Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I use only ethanol free gas in the mower. The station across from the co-op carries the ethanol free gas. So, I know it was not gas with ethanol in it because I do not keep any here in the cans. But with the heat we have had, anything is possible. We got it going this morning, and DS said it might take a bit to get it completely out of the whole system and running better. It ran for me for a few minutes, mowed a stretch, then it would keep quitting. I finally decided to take off the filter and there was some crap in it... I went and just got back with a new inline filter. Will put that back on and see if that helps. Should have put a new one on but never thought of it.
I have used StaBil products in storage of gas before... but this gas was from a couple months ago. I actually try to run the mower out of gas before I put it away for the winter.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Long day, and it has been very humid and sticky. Some clouds which helped earlier, but then more partly sun this afternoon.
Did cow, all 9 calves were in, so closed the creep gate. DS said to try to get the cows in and he could move them today. He was trying to get some things done at the barn... and later found out it was to work on GF truck.... as well as some of the other stuff he had to do. But it was getting priority... don't talk to me about things that you don't get done and then spend all this time on her stuff and make me wait.....
I got most of the cows in, except 2... so I kicked those 2 calves out and then sorted out 2 more cows, that were checked pregnant and should calve in Sept.... and let the nurse cows calves out with her for the afternoon. I also kicked out the calf on the longhorn and one other nut case cow... they are going to stay there. So had 5 calves and a total of 9 cows in the barn to go to doug's.

Put the in line filter on and mower ran much better. DS had gotten this guy who has been working some... more not than working... but this is something GF lined up... and he is spraying thistles. Using my hose here to get water to fill the tank on the 4-wheeler.... which is fine. But he only works a couple hours and waits til it is mid-day hot and then complains about the heat. Not too bright... doesn't work anywhere else, 29 yrs old and one with no real ambition.... DS has to babysit him all the time.... anyway, he said he was done for the day... don't see where he worked more than an hour at the pasture next door... and his GF was going to come get him because one of their vehicles was broke down... so I offered to take him back to the barn (3 miles) so she would know where to get him...
BUT, I screwed up because I forgot to turn off the gas line before I left and then DS called and said he was on his way to the pasture to get the matched cow/cf pairs. So I went to the pasture and helped him get them loaded and he said he could work the calves right then, so followed him to the barn. But when he got there, the guy was there to work on her ac on her truck... so I wound up hanging around for a little bit and then told DS I was going to come home and do something and to call me when he was done.
Got home and found the gas line on, and of course it is dripping a little and the plug is fouled and all.... SOOO no mowing right then. I wound up getting the weed eater out and did around the porch and a few other places... but I was hot from getting the cows and all in, so then came in and got a drink and cooled off a bit. Next thing you know it is time to go do the nurse cow for the evening feeding.
Went up and she came in and then "her calves" came in... she wanted no part of the bull calves out with her when they came in, but then let them nurse from the back... then her calf finally came in. So they are locked in for the night... I will let them out during the day with the others but lock them in at night so I know the bull calves especially, get a good feeding in the morning. She was SOOO accommodating with the calves last time... even took that last one from DS heifer that prolapsed and died... but this is a different year... and she is just not being very good about them out in the field. She lets them on her in the barn as long as hers is there.... Good thing is she is a grain oriented cow... so will come in for that.
I went to the doug's to see if DS was still there... nope... no one... so I called him because the cows were still locked in the barn. He called me back... and said I was gone about 10 minutes and they got called into work, there was a bad wreck on the interstate... had to set up detour signs, to get the traffic off and onto our main road to go to the next exit.... and all..... he just said it was bad... I am assuming that there were fatalities. I said, well, I let the cows out of the barn to get water in the lot... was he coming back? , and he said no. I said okay, I am turning them out in the first field with the one that was lame that he was keeping there, and they would be fine for the evening but they had needed to have water. And I closed the windows on the truck he hauled the trailer with, because they are calling for rain tonight... then came home. Decided not to try the mower... went out to the garden since it has been 2-3 days...

