Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
What a difference a day makes. It was sunny from the get go this morning. Temps got up to 55... and no breeze. The ground was drying out up at the calves fast too. All the ice gone from the Sat storm...

Everyone looks and acts fine. I did leave the coats on even though I let them all out in the lot to get in the sunshine... they are a PITA to try to get the coats back on when all they want to do is try to suck your clothes after drinking the bottles... and you can't begin to put them on first or they butt you so hard wanting their bottles...I did not put the 2 back in the hay side, for the night, and think maybe I should have since the coming rain is supposed to start as possible snow/freezing sometime after 4 a.m.... Oh well, hoping they have enough sense to stay inside... they do go in and out the open doorway on their own... so I can hope.

I also took down the electric fence along one side of the driveway/across the field there. Have been wanting to get to it and just haven't ... DS and I had a difference of opinion yesterday and I just decided I am tired of his attitude, so I "made myself" do it today... now I do not have to listen to him about opening and shutting the "gate" to drive into the area where the cows are, and the calves in the barn. The cows can go out and do some grazing on the grass that is there, brown and all, but still some good picking for a day or 2. And I no longer need to worry about going in and out the "gate" of the 2 electric strands... now will have to make sure the gate at the road gets shut though since they will have access to possibly getting out the driveway into the road.
One more thing off the "things to do" list.

Talked to a farmer(he called me) and set them up to test Wed eve/ Thurs morning... have to talk to the other one that was saying Thursday... I will have to have all the meters loaded in the car on Wed... and have to change the brackets on most, ahead of time, for Thurs farm... but will use 12 at the wed/thurs farm... then I will have to come home, feed calves, and turn around and head right to the other farm.... wanted to do him tues/wed but it didn't work for him.... I will get all the bottles in trays for both farms and try to have everything as ready as possible. It will be a LOOOONG day on Thursday.... I will feed the calves some extra as I will not get home til late and will not go up there that late in the dark... Will have to go feed earlier on Friday... there will be grain and hay in the bunk for the calves...they will not die of starvation...but it will be a tough day for me.
It always seems to be "feast or famine" with testing anymore... another reason to seriously think about giving this up sooner rather than later...with all the days available in a month... why do they all want the same week/days???? Will not be contacting anyone else about testing until Friday... for next week. Have a dinner on Tuesday eve for the local cattleman's assoc.... and a dinner the following Tuesday for the dhia county assoc that I test a few farms in, north of here. I don't normally go but since our county assoc no longer has a yearly dinner meeting, I might go to this one...
Got a bonus from testing for the holidays... never happened before.... nice extra $425 or so (after taxes of course) that I was not expecting... I keep expecting them to send us a letter and tell us that they are merging with the assoc in PA....that might be the trigger to quit testing....

Sound the TRUMPETS.... got a call to go get the Explorer... seems there was some sort of a fuse that was blown, that caused the screen inside to go the computer could not communicate... REALLY..... they said that they never did have any blown fuse show up on the computer scanner here at the local mechanics.... but it showed up in the diagnostic test at the Ford place... $150 for that diagnostic test.... and replaced a $3.50 fuse.... but they also did the recall inspection on the bushings or whatever it was that I got the notice on. Got it back.... so now it goes to a shop to see about getting it sold.... then if I can ever get a civil response from DS about the pu truck here, I will get it licensed and insured and use it on occasion.... so I have to pay for the new battery they put in it and the other ac work they did before the replacing the battery that caused the screen to not work... but it should all work now... and they promised to get on the little 4x4 ranger that has been there for quite awhile....

Progress is being made in fits and starts....
Phone calls to be made tomorrow about the greenhouse/shelter.. and the flimsy frame that has come completely apart/broken off with the last wind... I am so done with it... not going to try to use anything to fix it until they give me some idea of what to do.... I paid for that extended warranty... very disappointed since I like the cover part and the frame is just like having bendable aluminum...

DS just called, wanted to talk about possibly getting a preg check... got more cows to move home this week... Fri or Sat.... he's getting tired of having to take hay to all these places... well, duh.....I will see if I can get in the ones at the nurse cow field also... got one there with the small calf that could go with a bull right now....might breed back before the bulls are supposed to come out in mid-March... so calves will be born before Dec 15th.. since I got the 2 "bullies" /pushy cows and calves out, it ought to be easier to get these others in... If this one doesn't go with the bull now she will get cycled back in with the next ones to get bred in June. One cow is not going to make or break things.
There will be a couple of preg checks... get this bunch done and moved around... then get the next bunch moved home and get them done... then the big group with calves of all sizes will come home...and there are a bunch that should be bred... they will be all over the calendar though...
He wants to sell a group of calves in Feb... the biggest ones... prices are starting to come back up and he needs to get some moved out of there... as we bring home these others. Some of these calves needed to be weaned off "yesterday".... he says he needs to get things grouped back and put together the way they need to be....There will be a few cows to go and some of the calves will be mine... he says he thinks we should sell most everything this spring except the 35 he is taking to WV.... and putting cows out at pastures like we should and maybe leave the fields at doug's farm empty for a good part of this year... I said I agreed... when he asked if I had any thoughts I said I agreed with selling while things are good this spring and letting the fields lie fallow for a bit...
He also said he has been feeding hay everywhere in anticipation of this rain/wet coming since it is supposed to be quite a bit and possible flooding etc... to not have to go in on some of these fields for a day or 2....,and he was going home to get some sleep since he is going in at 4 a.m.;

I took the ham off the bone and put on another batch of split peas to cook down. Got some for a meal or 2.

