Herd Master
I will have to drive even further, just for a custom shop, meaning not USDA. Don’t even know where a USDA place is or if there is one available nearby.
DS seems to have a poor selection for femalesone is a miserable witch and doesn't like to go in .... she belongs to DS...
Yeah, no joke.....DS seems to have a poor selection for females![]()
My goat lady is also on the border - Border Hill Farm in Berkshire. They are the last building before the border crossing building. West of Dave by a fair bit. She drives the goats to near St. Johnsbury (which is south of Dave right down I-91). Heather has 35 miles of "back roads" before she gets to the interstate and can head south. Probably nearly an hour of travel right there.@Bruce, I will ask where Dave gets his beef done. He also has some hogs done there. He has grown so much that he built a walk in freezer in his barn to acommodate all the meat he goes through.... The barn was completely redone and he and his son also have a a sugar bush and do maple syrup. Whittier Rd Cattle co... Derby Line VT. He is right at the US/Canadian border. They have a facebook page also. It is done at a federally inspected plant I think... has all the liscenses etc to sell meat. At one time he lived here in Va for a few years and farmed, originally from CT like us, and then he and family moved up north and split and he and son now do it. Makes TONS of hay and animals are all grassfed....