WOW, picked over a dozen yellow squash and a single zucchini that is as long as my forearm...12-14 inches but not too big around... and 2 yellow zucchini's that are about 8 inches. Totally surprised me.... but that is great because I will be able to start putting some in the freezer....
Tomatoes need re tying up too... see lots of green ones.
DA#@ED DEER are eating off the green beans... If I get the mower running tomorrow after flooding the plug... I will be mowing around garden, and getting that electric netting up. I see lots of hoof prints too....

So, I just ate a big bowl of yellow squash with some butter and s&p...full... going to get a shower as I was soaked when I came in from the humidity.... and get some sleep.
The friends from NH, are coming through tomorrow late aft... Don't know how long they are staying on Sunday since they are heading to Fl to see his brother and then get that portable sawmill on the way back. I will most likely be going back with them to get that truck.....when they come back up through, next fri or sat....
Been some more e-mail BS, between the stupid acting, selfish beneficiaries, and DS said he just wants it done... and is tired of all their shallow petty questioning of the things to be paid... he wants to cut all ties and maybe somewhere down the road they might be able to talk... but I am done with them. I have never in my life seen such stupidity and immature attitudes.... my father ought to be proud of what he has caused and unleashed and the way the other 3 grand children have shown their true attitudes and unappreciation....DS said he is not going to deal with any of them anymore because it just makes his BP go through the roof and gives him worse headaches... Niece in Fl that was preg and just had the baby, says that the friends should not get paid because friends don't do things like that for money... they do it because they are friends and if she was in a position, she would have had friends come help her do the clean out..... these friends have spent years helping my parents,,,, they deserve to get some financial consideration for the horrendously long days and evenings that they helped get this done... they DID NOT ASK FOR IT... I told my brother that they NEEDED to be paid something for all their time and tireless work...

Hope the house sells fast and it is all done and over ASAP.

Time to quit for the night.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Where I lived in So Or until a week or so ago, there was a hay farm up for sale this and last year. Nice home too. The farmer didn't do hay this year and its sure weird to not see bales out there in the field. Its 63 acres and he had it up for sale starting at 2.3 mil, and then dropped to 1.7 mil. Never sold.
Southern Oregon is having a problem with water I think. Not to mention the crazy liberals in power. My SIL lives in Idaho and they said that eastern WA and OR are petitioning to become part of Idaho! Eastern OR and WA residents cross the Idaho border to shop and do a much as they can there instead of in their own states.

Tired of so many acting like jerks... and the fewer I have like that, the fewer that DS can bi#@h and complain about "my cows" being stupid.
With you there! We have pulled very pretty ewes out of the flock and driven them to the auction because they were wild and crazy beasts! We expect that of the black headed Dorpers but not of the White Dorpers that are much more calm. 94% of the Dorpers in South Africa are (black head) Dorpers, with only 6% White Dorpers.
I wonder if the original Dorpers were wild and crazy because of the predator load in South Africa. Hyenas are larger than wolves, hunt and live in packs so if the original Dorpers are wild and nervous, maybe it is a natural selection since they will run at the least thing. Jackals are the size of large coyotes and also hunt and live in packs. Again the more skittish and flighty sheep will survive on the larger expanse of the veld. White Dorpers being calm and easier to approach would be a death sentence from predators.

I do love my calm White Dorpers though, and am lucky to have smaller pastures protected by my lovely LGDs.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So he called a little bit ago to tell me that he had a ram lamb that he caught up to worm and that he sat on the 5 gal bucket of feed and the ram hit him from the back because he wanted in the bucket...

Moving up from Drought area to Washington has been a change of weather for sure. This morning it rained! About an hour of light sprinkles. I wanted to run outside and do a big dance for this wonderful wet stuff. I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune this winter...
What area of Washington did you move to? We sold our Yelm property due to the politics in Olympia and Seattle and will be moving to northeast Texas.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, DS doesn't think sometimes.

Sunday . Been busy the last 2 days. Clouds and some sprinkles and light rain off and on, but alot cooler... Yesterday was 65 up to 75 and clouds and misty type showers... this morning was 64 and only 67 now. I actually was chilly last night. Forecast is for this to move off and maybe some sun this afternoon... then 2 days of sun and possible showers again on Wed. I think DS is going to cut this afternoon... got to get on the rest of this hay. Talked to a friend yesterday at the birthday party for GF daughter... and he said he has about 70 acres yet to cut for first cutting... we have about 60 I think DS said... counting the 25-30 we do custom....
The rain has really perked up the hay fields already cut... greening right up. Corn looks REAL GOOD.