Watched the 3rd part of the was good. Had some interesting things (I think they call them trailers?) to say about the actual fued and that this was to try to keep it as close to the truth as possible... It was pretty good...

Quitting for the night.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Let's try... FJs longhorn cow and calf. Beauties! I love the black ears & nose on that white body.

View attachment 103754
WOW.... yeah, that's "Jess" (for majestic) the longhorn cow, and her nearly 1 yr old steer calf... he is out of a reg. black angus bull.... marked just like his mother... she might weigh 800-900 lbs... but has a nice set of horns... she is my "pasture ornament"....but she does NOT like strange dogs and such... I will get a picture of her heifer from the previous year... same bull as sire... This is part of the "nurse cow pasture... all that scrap metal behind cow from owners...their house in background used to be the "grandfathers" house... let go to wrack and ruin, then they re-did it a couple years ago and come up to stay on occasion... have the kids b'day parties and stuff "on the farm"...(they live 30-40 minutes away)
I am going to owe @Mini Horses big time, (some beef might do it....!!!!) if I start sending her pics to post. Maybe she can teach me how to do it when we meet up for the spring poultry swap meet. So, I will take some more and send her...
Thanks @Mini Horses .


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
He also said he hit a deer with the dually the other night... grill, headlight, bumper and the fender...
That would make anyone grumpy! Thank goodness he wasn't hurt.
I really do not want to do alot of these bottle calves..... unless they are right here at the house.... it's a pain to have to go up there across the road and up the hill to do them...
Once you get the yard at your place fenced you can probably get a little shed up and it will be easier. Then it won't seem so bad. Maybe one of the twin heifer calves will make a nurse cow for you.
but it showed up in the diagnostic test at the Ford place... $150 for that diagnostic test.... and replaced a $3.50 fuse.... but
Isn't that always the way it goes? Hundreds of $$$ for the tests and it turns out to be a fuse or something. DH just brought the gooseneck back and the left rear right was not working. He started cussing and dialing the shop about it when DS1 took out the plug, blew out the connection, and plugged it back in again - left rear light working now! LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
That would make anyone grumpy! Thank goodness he wasn't hurt.

Once you get the yard at your place fenced you can probably get a little shed up and it will be easier. Then it won't seem so bad. Maybe one of the twin heifer calves will make a nurse cow for you.

Isn't that always the way it goes? Hundreds of $$$ for the tests and it turns out to be a fuse or something. DH just brought the gooseneck back and the left rear right was not working. He started cussing and dialing the shop about it when DS1 took out the plug, blew out the connection, and plugged it back in again - left rear light working now! LOL
:th:rant:duc:somad:he:he:he. Didn't know whether to like , sad or angry... Yeah, these electronics ....GRRR.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Here's more 🥰🤣.....from FJ

Ice from Sat 1/6/24. Black calf from nurse cow and the Holstein I put on her.... That wasn't feeling so good the other day. Hol heifer twins with older Holstein when they were starting to eat grain



Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You really NEED a fence at home. Start buying a roll of wire per month. Or suck it up and buy more for a discount. Tractor Supply gives a 5% discount for 10 rolls. Quite a cash outlay if you can. I bought wire and gates with money I reserved from selling Lindale farm. Now I’ll have to buy wire by the monthly plan. LOL and gates too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I woke up to rain. If we got any snow/sleet earlier, it is gone and just wet out there. Got milk warming and will get up the hill in a few minutes.
Sent those pics to @Mini Horses last evening.
Actually the male twin is bigger than these pipsqueaks... and the heifer twin is about the same size as them...... the bigger white holstein is 8 weeks old... and he is alot taller than the black one from my nurse cow that died. He is 1/4 jersey, 1/4 holstein (cow was 1/2 & 1/2) and the sire was the angus bull. Took after the jersey in the cow in finer boned. I wish the black one had been a heifer. I don't have anything kept out of her. The heifer she had last time was a total fruitcake nut job... wild acting... always figured I have a few more calves out of her... I was planning to breed her A.I. this time at least once... oh well... can't change it.

The calves are actually better off there for now. Big inside the barn for them to move around and have plenty of space at the bunk. wide enough that they can get away from the rain even if it blows in some. But no windows in it anymore... long since gone/broken... just frames and "holes"... Just a PITA to have to go up there. I have 2 "calf hutches " here at the house..... but I would be outside in the rain/snow/weather to do the feeding; and they are basically big enough to lay down and sleep in them... no exercise room...most farmers make an enclosure of a fence panel bent into a rectangle or just rounded out for calves to come out of the hutches... just some days it is just aggravating to make the .1 mile down the road, up the hill and all that... This wet pouring down rain makes me appreciate it up there, though.

There are 4 rolls of wire sitting here waiting to be put up. Need to get a couple more to fence the other side of the house around where I have the couple of peach trees, and planned to put the rest of the fruit trees DS wanted out of field where the previous owner had planted them but he must not want them out very much as he has never made the effort to move them... Going to see about getting some gates. Been watching for a sale or 2.....

When we have a nice day I will get some more pics of the calves. The white faced cow in the pic behind the "gate" is the one that had the piece of wire around her foot. She is long since out loose again and you wouldn't know she had hurt it. the black one next to her is one of the calves that comes in through the creep gate for grain... and was stealing some of the hay I was feeding her... the black on on the other side of the board fence is one of the group that is there at the nurse cow pasture. The hill drops down and the water trough is straight down from the calves, down the bottom of the hill....

Well, time to head up to feed the calves...