Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just a bit of an update from me. I did not have any internet service for nearly 3 days. Called the # as my internet is only available through my landline phone service. I stopped the phone but kept the internet service. I do not have a smart phone so no access that way. OF COURSE.... I got excellent "PERSONAL ROBOT AUTOMATED SERVICE".....:barnie:barnie:duc:rant:rant.

Did all the commands and then left the command to call me when it was restored.
Of course no phone call... but I did get service back Monday sometime. I was testing a 250 cow herd in Timberville that is over an hour away, so did not get on last night as I was just tired, when I got home & got the chickens locked in and got home at 9p.m. So Then I got up at 5 a.m. to go with my son @ 6a.m. to the craniologist/therapist which he got some shots of a steriod they are trying to calm the pain signals to the arm and leg and headaches. Got home from there after a trip to the Rural King and then lunch at a little independent BBQ place that was very good that he has eaten at a couple of times. Had to haul water to the meat birds, and then got home here a little bit ago. I am whipped and it is up to 92 again.

We have had temps over 90.... up to 96 on Sunday ... for the last week. There have been some showers here and there, and it has been muggy. More than normal for this area that is for sure. But our hay looks decent, the pastures are staying green and even some of the hot weather grasses are growing a bit. There are areas north of here, near that farm I was at Monday, that are brown and burnt up. Corn actually turning brown and dead in the fields in spots. That farm got over a 1/2 inch of rain on Sat or Sunday and said it rescued the corn that they got in late as it was really starting to roll and was hurting. There are more of these scattered storms in the forecast. Some farmers are starting to chop, to salvage the stressed corn that is drying it up so there will be enough moisture for it to make silage. Others are just ready to chop as the corn ears are drying down to the proper moisture, and the stalks are drying rapidly in this heat. It is always a tightrope of time as to when they start and then the weather will dictate how much and how fast they have to get it in.... if it stays hot and dry they will go gang busters.... if it rains more, and the corn is still greener, they will have more ability to pick and choose. Too green and it makes mush and goes moldy/ too dry and it won't make enough heat to ensile properly. Got one farm chopping 3rd cutting alfalfa to make haylage that they will feed out in the winter mixed with corn silage for feed. It will be high in protein, and will help make some good milk.

Looked at a little house on 1 acre that belongs ot some friends. Cheap price but it is hard to get in and out of as the driveway goes in front and it is a steep hill up to the back of the house, where it is ground access. It just won't work with my having the no weight bearing ankle replacement and fusion of the smaller joint. Especially with winter weather. I thought if the drive went up to the back door area it would be a great place and then could use it as rental income down the road. Oh well. Looked at another place, but it backs up to the interstate. Fairly private, but I will not live near an interstate again. Don't want the noise. did that years ago and it was fairly screened from the highway but this one is not as quiet.

Got some boxes and am going to start packing and cataloging books. Need to really start getting serious about this. So I am ready if the opportunity comes along. Son said that the one farm we looked at, has dropped the price some, but it is not real convenient to us here. Maybe we need to start looking out further. But if I wind up at a farm further away, then I am going to pretty much quit testing too. There's another place that has come up for sale that he is interested in... guess he should go look at it. Then if it is remotely something he is interested in, I could go look at it. I don't want to be making a payment that is alot bigger than my current rent payment though.....I figure maybe 100 -150 a month more but that is all or I will really be struggling. He would have to make up the difference. It will all be his down the road anyway, but..... I am going to have to really like the place.....
May not get out of here before this surgery.... that is not making me very happy. Oh well, we'll see.