Haven't heard anything out of DS this morning... assume he is going to try to work those cows/calves and get them moved down to the farm near GF house this evening.
I have to get a couple in out of the back field there at the barn.... vet is going to stop by Monday, after he leaves a dairy he does down here... need to preg check 3 heifers that did not calve and had been checked preg in Feb.... and I have a couple others that didn't get brought in for the last preg check that need to be done. He said he could fit me in between the dairy and a couple of other calls he had to go to, if there weren't too many... I told him 6-7 only. But I want to make sure on the 3 heifers since they were checked 6 months on Feb 8th... One of them, I had suspected lost a calf and I saw her in heat... the other 2, I thought for sure they were going to calve then nothing... the one is fat and DS needs a beef to take in soon... so she can go if she is open or even if she slipped it and is short bred.... none of the other beef candidates are "ready" yet. But need to know.

The friends from NH came in late yesterday afternoon. I was at the farm getting the samples and stuff. DS met them and took them around and showed them our cattle and places and hay and all that... Then after I got back, we went and looked at the place down near GF and went there and then went out to eat. They were tired and had had some "truck trouble" and had to find a ford dealer to have the computer crap worked on... He has a real nice 2015... but it is all computer.... Another reason to get shut of this explorer asap.... and no, nothing from the DMV on the title correction yet....
So they were leaving this morning and heading down to the Myrtle Beach area of SC to visit an elderly friend that lives there ... then going to his brother's in Fl for a couple days, back through to pick up the portable sawmill... in NE Alabama not Georgia... then back here Sat and I will head north with them and get the truck that is loaded with stuff and drive it home.

Went up and did the cow this morning, let the calves out with her for the day. Going to call DS here shortly and see what the plans are for getting the calves worked at the barn...
Going to get the squash done and in the freezer here... and need to go out and see if there are more...maybe get them all done and then can see about getting these baby spider plants potted since I got the potting soil. Really like the chain between the 2 branches for the hanging pots... Be perfect to hang the little ones on too.

Also need to ask DS to come by and do what ever it is he does to get the excess gas out of the engine... bet I don't forget the fuel shut off again... Of course, he forgot it not too long ago, also....

Still cloudy and cool. Need to load a few more meters and some shorter hoses into the car for tomorrow's farm for testing too. Grass is wet so not able to mow right now anyway.


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
What area of Washington did you move to? We sold our Yelm property due to the politics in Olympia and Seattle and will be moving to northeast Texas.

Vancouver WA. I don't like Insley nor the outgoing gov of OR nor Gruesome (gov of CA), but with land, water and no HOA, I'll be much happier.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Done for the night. Ugh, I'm tired.

Talked to DS and he was going to try to go and mow. He was not feeling great, still having the headaches and stuff and feeling all the achiness... I think it is the Lyme again, which he has had several relapses... or possibly the same thing that my brother and I have experienced from the clean out and all.... But anyway, he was not motivating real fast. So, he said he would like to work them late this afternoon and then he could load them and take them when he went home to her house. So, I said fine, just let me know.
Went out and picked more yellow squash so I can do them up. Thought I would get started but didn't get that far. It has been cool so I did some more weed eating and then put some more of the cardboard and mulch out in the garden.
Then DS called and said that he was getting the tractor and mower, that GF would come help at the barn if I wanted her to, to get the cows and all in to sort so we could do the calves. There were also the 2 cow/cf pairs in the back that need to be preg checked and 3 others that are going to the pasture... 3 of my heifers that got bred too young; 2 calved but one lost her calf ... the 3rd one we thought might be preg but never did have a calf. The other one is doing pretty good with her calf considering she is less than 20 months....
So I called GF and we worked out a plan to do them.... said we would meet up there around 6-6:30. I got there about 10 of 6 and the cows in the front field all headed for the barn so I put feed in the bunk and they all came in and I just shut them in there. This was part of the plan we had agreed on, except I certainly did not expect that kind of co-operation....
So then I opened up the gates to the field behind the barn, and when I called the cows all came to me also... LIKE this never happens. So got them all out of the field, and GF got there and the crazy red cow and another nut case of mine, acted stupid... but we got all the rest down into the barn. Red cow has no milk, her calf is stunted, and the other one is open and not much of a cow. Bought bred heifer and has an okay calf... but not keeping her since she is open. Red cow is just leaving regardless.

