Farmerjan's journal - Weather

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
If I ever got her in the trunk of a vehicle, she would take a one way trip to some out of the way place that "bubba" and his friends could take care of her!!!!!

Jan...I live amoung "bubba and his friends..., in the land of yo daddys, mommas brother is you sisters father" ...add a little buck stink to her and she has a for sure date with Bubba and friends ......bring her on down, I will take care of the rest....and when Bubba is done, we'll feed her to the gators :lol: :thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia

Jan...I live amoung "bubba and his friends..., in the land of yo daddys, mommas brother is you sisters father" ...add a little buck stink to her and she has a for sure date with Bubba and friends ......bring her on down, I will take care of the rest....and when Bubba is done, we'll feed her to the gators :lol: :thumbsup

@Baymule is right, the gators would spit her out, or get food poisoning...... Yep, sounds like your neighborhood is just where I need to send her on vacation. Thanks.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Have been busy with getting hay done in the last several days. Son should have the last of the sorghum/sudan, that I finished raking at 8:30 last night, baled this afternoon. I think I got overheated and even though I was drinking all day, a bit dehydrated as I was up most all night about half sick to my stomach and have had a raging headache all day. Might just be the stress catching up too.... I do good under pressure, but when things let up is when I start to feel after effects. Just heard some thunder so have to get out and get the lawn mower tractor covered. Will try to get back in later and fill in the gaps the past few very busy days.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, wanted to update a bit. We got all the hay for the neighbor, that was mowed, baled on Saturday and Sunday. The 6-8 acres of 2nd cutting hay of ours baled. It was supposed to be mostly sq bales but there were alot of weeds so sq baled a little then rolled the rest. Got the 12 acre field of sorghun/sudan raked, and baled on Monday. Finished raking the 11 acre field Monday eve at about 8:30 but there were alot of green spots. He got it baled this afternoon and we got a little bit of a sprinkle after about 4:30. Didn't even settle the dust but there is more moving in so we are in good shape. Everything that was on the ground is up, and all the balers and wagons and all are back in sheds.
Had a major bearing/shaft go out on the main big round baler when he started the friends hay. About 25+ acres plus. So went to the smaller round baler that net wraps to get it baled and up. Had 2 belts on the 2nd big round baler that had broken, that we got the lacing for, so we repaired them and put them back in that baler Monday afternoon. Started baling with it and a smaller bearing went out on it. Started to squeal, he saw it so switched to the smaller baler that net wraps. So all this got baled and net wrapped. The bales are only 4x5 and the other 2 "big balers are 5x5 or 5x6 bales. Alot more hay in each. But at least it isn't laying on the ground getting wet. It costs alot more to operate the smaller baler that net wraps. The net wrap costs $ 235. a roll here local, but we stopped in a Rural King when down at the craniologist appt., and got it for $189. so saved $45/per roll. Still, the smaller bales means more trips in the winter for feeding since there is not as much hay in each roll, we will feed more "rolls" which is more trips. But better in rolls than on the ground.

The one baler we can do the bearing ourselves, it is fairly common that they wear out after a few years, and we have replaced several over the years. The first "big baler" will have to go into the shop, it is a very involved deal and we will be better served time wise, to have them do it where they have the equipment to take it apart. But, we are fortunate that we had backup(s). Most people have one round baler. We got one to replace the one that got wrecked several years ago. Then got offered the other one for a VERY REASONABLE price by a guy who was going to trade it in because he seldom used it. Parts are basically interchangeable with the one we had so it made sense to invest in it. Then the "smaller one" was part of the equipment we got from the friend that died of cancer a couple years ago. We bought most all his farming equipment, and did so at a very good rate so the widow has a payment made to her every month. But we have alot of money tied up in equipment that most people don't realize. And everything is not new by any means. The smaller one had some major overhaul work done last year to the tune of about 3,000 or so.
The big one, a New Holland 688 is in the neighborhood of $10,000+ USED. It is a 2000 model. The other one is a New Holland 664, a 1997 model and goes for $7-9,000 USED. I'm not sure what the new wrap baler is off hand but it is worth about the same. We managed to get the 664 for less than $3000 so even though that is still a bit of money, you can see why we didn't pass it up.

We will probably put about $2500-3500 in the one that has to go in the shop. But, the alternative is spending over 10,000 for a used one and over 25-35,000 for a new one? OUCH. Don't think so. Have thought about using some custom baling guys, but everyone needs to make hay at the same time. So except for the possibility of the ones that make the square bales and puts them into the stacks of 21 in a cube, you can't wait on someone else to bale your hay. Our weather just doesn't allow it. We make in the neighborhood of 1500 to 2500 bales a year. Depending on the weather, how well it grows etc. We get $10. and up to custom bale so that is 15,000 if we could depend on someone to get it baled when we want/need it done.