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
I hope you and your son can find a place with you like soon. But the process of looking sometimes does get very tiring. It might look nice online then you get there and the place is actually a sh*thole or has serious issues. I don't blame you for not wanting to pay more than your current rent. That's what we did too when we were looking for our house.
When is your surgery?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Plans for the ankle replacement are after the New Year.....early January I hope. Haven't set the date yet, dr that I consulted and liked, said to go home, give it some thought, and then call back in Sept and start the process in motion. His busiest times are Nov. and Dec., since so many people have met their deductibles and want to get surgeries done before the end of the year. I told him that with Medicare, it really didn't make a difference to me. My deductible is fairly small, and I want to make sure my supplement and drug plan is set and renewed, so that there are no hitches. We won't be having calves until late March or April next year, so that will make it better too because the general thoughts are 8 weeks no weight bearing on the small fused joint, with the actual main replacement still going through rehab, and a 12 week or so actual recovery period total. I need to be up and mobile by haying season in May......

So we will see. I have to go back for a more formal pre-op appt..... closer to the surgery, and that is not a problem. I just wanted to be moved into a more "accessible" house, and paying a mortgage rather than continue paying rent in a place that is slowly getting on my nerves. I won't have any meat birds through the winter, just a few of my purebred show birds.... but still. I will probably have to get TV hooked up here too, as I can only do so much on the computer without getting a headache. I have hundreds of DVD's to be able to watch during rehab, and have tons of books to read and re-read....but sometimes I would like to have TV for local news and weather that I can stretch out and watch. Plus the dr. has said "toes above the nose" for the best results with the ankle replacement for pain and swelling and just general rest inbetween any exercise sessions. I got a larger screen TV from my parents years ago when they closed their house in CT and sold it, and it has been sitting here unhooked up for all that time. Would be nice to watch it. I guess there are ways to get stuff from youtube to play on to the TV right?

I am a complete technology/electronic DUMMY. Just hate dealing with all it. Guess I am too old fashioned and set in my archaic ways!!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I will need someones' technologically brilliant kid in about 6th grade (LOL) :ep:ep maybe a little older....:clap:thwith knowledge of all that :bow:bow:bow that can look at what I have .... and probably laugh because it is too ANCIENT:old:old :lol::lol: to use..... but who could just take all the stuff and say they will hook it up and can get whatever I need to do it.:idunno:idunno:idunno, then give me some lessons on how to use it..:hu:hu:gig:gig:gig:gig


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thank you @B&B Happy goats ; actually got an update from my brother this eve. Father can sit with assistance and stay upright for short periods of time. Has a little feeling in his right hand but no real movement. Also a little feeling in right leg/foot. He is talking and can make sentences, is coherent and makes sense but has lost short term memory. They have taken my mom up to the rehab to see him and hopefully give him some extra incentive to work at getting "better". It is unlikely he will regain much use of the right side but...... he does not have the typical droop in his face/mouth which is good. He is very thin, and my brother said he needs to try to build some muscle back along with weight gain. Don't have any idea of the legal stuff or if anyone is allowed to stay at the house with mom overnight while visiting. The 24/7 aides are there. I am not going to get into it. Since he seems to be ab le to recognize people, and is talking in sentences and making sense mostly, maybe my brother can get him to make some sensible changes down the road. Honestly, I don't want to imagine the future, because knowing how thickheaded he is, he will just want to stay at the house even if he can't manage it physically. Whatever my brother decides will be fine with me at this point. He will be in this rehab for at least 60 days they say, and is just there now for about 1 1/2 weeks. So is doing well from all indications.
Still, it needs to be considered that they will not be here forever, and they will not be able to stay alone anymore at any time, and their lives are not "under his iron fist control" like they were.
I just hope I am not that stupid and stubborn....and unreasonable about my capabilities.

Thanks for asking. It is better than it looked like 2 weeks ago that is for sure.
Neighbor called and asked if I would like peaches...their tree is so loaded the branches are breaking. So tomorrow morning I will go see what's what. May have to bring some home and do some canning. Off tomorrow, then going to a 200 cow herd Thursday morning, leaving here by 5:30 a.m.
Checked RE ads, nothing new in the area....
Did 2 loads of laundry to hang out in the morning. We had a possible storms watch for awhile this eve. Thunder and very bright lightning in the distance but nothing right here. It was up to 94 during the day, but dropped a little with the breeze but no weather here. 40-50% chance the next couple of days.