So, we got everyone into the barn, and sorted out the ones that were needing to be worked to go to pasture. Got the cows sorted from their calves since we only needed the calves to go through the chute for banding and shots. Then we sorted out the cows on the other side.... the 3 heifers that were going to the pasture with the ones with the calves, and the one calf in to be worked...
We come up missing a calf and GF went down on the 4 wheeler and got in the lame charolais heifer we had kept back last week, and her calf and the missing calf was hanging out with them. So, everyone in the barn, accounted for, and sorted.
DS was finishing mowing the place we make custom, and she went and got him so he can take tractor and mower to one other place near there tomorrow.
We worked the calves, gave the shots, and DS decided to take the other older charolais cow and her calf down to this place. He wasn't going to breed her back because she had come up open at the preg check, but she is in good shape, and has a nice calf, so she can have one more chance. There is tons of grass and it is not real rough ground so should be okay for her. So, 9 more adults and 7 calves out to grass.
The others we left in the lot and he fed them a couple sq bales of hay to keep them quiet. They have water and this way I don't have to try to chase them all over the place to get them in. All I will have to do is feed some grain in the feed bunk and they ought to all go in the barn easy... I think there are 8 to check; 2, I am pretty certain are pretty far along... and then have the vet look at the one with the limp... the leg is not swollen, and nothing seems to be swelled up... but maybe she has something in the foot we did not find.
So, I went to do the nurse cow, only 1 calf came in with her and it didn't act like it wanted to nurse, but went into the feed bunk to eat some grain. The other 2 ran around with the other calves there... so as soon as she got done with the grain, I kicked her and the one calf back out and came home. It was 9:30.

Then DS called and said he was going to stop and drop off the battery for the 4 wheeler could I put it on trickle charge on my charger tonight. So, he stopped with the truck and trailer, brought the battery, we put it on the charger in the carport, and he took the cattle down to the pasture.

My right leg, knee and muscles/tendons/ligs are really aching tonight. That is the one that always feels like it is pulled too tight. There seems to be no strength in it as far as like stepping up on a step or anything. And it just plain aches/hurts. :he :idunno Makes me aggravated.

But like @Baymule said, that is nothing in comparison....

Time for a shower, and bed. Have to do the nurse cow, then get the meters set up, in the morning, at the farm I am going to test Mon eve and Tues morning... get the samples packed sometime during the day... have the cows in for the vet (want to have them in the barn by 10:30 just in case....). Once the vet leaves then I can do the samples....
Supposed to be SUNNY and nice tomorrow, then getting hot again....It is JULY which is SUMMER... this 75 * temps the last 2 days has been an unbelievable break...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Sorry to hear that one of your legs is acting up even after the replacement. Could it be that the 2-year delay in surgery because of Covid is causing longer healing? PT said on Friday that I probably left mine to the last possible moment for good healing so am glad that I went ahead and got it done.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Mon morning. Got up, went and did the nurse cow and calves came in with her but went to eating in the bunk. She is nursed out so they must be going on her out in the field and I just haven't seen them. That is great. They don't act hungry so I am not going to worry about them. 2 of the other 4 came in to feed in their bunk and I just left well enough alone. No time today to deal with catching up the cows anyway.
Left there, went and set up meters at the farm. All set for me to go test at 4:30. Went by the barn, gates are still all up and cows in the lot so good. Came home, put a load of jeans in to soak... and just ate a bowl of cereal. Going to head to the barn in a few and put the cows in the barn and then wait for the vet. Then after that DS wants me to go look at the hay he mowed yesterday. Now the weather has changed to a 30% chance of t-storms tomorrow. GRRRR:mad:
:barnie:he:rant:thHave to see what it looks like, it is way over mature, and the tops are brown and dry but there is green 2nd growth in it. Just don't know if it will dry very fast.

It was 56 glorious cool degrees this morning... up to 75 already... sun's out but no humidity today. The dew was real heavy on the grass this morning and they said fog in some areas but not right here. NICE DAY....