Herd Master
Can you turn it inside out so the fleece is inside? DS3's first replacement heifer project was a preemie calf he got from our dairy friend. She was tiny maybe 40 lbs. Holstein calf. We put a pony foal coat on her and it worked great. She did great, he showed her at the Fair, and they bought her back from him when she started bulling.the sheep/goat one as it is like a fleece type material.
When we gave antibiotics to our calves we also gave probiotics for their guts.Calf that we treated looks and acts much better... still a cough but eyes look clear, and is not droopy.
So sad. He would have been a great father to his own kids. You are right, not fair to the kids to cut them off from a father figure, not to mention he probably loves them too.the sister's 2 kids DS still sees a couple times a week... the little boy still wants to come and "help feed" on the farm.... Not fair to just cut them out because the ex is a jerk...
DS has said that he will not take her back now... that he is done and had enough... He has gotten calmer about it and so maybe he has FINALLY come to the realization that it is not going to work.