When I say bales, I mean round bales. The square bales are different, and we make about 2,000 a year also. This year may be less because we lost the one place, and the hayfields have alot of queen anne's lace and other weeds. Can't have that in the sq bales that we sell. It's junk and the animals won't eat it. We are also tired of dealing with people who do nothing but complain after they have fed half the hay they have bought. So we are sticking to our tried and true, long time customers and ones who only complain if they have a legit reason. We replace any/ all hay that have weeds in it that sometimes you just don't see when baling or even stacking. And most of our long time customers have the common sense to realize that you do miss some on occasion. Have one that is perfectly happy for us to just knock off a bit on hay that she finds some weeds in rather than replace it. She pays cash, helps unload it, and is thrilled to have someone she can rely on. Those customers are golden.

My father is improving after a week of no positives. My brother said he was very alert, looked better today and was answering in short one and two word sentences but was making sense and much better acting. He will be going into an intensive stroke rehab for a 7-10 day stay, then will be in another facility for long term rehab. This is what my poa brother wanted, and since he has improved and is over the bacterial infection and doing better, they will take him. Hoping the intense one will get him started back to where he will be somewhat in control of his speech and some parts of his body and movement. Hoping it is challenging enough to get him to work to want to get as better as he can.

My son is going to compete in Richmond at the VDOT rodeo. He won the local competition in 3 categories, tractor/mower, single axle dump truck, and tandem axle dump truck. Had to pick one so went with the
tandem axle dump truck which he prefers. Then won the district competition so now goes to the state. From there he will go to the regionals .... at least he hopes. Has gone to the regionals several times. It is for the guys to compete as to who does the best job of driving/operating their vehicle of choice. I have gone down with him the last several times. It will be a good 1 1/2 days away from things here. Leave tomorrow about noon, get home Thurs eve about 5-6 p.m. They run an obstacle course, have to back up to a line, parallel park, other stuff. Points for closest to line and such. When you have one of those big trucks and get within 2-3 INCHES without going over the line and such that's pretty good. It is something that only goes to the regionals.....Not national.... but has been to SC, NC, last year was Arkansas. Mostly SE states, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, Tenn, KY, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, maybe a few more. See alot of the same guys, as if you're good, you win.... Some very talented drivers. I'm in the "cheering section".......

Weather is supposed to be showers, cloudy, some storms for the next 5-7 days on the radar. Have still got quite a few round bales to move and have to get the sorghum/sudan bales off the fields as that will come back fast if we get some moisture. But I can do some of them during the day when he is at work. Have one farm scheduled to test on Sunday eve, and another I have to schedule as soon as he can help me; that is the 550 cow herd that my son goes with me to test. Had 3 decide to skip this month with the heat; and one told me that he might just stop testing all together. He is thinking about selling out in the spring. I have a cow on that farm, so will have to bring her home, as she is a decent cow. She is due this Oct, then if he gets her bred back in Dec/Jan/Feb sometime, at least I won't have to be milking her until after she calves the next time. I will put calves on her probably. But that is 8-9 months away so not going to worry about it now.

I will have about 10 heifers to breed this next year, they are all yearlings now. Will probably wait to breed them in Nov/Dec for fall calves next year. That will give me plenty of time to hopefully be fully recovered from the ankle replacement, get the dairy cross ones situated with any extra calves they need and then be able to let them just go on and raise their calves through the fall/winter when I maybe do the knee(s) that next year. Gotta get this stuff planned out ahead. I will probably be trying to sell a few as family cows too. That was one reason to have raised all these dairy heifers. Several are jer/hol crosses, the rest are jer/angus or jer/simmental which should raise just their own calf. The jer/hol will need to have at least one or two more calves on them so they don't ruin their udders. Have turned one jer/hol out with the bull now and will be breeding my 2 jerseys AI here shortly. Wanted to wait a bit so they will calve in late spring/early summer. I hope to be up and going with this ankle replacement in Mar/April.... so new calves in May/June should be okay. I'm thinking June to be on the safe side, although these 2 jerseys have both taken other calves their first lactation, so don't think I will have alot of trouble the next time. They will be bred to a guernsey or a jersey. I really would like a couple of guernsey crosses. But I might be able to find some guernsey heifers or cows cheap if people keep selling out. Even with the cattle markets not that great, these extra calves will provide me with some income, that is what the plans were when I started raising all these heifers. And any that don't preform up to snuff will be freezer beef.

Gotta get going, this is so long that everyone will fall asleep reading it. I probably will be off for a couple of days with all that is going on.
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Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Hope your son does very well and "tops the charts"....and ya both have a safe and enjoyable trip, ya both certainly deserve a sounds like ya have a good plan with the cattle and things turn out much better than ya faced during this past winter/spring with so many left open....your posts are never too long or boring to me....I learn so much from reading them and think it is amazing just how interesting ya can make "cutting grass".....I certainly don't mean that in any condescending way.....:).....really glad your dad is doing much better and prayers for his recovery.....:fl


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Whew, Miss @farmerjan! You have definitely been busy!

We make in the neighborhood of 1500 to 2500 bales a year.

The square bales are different, and we make about 2,000 a year also.

