Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
It would be nice if those "raised without antibiotics" labels had a second line "because it is illegal".
It is not illegal in the USA to use antibiotics in poultry production.
Growth hormones..illegal
About 1/2 (approx 5 billion) of the broiler production in the US is raised with antibiotics.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Hmmm, am I thinking of something else that is not allowed?

1 of 2 things I suppose.
Growth hormones banned in poultry in mid 50s


Certain antibiotics in feed and water IF they are antibiotics that are medically important for human use and are now controlled under VFD..but it usually doesn't mean they are completely banned from animal use. Just means a vet has to prescribe them instead of them being OTC already mixed in feed like they were before VFD came about in 2014. All big poultry houses have at least one vet on staff that routinely prescribe medications to be administered via food and/or water.
VFD controlled drugs:
vfd drugs.jpg

There are a few more that are expected to be added to the restricted list as soon as they are approved.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
There' s a discrepancy between your list @greybeard and what we can buy OTC. We can buy penicillin and procaine pen. We can buy oxytet 100, 200, and 300. Just picked up a bottle of Noromycin 300. Just off the top of my head. I thought I saw a pkg of lincomycin but I would have to look again. But yeah, there are quite a few that need a vet "VFD". I get it to a point. But most vets around here don't want to be bothered with the BS. And I paid a $25. consult fee to get a VFD; for the vet to call in for aureomycin crumbles so we could add to the feed of a bunch of calves that were coughing and showing some respiratory problems last year when we kept having all that rain and crappy weather. Better than having him come out, but still.....We didn't want it mixed in the whole 2 tons of feed, just to top dress the feed we were giving the calves in the weaned lot. Royal pain.
And yes, poultry in the confined broiler houses, and the turkeys, do get antibiotics if they get sick. Mostly it is dispensed in the water. Most water soluble drugs also have a "shorter life" than those that are in the feed and anything that is injected. Poultry are pretty much never injected.
So the birds that I get have as much time on "pasture" dirt/grass/weedy spots as they had in the houses from day old chicks to 42 days to slaughter. Mine also get bigger too because they are allowed to grow at their own pace, and I am starting out with 1-3 lb birds and they are getting fed pretty much free choice. I am not trying to get them to a uniform size in a certain number of days, fed a certain amount of feed. Got 2 I kept from the group that I just had done, they are smaller. They will not really be economical as they aren't growing that fast, but they also are out there chasing after anything that moves in the pen. The cornish x are not as nimble as most breeds, but they are not as bad as some say. This last group I got learned to go into the pen in the evening with just a stick that I would use to go around them and guide them to the gate. In fact most nights, they would all be in and the gate still open when I would go out to shut them in.

Had 45 done, vacuum bagged, gizzards,hearts livers, etc. $130.00. They did the feet, so the total was $134. but I didn't want them so I told them to give them to someone who might want them. I said it was probably my misunderstanding so that I would still pay for them,and he said how about $130. and I said I was happy with that. Basically split the difference. They looked good, and I have not weighed any yet, but they are in the cooler chests covered in ice and they will go in the freezer tomorrow. I had some meat that had leaked and with all that went on the last couple days with Michael and the kidney stones, and the rain and moving equipment and the wasted raking and such, I didn't get it cleaned out. I only went and got the chickens this morning. The bottom will get washed out tomorrow morning, and turned back on and they will go in tomorrow eve. might even go do it now that I am in for the night. I moved the "dog pen" that the others were confined to this evening. No small feat to do it by myself as my son was bush hogging since we couldn't do hay.....

Yep, got ANOTHER 10% chance of pop up showers this afternoon. He had just gotten done tedding out the hay at the one bigger field....about 15 acres. Poured down rain. Had lightning hit a roll of hay at a field right down the road from his house, he got called because they thought it was ours. Had to use the "bale moving truck" to grab the smoldering hay, and unrolled it while the fire dept "drowned it". Better than them having to sit there because it kept smoldering.
He was not in any mood for me to ask him to help so I figured it out on my own, got it loaded on the truck, and moved this evening. Tomorrow I will get it opened up (I folded it like an accordion on the truck ) and will get these into it tomorrow. They won't know what to do with the space. Lost a few with all the rain/wet/ and hot muggy temps but that is to be expected. But they will be at my son's property so we will see how the predator problems go. I will probably lock them into a couple dog crates at night if I find anything trying to dig under. Might get some electric netting to run around a larger area, but it is mostly trees so a solar charger might not do a very good job. We'll see. At least they will be gone from here.

RE agent is on a few days vacation so haven't been in the house yet. Have some paperwork submitted to get pre-approved/qualified or whatever. They say it doesn't look to be any score is okay, but what blew their mind was 28 years at the job...... EQUALS STABILITY....... They require 2 years at current job.....I guess most people don't stay at a job very long. He//, my son has been at VDOT for 20......years, not months. At first they asked how many months was I at my current job.... I said let me figure, then they said, well if it has been over 2 years then how many years....28.... they asked me to repeat it. I said I started August 12, 1991.I didn't tell them that I don't plan to work forever.... SS is a nice added since I have managed to live decently on my pay, so it actually ups my income from what I was showing for the last 2 years, even with the farms that I lost due to having sold out, and the ones that test less often than they used to. We'll see.....


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
The reason for the discrepancy is the part about it being pre mixed in feed.
"Just means a vet has to prescribe them instead of them being OTC already mixed in feed like they were before VFD came about in 2014."

Yes, you can still get some on that list OTC but you used to could get most of them OTC from any feed store or feed mill already Pre-mixed in feed. No more.
They aren't trying to prevent individual treatment..they are trying to prevent 'therapeutic' treatment for entire herds without a vet's say so.
The list came straight from here:

Since FDA's VFD requires retailers to verify the buyer has a prescription, many retailers opted out of carrying any feeds with medications that are on that list. The retailers didn't want to have to mess with the federal and state paperwork or verifying the prescription was legit.Most creep feed for instance used to come with Aureomycin already in it. Every feed outlet around here quit carrying it altogether.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Had to use the "bale moving truck" to grab the smoldering hay, and unrolled it while the fire dept "drowned it". Better than them having to sit there because it kept smoldering.
They'll actually burn fairly quickly if it isn't pouring down rain. (I burned one a few months after and courtesy of the Christmas Eve gut shooting thing)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, we lucked out today. NO RAIN. Tedded out the one field that had gotten raked then the rain stopped him from baling. Then I went and raked another field that might have needed tedding, but with the hot sun, I think the wet that was turned up in the windrows will dry. Tedded out the smaller or the 2 fields that we are custom making. It also got wet all 3 days, but the hay seems to be very dry so I may just rake the other field tomorrow. Got the pen moved for the meat birds up to my son's place so the landlord doesn't have to worry about them making the place look "trashy". A friend asked what was going on and I mentioned that I had moved the pen and why. The first thing he said " and he doesn't think part of the porch roof missing isn't trashy????? I don't care anymore. I will be going somewhere some way some how.....
Tomorrow I will be raking and hopefully get all the rest that is down raked. I have to test tomorrow afternoon, so have to be done with everything and gone by 2 p.m. I guess if I don't get it all raked my son can finish up before baling. They are calling for 40% thunderstorms by wed afternoon, so it all needs to be done by Tues night. About 30+ acres still on the ground I'm guessing.
Hay looks pretty washed out colorwise, and is stemmy. But it will be better than snowballs in the winter. We can always supplement with some sort of protein for the cows.
It is still 75* here at nearly 11 pm. Don't think it will cool off as much as they said. Oh well, not so much humidity tonight.