Herd Master
Is the soil really acid under the pines? We had an area under our pines (deodars actually) and grass wouldn't grow there because it was too acid from the pine needles. Maybe do a PH test.planted along the side where the pine trees are and not very good production, but nothing does very good along there
Hearing about the potatoes made me think about that old joke -Well, I ache... but the potatoes are all dug. . . . I can barely stand up straight after all that bending over...
In WWII young wife writes to husband in the army "Everything is fine here but I don't know how I will dig the 20 acre field for the potatoes." Husband writes back "Don't dig the 20 acre field - that is where the guns are buried." Two weeks later the wife writes back to husband "A bunch of soldiers came and dug up the 20 acre field looking for guns. What should I do?" Husband writes back "Now plant the potatoes." LOL