Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Busy day, got home from testing a bit ago. C and I went to the recently opened DQ on the way to her apt after testing... It is easier to do the computer work at her place and upload and print what I need than for her to drag it all to the barn... 10 min away and on the way home anyway. Got the computer stuff done, uploaded and I finally left at 9 or so...

Samples in the house to pack and the bottles in the car for tomorrow. Got to get the computer work done here so I can do the milk weights and all the computer work for the farm tomorrow. I will be back up fairly close to there on Sat and will drop off reports so I don't have to haul my printer up there, and so I get done faster tomorrow evening... supposing we are going to get together for supper after I get done work.

Dropped the other water sample off on the way.... went to chiropractor... He worked on the left wrist that I jammed when I tripped over the rock, in the pen, in the dark that night back when the cow first freshened...It was still bothering me and he said that it was jammed pretty good, got it "stretched apart" and it is turning much more freely. Considering there is some arthritis in it just from usual wear and tear of years of use, etc... it is better than it was... will probably have him manipulate it a few more times. The shoulder is still pretty sore, and it hurt a bit as he worked on it... going back in 2 weeks unless it gets bad before...need to keep up with it more often than monthly it seems... that's okay if I can keep it working longer...

Also, had new foot impressions done for new arch/insoles for my shoes. My last pair lasted 4 years, and they are pretty worn out. Plus since I had ankle done, and then both knees, it has possibly changed the way I walk and the pressure points and needs of my feet. They are not cheap, although my chiropractor said that there are so many places to get them nowadays... and even to get fitted for ones that are more custom made... but that I have more issues and needs, with the "flat feet", and then the way I walk; it being a little bit different now than before the replacements when I was walking more on the outsides of my feet... Looking forward to getting them... should be back to him when I go for my next appt...

Tomorrow is going to be another busy day. Dropping off the fecal samples at the vet's before I go test so will be leaving early since I also have to go by the owner sampler farm and do his computer work and milk weights and pick up that stuff; then go to the actual farm I am testing. Will feed calves extra milk replacer since they are only getting done 1 time tomorrow again... I fed grain and extra milk replacer this morning, fed them later than usual, so all I had to do is come home and put on clean clothes to go to Chiropractor... Not ideal but the twin heifers are 7 weeks + and the twin heifer and bull are nearly 6 weeks and all are eating good...... knowing that I would not be getting there this isn't hurting them to miss a milk feeding since they are eating grain real good. not ideal but doable at this age. Not possible at 2-3-4 weeks or when it is bitter cold. The coats are really helping with them keeping their body heat up and so they are doing better than if the did not have them. I may just keep the 2 bigger ones on once a day bottles since they will have 3 days of once a day with this weeks testing schedule.

May be getting calves from the dairy I was at today. They are the only dairy in the area, there is no market for the calves unless someone has a beef cow that lost one... and they are getting $125 and $150 for them... They don't sell before 3 days old so they get plenty of colostrum. She has 8 due Feb 15-28th.... and 9 due March 4-15th... most all are AI bred to holstein bulls... but they are starting to breed some to angus... I could get them and actually even sell some at the stock yard 45 min north of me. She said it doesn't pay for them to run nearly 2 hours up there unless they have a trailer load to send... cull cows and calves or whatever. And they raise a bunch of holstein steer calves until their hutches get full, and sell once a year at the holstein feeder sales.... and she said they are at their limit now... that they would like to have an outlet. I said that it would be worth it for me to go get them once a week or something like that when they get that many coming that close together...
I might be back in the baby calf business now... and of course... I FORGOT all about getting any treated milk from them so no buckets in the car... got to do better than that... Oh well... need to get a bunch of buckets with lids and take down there and get milk when I get calves too... It will be worth it to make that sort of trip once a week .... told her that I might be able to sell a few once in awhile, since people do ask me if I know of any sometimes... knowing I am a milk tester and on dairies alot... she said that would be good too... If I give them what they want, the calves are mine to do what I want...
Better get the hutches moved out and ready with some hog panel pens for them....