Wow! You make and bale a whole lot of hay! Where do you store all of that hay?

I am glad to know your dad is doing better. Do you think that if he gets better that someone can talk to him about his medical power of attorney arrangement? It seems crazy the way he has it now.

Hope you have a great trip.


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
My son is going to compete in Richmond at the VDOT rodeo. He won the local competition in 3 categories, tractor/mower, single axle dump truck, and tandem axle dump truck. Had to pick one so went with the
tandem axle dump truck which he prefers. Then won the district competition so now goes to the state. From there he will go to the regionals .... at least he hopes. Has gone to the regionals several times. It is for the guys to compete as to who does the best job of driving/operating their vehicle of choice. I have gone down with him the last several times. It will be a good 1 1/2 days away from things here. Leave tomorrow about noon, get home Thurs eve about 5-6 p.m. They run an obstacle course, have to back up to a line, parallel park, other stuff. Points for closest to line and such. When you have one of those big trucks and get within 2-3 INCHES without going over the line and such that's pretty good. It is something that only goes to the regionals.....Not national.... but has been to SC, NC, last year was Arkansas. Mostly SE states, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, Tenn, KY, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, maybe a few more. See alot of the same guys, as if you're good, you win.... Some very talented drivers. I'm in the "cheering section".......
Congrats to your son for making it to the regionals! I just read your post so I'm sure by now he's all done with the regionals. How did he do?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thanks everyone. WELL, HE DID IT !!!!! Had a nice 1 1/2 days away from most of the stress here. Placed first in the tandem axle dump truck. In fact, he didn't think he did that good in the competition as he started into the space to parallel park backing in too "deep" and had to pull out and back in again at a lesser angle so that he could "not go over the line" . Seems like he got the tires within and inch or so of the line..... LIKE AWESOME!!! There was another guy who had what looked like a perfect run and my son actually told them that he didn't think he won it. They said they would recheck the scores, but for now he won the state. So it is on to the regionals... And I didn't do justice because the regionals are in Biloxi, Miss this year. I think I forgot to include Miss in my list. Also found out that the Gov of WVa has refused funding so they had to pull out of competition. They had only been participating for about 6-10 years I think. Sad for the guys. Hey, all men like to show off at things they are good at, and some of these guys are real good.
Yeah, us girls like to show off at things we are good at too.... and I don't think that it is vain for them to show off their driving/operating skills.

So, the first and 2nd place guys get to go to the regional competition. Our district, Staunton, did very good. There are 9 districts in the state. Our guys did really great. 1st in the single axle, 1st in the tandem axle, 1st in the backhoe, and 2nd in the motor grader. District won the plaque for best over points. The backhoe guy and the motor grader guys both are VERY VERY good, and win alot. Michael does pretty good but not anything like those 2. And the single axle dump truck guy is real good and this is ONLY HIS 2nd YEAR competing. He used to milk on a dairy I tested about 20 years ago. Nice guy.

So congrats to all of them. And to all the other guys who came and competed.

My father got moved to a rehab. My bother said they are nice, very strict about rules, seem to have a pretty good schedule lined up. He is well satisfied with the arrangements, so let's hope my father will get some good out of it and regain some use and strength. Maybe he will listen to what they are telling him. If they can get him more well, and maybe back home, then it will be up to my brother to try to talk some sense into him about some of these concerns in the living will and the poa stuff. For now, my brother can go back home and do some of the charter fishing tours he had booked. Try to make a little income to help him catch up a bit on his own finances. And give him a break from the stress he has been under. Once they get into a routine, and a schedule, then I think my son will try to make a trip up. He needs to go see them. I doubt I will be going up anytime soon since I was up a couple of months ago, But that is okay. My sister is wanting to go up and my other brother will be back and forth too. Plus I am sure Richard will be down whenever he doesn't have a charter. This is his busiest time of year and when he makes like 75% of his income. The Great Lakes don't stay "open" very long, so he has to fish when the weather is right. This has also been a financial burden for him.

It rained a pretty good thunderstorm after we got home this afternoon. About 5-6 pm I guess it started. Had severe t-storm warnings for our county, and it seemed to stay a bit south of us here but we are in the very northern part of the county. They said we had some rain here Wed eve, but I never did get to look at the rain gauge, then it was raining pretty hard, so will have a 2 day total.

Next door neighbor to my son has a huge garden and has been giving away tons of stuff. I went and got some tomatoes the other day. Don't know what varieties he grew, although I think there are some German Johnson or Mr Stripey as some are yellow with the red stripes, but there are some that are bigger around than a slice of bread. Really, nearly the size of a luncheon plate. I sure have been enjoying the tomato sandwiches!!!!!!


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
That is Fantastic!!....glad he did so well....:thumbsup
I just have 1 in the world could ya forget about Mississippi?.....;)......I went to truck driving school in Biloxi....I sure hope he wins that too!!.....:)
Good to hear about ya dad and that ya had such an enjoyable time...ya sure deserved it!!....:celebrate