family on why hay will be so high in the coming year. :lol:


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop ... I have to laugh at your DH..... far be it for me to be the one to teach others why hay will go up...... and for him to not use his glasses to read with if he needs them? I guess it is a pride thing? I have to take my glasses off to read up close.... mine are for distance and my eyes no longer compensate as well like they used to, to get by with reading with them on. I have "progressive lenses" and still take them off for reading and the computer work if it is less than 2 ft away at the desk.

Oh well, maybe someone will take it to heart and really believe it.

I am still feeling rough... some coughing which makes my head hurt... which is typical when I get a bad cold. It has been several years since I have had one that hit me this fast and this hard. But reassuring that is just a bad cold. No stamina or "wind" when walking out to the chickens...

The weather warmed up some today... 65 with part sun/clouds but then this afternoon it started to cloud over and the wind picked up again. We have a severe weather warning... high gusty winds tomorrow and rain... possible downpours. We are in the area of some possible severe gusts and damage... Just have to see how it goes tomorrow.
I stayed home and mostly inside and did very little all day. That's what I need for another day or 2 at least. Tomorrow will be a good one to stay in. I never got the meters out of the car and it will wait if it is raining tomorrow.
I did cancel my PT appt and the girl that works there, who is a friend, said "oh my, you sound terrible"... as I said it would be better that I did not come and infect other people with this cold. Re scheduled for 2 weeks to give me time to feel better...

The cattle at the assoc sale brought 1.83 which DS said was pretty good... he is satisfied. So they go tomorrow to get weighed and shipped out. I have 1 steer in the group. At least they get weighed separately so I will know what he weighs. DS got them all in the barn and ready to load early as he has a dr appt in Blacksburg at 8... so will drop them off before 7 and then go on to the dr appt. Then he is going to Rural King and get some of the net wrap for the one baler because it is nearly $75 cheaper there.... I think it might be last years wrap... which is fine to use. He will stop and get the trailer on the way back at the stock yard where he has to take the cattle to get weighed. I would have gone with him if I was feeling better but am staying home.

So, I ate a grilled cheese for supper and am going in to take another hot steamy shower.... read for awhile and go to sleep.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Staying home and inside is exactly what you need to do. Lounge around in your pajamas and fuzzy house shoes. I stayed in PJs over a week, donning Carhart overalls and a sweat hoodie to go outside to feed sheep and dogs.
Stay in, drink hot tea or cocoa and take care of yourself. You run hard all the time, take a rest.


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Warm morning comparatively.... 59 and up to 62 now. Wind is blowing a gale out there and getting some sprinkles... sounds like it wants to blow the house away. I am going out to let the chickens out and hope they have enough sense to not get blown away!!!! I did not find any eggs yesterday... they are getting on my nerves. Need to walk around and see if I can find where else they might be laying them. Not going to happen today.
Want to get out there while it is not raining much so I don't have to get soaked. They are calling for some serious rain later on this afternoon and we are in the slight risk for severe storms and wind damage... 1 step up from the low risk... but a moderate chance of high and damaging winds.
Other than that it is going to be another quiet and do nothing kind of day.


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, aside from the wind we got very little of the weather. Got one quick rain that lasted maybe a 1/2 hour ? Sun came out a little while ago and it warmed up to 69... still windy but it stayed mostly south and headed east. Radar shows maybe a little more rain this evening but I am not expecting much honestly. It moved more east than north east and much of it bypassed us.
Stuck the pots of spider plants out on the deck so they could get a good watering of rain water but don't think it soaked them like I wanted.
Got some of the smaller hanging pots and will repot them and split them up in a few days. They will be messy so will do them outside when I feel better and weather warms up a little more. Thinking that I want them to look nice when I am thinking about the yard sale too.

Had 2 eggs in the crate this morning so maybe they didn't lay yesterday. These hens are getting older so may not be laying everyday.
There is quite a big deal about the avian flu thing so don't know if there will be the poultry swap... watching that closely.

I worked on repotting a couple of violets that needed to be split up. One had 3 more plants off the main stem so don't know if they will make it after being cut off with basically no roots, but they were growing all tangled up. The main plant looks alot better and one side plant had some roots so it ought to be okay but the other 2 will be iffy. The other one had 2 basic plants that I split and both repotted with roots so ought to be fine.

Did the dishes. Got tired, so took a break. Ridiculous that my strength is so "short" with this cold. But I do feel better today. Might go back in and see about doing a little more in the kitchen cabinets....

Need to do the last 2 jigsaw puzzles; break apart and put back in the boxes. I have looked at/admired them, long enough.

I plan to try to get the meters out of the car tomorrow, and all that put away in the carport. Got one farm to call about testing and then got to get with DS to see about the big herd and when it will suit him...glad that we didn't schedule it for today... I am not sure I could have managed it, although I probably would have done what I had to do, even though it would have set me back. So it all worked out. I will call the one herd tomorrow, and see if he wants the first part of the week, and see if I can get with DS and get the big herd scheduled. Need to look at the weather and see if there is rain in the forecast, that is a better day to work since DS can't do as much at the farm in the rain.

I'm hungry and a grilled cheese is not going to cut it. PBJ maybe, something to stick to my ribs a little more???? Ate jello earlier, doesn't last long.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I got wind and rain. Fast, hard rain. Sprinkle, clear, more wind!!! Really crappy day. Tornado warnings all day. Another round of rain tonight possible. 🤷. Then nice weather for several y'all. 😁

DS replacing fuel line filter on my truck and I'll add injector cleaner to tank tomorrow. Read several reviews/comparisons to get best rated. So....hope that both take care of the rough idle and recent sometime difficult starts. Maybe I can get him to replace the bushings I bought for front end this weekend. Really, less time than it takes to cook dinner! Maybe no dinner until....😂some days are a challenge.

Some old hens here lay but, less than daily...normal, as you say. Just had an old gentleman roo pass at 10 this week.😢 Came as a day old chick. He had been retired for a while.😊 Geriatric acres here.