Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Eating a sandwich and getting ready to go to test. Been a busy morning. Got answers to several texts... discussions with DS decided we are NOT going to sell this Friday due to the Easter holiday weekend... some buyers not usually there... So, set up one for this eve/tomorrow morning... my only 2x herd anymore. Soooo, I went and set up so they can run their was system... they are the closest herd only about 6-7 miles away... went from there to pick up the bands they had to get in at the co-op from another of the branches... the da#@ed things are up to 4.95 each now... got everything we need to do the bull calves this weekend.
Came home, have a load of clothes in the washer and will hang before I have to leave at 4 to go to the farm. Made the sandwich and taking a few seconds... Got the bottles in the trays I take in the barn so I can take samples this evening to get it done.
Tomorrow afternoon is the vet coming to spay the heifers.... Friday have the 250 cow herd that only uses 12 meters and takes 4-5 hours to milk.... One herd wants to wait for after Easter... 2 others have not answered...

Picked up a bag of almost 5 lbs of red potatoes to plant... to go along with the kennebec's and the smaller number of the yukon golds I have. Should be getting the other ones I ordered soon... Onion plants are not in yet.

So, going to go out and hang the load of clothes. It is 80 degrees out there... totally NUTS... and the next 2-3 days supposed to be above average like this... 70-80 and evenings down to 50's... some rain Wed night/Thurs morning... but then temps will drop over the weekend...30's at night again???? Rollercoaster temps...

Time to get going...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday... it was up to 84 yesterday, partly cloudy and some sun... didn't get any precip... Only down to 60 last night and is already 80... feels like early summer... Hazy sun/clouds... possible rain/showers later this afternoon....

Thinking I will try working on planting some potatoes today... the temps are supposed to drop the end of the week with nightime temps back down into the 30's and 40's..... Totally nuts.

Did not spay the heifers yesterday... it is NEXT WEEK.... :barnie:he.... DS said he was sorry, he forgot to tell me it was next week.... plus had a heifer calve at the farm, a bought one, and he had to pull it, not hard but he was concerned it was taking too long... said the calf was up and doing okay.... and he forgot to call me to go up and check on her during the day since he had locked her in the small pen in the barn and given her some water and hay.... he cannot seem to remember to tell/ask me about much of anything...

So, I am going to get things done here. Got to water all the plants on the porch since it did not rain like I had expected. They won't wait for this afternoon so I will give them a drink now. Want to go up and work on those fence posts; tomorrow I will be working and have to leave here by 11 or so... so that I can get set up and ready to start milking by 1:30.... will be there the rest of the day ......


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Got a few things done then went to farm late. Got there and SURPRISE..... Jim that used to help DS; who was okay help but had/has health issues,,, and DS thought he might even be doing a little drugs on the side or something .... and has diabetes and does NOT take care of his health/eating habits very well... and I never liked him working on my stuff as it always seemed to get screwed up... he left a couple years ago and went to SC to stay with his sister and I guess he needed to get away from an ex-wife that he couldn't get over... etc and so on... ANYWAY, he had come by the farm as he was here to visit with his kids (they are all adult)... and a couple of grandkids I think......
So DS had someone to talk to about the (toxic) relationship with ex-GF and how he misses the kids and all.... and Jim was a good one for him to unload on because he was telling DS that it will hurt for awhile but that he would be crazy to ever even consider getting back together again since she has done this for the second time... comparing his own terrible toxic relationship with the 3rd ex-wife.... maybe that will help DS to see it better...

Anyway, he looks good, clean, hair cut and neat, and in better health although he says his sugar is still a big problem... so that is good for him... he is doing some security for an apt complex, pool, with parking garage but says that weekends are awful as he just doesn't like being around people so much but it is a job. Says rents are ridiculously high and they just got a notice that it is going up 1st of May ..... he is not at his sisters house but I guess they are still on good terms...
So, good for him getting his head on straight(er)....

So I did a few posts after we had visited for awhile... then came on home. DS was in a very sad/don't feel like doing anything mood this afternoon....

Came back home and got the hoses I need for tomorrow in the car and brought the boxes in the house to put bottles in the trays. Then went and cut the red seed potatoes that I got so I can get them planted maybe over the weekend... my other potatoes are really sprouting so I think I will be planting ALOT of potatoes this year. Might be a good year to do so and then sell a bunch this fall... and the deer did not bother them last year.....

Got a 2 minute shower while at the farm but it stopped real fast. Hope we are going to get some more tonight.

Ate some yogurt, not real hungry, going to go to bed early I think. It hit 82 today and is still in the mid 60's at 9:30 at night... Now I am ready for spring/warm weather to STAY... but it is too early.....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Maybe another man whose BTDT added some points he'll listen to. May be why he was in the mood he was after all that truthful input. 🤞🤷

We got rain here last several hours....still light rains at 5:30. I'm ready for it to stop, have outside work to get done. 🙄. Think we were supposed to get about 1/2". It will help grass grow where I cut off the trash.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Started to rain some overnight and the temps dropped way down below what they had forecast. Down to 42 on my recording thermometer and forecast was 50-52.... plants are still out since it wasn't supposed to get so low. I just decided they can stay out for now as I get things ready to go to test... and they will come in before I leave since it doesn't look like it is going to warm back up like it was forecast. Don't know how much we have had so far... not alot it doesn't look like.

Guess I better get going and get the stuff done.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Went and tested, and 5+ hours in the parlor.... on the way home by 7:30 or so.... stopped at KFC to get some chicken and it was the WORST decision.... got home and ate and all was well.... got up this morning and so sick to my stomach... don't know which end it was coming out of faster.... I have been in bed when I am not in the bathroom..... had some ginger ale and it came right back up earlier... but now have kept down about 3-4 swallows.... spent the day between bathroom and bed and a few times I sat at the desk for about 1/2 hour and then the stomach got queasy.... I think it was the grease.... I ate some plain vanilla yogurt earlier and that lasted about 1/2 hour... so just trying to drink a little gingerale for now and see.... good time for a colonoscopy thing... there is NOTHING left in the gut tract.....
Hopefully tomorrow will be better....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
If you are still sick this morning, put a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water and sip on it. You can mix in some honey to cut the sour taste if you like. You probably had food poisoning. It’s all “flushed” out now, but you may still feel sick. ACV is Nature’s disinfectant and will kill the bad bacteria that is making you sick, and leave the beneficial gut bacteria alone. I hope you feel better.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Hope you feel better today. That was me last Mon. Water wouldn't stay in. The kids all had a stomach bug the weekend before. I guess it was still lingering when I got home.
I shouldn't have laughed but i did when my wife told me the story. My oldest 5 ran out of liquid and went to dry heaving. Not knowing what it was or why, he was crying "I'm going to die". I did felt bad, but I also laughed.