Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed eve.... home from the 125 mile away farm..... stopped to get milk at the farmer's that I get it from, on the way home and stayed and talked for about an hour... he's milking 5 right now..... the size I would like to be !!!! He uses a machine and all... we talked alot about how the dairies have sold out in the area in the last 20-30 years... who I used to test and all that.... and how bleak things are looking for the food situation in the next 6-12 months....
He said that down where his son and family live in NC that a bale of good orchard grass hay is $15.00.... 60 lb sq bales... and alfalfa is over 20.... shortages of hay as none is getting shipped in from the west with the reduced harvest from drought last year and increased intake of cattle this year with the colder winter.... not any carry over...
It is looking not very good.... with the "war" in Ukraine, they will not be planting the wheat they normally do... and they supply nearly 1/3 of the wheat in the world... we grow mostly winter wheat here... they grow more spring wheat.... If you can, better stash some extra flour in the freezer or wheat berries in an airless storage method. I notice there are often bare spots on the shelves all the time now in the flour/sugar/baking supplies....

@Bruce , there are 3 trees here at the house, 15 x 50 ft area... no way I will be able to fence and keep them out of it except with 6 ft fence... plus there are over 20 down at the other field that never got moved again this year.... 2 different areas of over a half acre or more each.... They are supposed to come here... I want to fence it here to stop the deer... won't be able to afford it at the current prices....
One good thing... DS told owner of field across from the house, (former owners of this house too), that something has to be done about the deer... and he has agreed to damage kill permits this year.... seems like they are "nibbling" on some of the christmas trees and done some damage.... d#@n him anyway for not caring until it cost him some money..... the he// with us and the cost of the cover crop seeding.... guess DS told him that we would not be planting any more cover crops since the deer are destroying the wheat and eating it faster than it can grow and kills it.....

We got .7 inch rain yesterday eve and night. Supposed to get another little bit tonight as the line of showers comes through.... the best thing is it really soaked in..... NICE.... it was getting too dry for this early in the spring.

DS got the fence fixed. The 3 were out again this afternoon... he said they wiggled their way through where I had fixed it and got back in... he put up a piece of woven wire on the inside of the 5 strand barbed wire fence and said they won't be coming out there again... little PITA's will probably find another spot... but they are contained for a few days I hope.

I needed some bread and so stopped at Walmart on the way home... convenient... and wanted to check out the "industrial" bulk food shelves... I buy the Hershey's syrup in the super size as it is alot cheaper... but it is usually a summer thing and none there. I also walked through the plants to see what they had.... I went by a whole section of shelves that was "Clearance" items... found 2 chicken 10 lb hanging feeders 1/2 price (6.99) as opposed to the normal price of 14.99 and I know they are about $12-14 at TSC..... also bought 3 gal of "lamp fuel"... like kerosene... which is 4.99 at the gas stations... for 3.50 each.... it won't "get old" if I put it in the kerosene lamps here....and some LED light bulbs for less than 1/2 price... we need some in the barn....and I am trying a 3 sided light that screws into a regular light socket... and they are supposed to be adjustable for angle ... for use in a garage or something... to see if we can get a little more light in the barn alleys...for $9.00 and if I can get DS to put them in and see if they work, will go back and get more.... Maybe save a little in electric as well as get some better light....They were regularly like 18.99 or 27.99, have to go look. Not cheap enough for me to buy them to try at the regular price..... Also picked up a little ceramic heater like for at the desk when my feet get cold... 15.99 regular, for 3.50.... that was real bargain... been wanting one. All in all, a good bunch of deals even if I wasn't planning to spend that money....

So, I am home, most of the stuff unloaded out of the car and done for the night. Have had a half a headache most all day... need to go take a shower, get warmed up and go to bed. Nothing planned for tomorrow now that I canceled the farm to go to the family night tomorrow night...
Put the 2 gal bucket of milk in the fridge, will pour it into the glass jars tomorrow.... I need to quit for the night. Rain is supposed to come in around midnight for a few hours....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good clearance buys. 👍

We're getting some light rains tonight up from Carolinas, then the front at your place will be here tomorrow mid day, until? I'm not enthused but they say we need the rain. I do not need the accompanying winds!! What ever happened to the warm, soft rains you could sit on the porch and watch or nap by? 🤔😊


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Tyler news station showed a picture and said “a group of small cows” got out of their field and were on a walking trail in one of the parks. The small cows were actually Angus calves. I guess nobody in the station knew what a calf is, much less an Angus. The owner was contacted and he got them back in the fence.

Reminded me of your PITA calves that keep getting out. LOL


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Tyler news station showed a picture and said “a group of small cows” got out of their field and were on a walking trail in one of the parks. The small cows were actually Angus calves. I guess nobody in the station knew what a calf is, much less an Angus. The owner was contacted and he got them back in the fence.

Reminded me of your PITA calves that keep getting out. LOL
Our horses got out once... they were running ALL OVER the world... and the reports were "mare and foal" :rolleyes:

2 geldings... one percheron, and one caspian.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been pretty tied up the last couple of days. One of my farmers' computer screen went totally black... laptop... and she had all her DHIA stuff in it for the herd... normally not a disaster...but they were having a vet check on Friday... because they are shipping out a load of about 40-50 cows on Monday.... So Thursday I went up there and spent over 2 hours trying to get the producer program to install on a new computer... On the phone with our records mgt and all... and their wi-fi was acting up due to the rain up there... I had to leave and come home to get ready to go to the family night..... DS went with me since he also used to go with me to "family gatherings" when he was younger... it was a long day/eve.... rough.... Then I got up, downloaded her herd into my computer in order to run some reports for her for the vet check today.... and went to the barn again this morning at 7:30 because it quit the install again last evening when she tried it. Got back on the phone with the same really really wonderful girl that had been helping me... no rain... and the wi-fi was working at the barn and it finally got installed and all updated.... Then I went into the reports and created the same reports she had; that I had originally created for them years ago; and then when they went on their own computer program, I had created them in her computer... There are quite a few "standardized reports" but many farmers have certain things they want to see when they print out reports and it is specific info for their herd.
Anyway, I was there for another 2+ hours... and got home around noon (50 minutes away).... Left here for the graveside service that was at 3... then went to the house and visited with family and all, then came home around 6:30... it is an hour +... got here right about dark.
I watered all the violets and plants.. and sat down to catch up a bit.
I'm going to quit here in a few minutes.... I'm tired out.... more emotional than anything I think.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It has rained off and on for 3 days... We had .7 inch by Wed morning... and then a few showers and stuff, and more rain Thursday night... .5 inch in the gauge today. Had a little shower a bit ago... supposed to have some sun early then more showers tomorrow eve.... It was down to 38 this morning and supposed to have possible low 30's and frost or freeze the next 2 mornings....colder than normal... but then warming and maybe hit 80 ? on wed???? NUTS.