Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Can DS install a fold up step on that tractor? If not, you may want to get a mounting block that can be pulled up onto tractor with you -- something along the lines of horse mounting.
Check at Camping World or online for folding steps for campers. They telescope out and then telescope back up to the bottom of the camper and have a lock for traveling. They bolt on and adjust for the height you need. You could tie a rope to the bottom to pull it up. We installed one on our Lance camper since the step was too high off the ground on our 4WD truck. Or get a lightweight stool and tie a thin rope or cord around it so you can haul it onto the tractor after getting into the tractor. I did that with DS2's ginormously high truck when we used it to go to Texas last winter. Used my fold up plastic stool with a hay rope tied onto it. Came in very handy or getting into the truck bed too. Then got home and DS1 told me that the truck had a pull-out step in the back bumper for getting into the truck bed! DH said "Oh yes, I forgot about that step" after watching me struggle into the truck bed the whole trip! :smack


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
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Southern Washington State
I love African Violets. Mother used to buy them, raised them, and then gifted. I had a bunch when I was younger. Fluffy ruffles, and more.

Two years ago, at my Dr's office, there were five spectacular violets growing on the countertops, under artificial lights. I asked if I could PLEASE take two leaves. SURE! No problem.

They now are small plants. After I move, I'll get them separated and potted up in some violet pots I got at Goodwill.

Take photos for me! Enjoy the company today.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Hot, tired.... it has been very "warm" 93, was high, and getting more humid all day. Radar shows it is coming down from the north and has mostly been staying to the east of us, but it looks like it will get here around 8-9 p.m.. Talked to the friends as I thought they would be here by 4 or 5... They ran into horrible pouring rain, 20 mph on the interstate, fog.... NOT FUN. They were up near Winchester... 100 + miles north at 5 ... so another 2 hrs from here. Well, it will be about an hour now, since it is now after 6. They said it was starting to rain REAL HARD there when we were on the phone.

Did what I was going to do in the house... going out to the garden for a few minutes and maybe trying to put more straw down around the potatoes. I'm still all sweaty so may as well. It is still 88 at 6 p.m. Pretty hot for here.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Worked out in the garden and got the straw up around the potato plants. Then went and got the cow in and friends called. We decided to get together for supper... they had a horrible trip down with the hard rains and fog.... LONG day for them. So, I came home, washed face and hands, changed shirt and then went to meet them... about 4 miles from the house. DS came and met up with us... he had been at work. Long day for him also.
Torrential rains north and east of us. It got windy here and then it passed just east again. Ate and talked alot, then C was needing to go back to room to stretch out his back which really was hurting from the LONG nerve racking drive.... Nearly 10 hours when we can do it in about 7-8 ... due to the rain and fog.
So we went back to the motel.... I went with M and daughter J to M's room and we talked another hour or so. Then let them get some sleep and came home. It has started some rain, lots of thunder and some lightning.... but doesn't seem to be alot of rain in it. Will see what happens by morning. Radar is showing some more rain but it seems to be breaking up and this area may be missing out on some of the rain. I think there is chances of rain for several days so I can hope we will get some decent rain without getting any damaging downpours or anything like that.

We are going to get together in the morning.... they are going to call after 8... "breakfast at motel", so that is fine. I will get cow in and do her before and then see what the weather looks like. DS said he can get away from work for awhile also.

I need a shower and get some sleep.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Our weather has had dramatic differences within just relatively short distances. All from the same huge "system" moving along. Rains varying 1/2" to 3". Heavy winds to none. Plus it's moving north to south in odd way, more than the easterly norm. I did not get the thunder and winds but did get a decent rain....meaning slower and soaking.
Needed that! Scattereds here today, clearing out mid to late afternoon. The weather map showed this system from you all the way to me at same time! Big !


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday afternoon. I have a miserable headache this afternoon and doesn't make sense since had a good day.
65 to start, had sun and it got up to 88... more muggy today.
Last night we wound up getting up 8 tenths inch rain overnight. There was alot of wind and we lost our power for over 2 hours. Of course all the digital clocks are blinking everywhere.
Got up and went to do cow, then talked to M, J, &C... They came by the house then DS got off work about 9:30 and we went around and looked at some pastures and cows and visited. Had several trees down across the roads into 3 places .... DS had taken the chain saw after the first tree was down. Had a nice couple of hours and then DS had to go to a class at 1 p.m. so he got picked up at my house by one of the other guys....and then I went to lunch with them and they left to go to WV. Always too short a visit...
M is pushing 86... near my mom's age... it is so hard to think of her that age. Glad that her daughter and SIL get along good with her. He really likes the RR's that they go to see... and J has alot of trouble with depth perception and some things but she does see more than I realized... she cannot drive anymore so is lucky her husband is now retired and can drive as she had been depending on M.... You wouldn't know she was that age but is still getting a little "slower" and it is an 8 hour drive down here and with J not being able to spell her driving anymore... it is a long trip.
It is so nice to see her doing so good though...

DS stopped here on his way home from the class as his truck was here from when he had come here this morning... we talked a little bit... he was going to go mow some hay. The rain chances have dropped, so he figured it would be a good time to get going on it again. Next week is mostly a rain free week... We will get going on more as soon as we get through the weekend and see what it looks like. Would be nice to get it all done in the next week or so. Be time to get the wheat combined in a couple weeks.

I am going up to the cow; a neighbor had a jersey get out and she is in our field... he stopped and I told him not to worry... we will drop her off when we start moving these young cow/calf pairs out in the next week.... she is not hurting anything and there is enough grass. Then I think as soon as I get the cow done, will come back and try to work in the garden a little bit. That rain ought to make weed pulling easy for the next day or 2.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Back in and have the leftover pizza from our lunch in the oven warming up. I seldom eat pizza since I only eat a few pieces and it isn't any fun to eat it alone... but they all like pizza and said it would be great to get it and then they left me the few leftover pieces to take home. That was great.
Came home from the cow and calves and got into the garden. Weeded and mulched the row of 12 plants or so of the "summer squash mix" I had planted; weeded down the rest of the row of green beans to the end of the garden. Then started up the row of onions that goes the length... it is a "triple staggered row" of plants... to get more in and the row is a little wider... the white ones aren't that good, some empty spots... the red ones are pretty good and thick, not many missing and got halfway through the yellow ones before it got too dark to see. I will try to get them finished tomorrow, then start down another row of green beans. It was perfect temps to be doing it and not many bugs.... I feel like I accomplished alot.
Just wish the mower was working so I could use the grass as mulch inbetween them... so easy to spread when it is shorter pieces than the straw. DS had looked at the mower and not sure; even though it has some spark, he said to get a new spark plug for it... it might be weak when it is under compression? What's a spark plug cost... like a few dollars?

Need to tie up some tomatoes. But the big thing is I need to get some more mulch down so the crenshaws and cantaloupe plants can send out vines and I can find them.... and then the cukes and butternut squash will be wanting to send out vines next.

I am hoping to be able to do some more serious weeding tomorrow. I really would like to see if I can get some of that old hay I saw there in the woods... really need it.

DS texted me and said he mowed 3 of the fields down the road from me. Don't know if he is going to mow more tomorrow. I might be able to rake some tomorrow afternoon... but will wait and see.

Going to eat the leftover pizza.... stomach is growling!!!!

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