I am tired and need to get some sleep...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Plus since I had ankle done, and then both knees, it has possibly changed the way I walk and the pressure points and needs of my feet.
After my knee replacement I noticed a big change in how I walked. My leg was crooked from the previous injury and sticking out at a severe angle from the knee. Once the replacement straightened out the leg my hips and lower back hurt badly for several months. My entire body had shifted and the pull on the different muscles and joints was very noticeable. I think that is why now the other knee needs a partial replacement - having shifted around everything around the other knee is realizing tht it is wearing on arthritis in the knee. Ouch.
I might be back in the baby calf business now... and of course... I FORGOT all about getting any treated milk from them so no buckets in the car... got to do better than that...
If you are going to be picking up calves, maybe you could leave buckets there and do a normal treated milk pick up too. Would you be able to get treated milk from other dairies too? That would save a lot on replacer. You may need to look for another couple nurse cows. Didn't you say you had a couple of half Jerseys due to calve? Maybe you could train them.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just checking in. Another long day but at least tomorrow won't be quite so rushed... only have to go by and pick up samples from the farmer I get my milk from, from his couple of registered cows that get run through with the samples from the farm I am testing... he does some fill in milking for them also... then go on to test.

Got all kinds of samples to get packed......picked up the milk samples and did the computer stuff, at the owner sampler farm after going up and dropping off the fecal samples at the vet's office. Went from there ot the farm I was going to test, set up and we got the milking/sampling done... every thing ran through the wash cycles... and I came on home. Samples are in the car, I will bring them in, in the morning, to pack. Have to pack yesterday's samples too, I ran out of time to get them done today before I left.

Weather was pretty nice out. Mostly sun, 30 up to 62 on the recording thermometer. Mostly sun all day.
I have got to get in the greenhouse and get the plants watered... they are probably all drying out since it gets hot in it in the sun...
Anyway, I did put in a load of clothes to soak when I left to go to work, and just ran them through the rinse a little bit ago. Will put in another load to soak tonight, and hopefully get both loads hung out tomorrow. We are supposed to have nice weather through the weekend, some clouds but the previously forecast rain looks to stay south of here so only expecting some clouds from it staying well to the south as it passes west to east. Works for me...

Brother left early this morning from DS's house... seems he is on his way TO the friends' place in FL... and will be back up this way in about 2 weeks... so that's good, took the pressure off me to meet them after testing this evening.

I'm ready for a shower and bed... Lots to do tomorrow but won't have to leave quite so early; hope to get the samples all packed and dropped off at the vineyard for UPS, on the way to get the other samples... oh, and get milk for me, and the laundry hung... it will be a day or 2 out there to dry and all, but at least I will be getting caught up again. Want to strip the bed and put all the blankets out to "air them"... can put another set on the bed ..... I take them to the laundromat to wash as they get cleaner it seems in the big machines where they aren't "crowded"..... maybe this weekend... although I do have to test on Sat afternoon....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
"Warm" overnight.... only down to 42... already near 50 at 9 a.m..... Sun and clouds out there...

Looked at the extended forecast... Sun/partly sun for the next 10 days... slight chance of a shower on Monday when the front is coming through from the south and west... but it is almost guaranteed to stay south of here. Got lots of time to do the laundry that I want to get done. I didn't get the other load in last night to soak, will just hang out what I have today and then worry about more in a day or 2... no rush which is nice.

Ate a bowl of cheerios for a change, time to go in and start packing samples.

Groundhog day.... supposedly good ole Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow... so an early spring.... Yet if you look at the picture of the guy holding him... top hat and all, there are shadows on his face where the sun was shining on it.... REALLY.....
There is also been some talk of how the groundhog does NOT see his shadow on leap years.... at least the last 3 or 4 leap years... :th:th:idunno:idunno.

Funny, first day of spring is the around the 20th or so in March... regardless of what the groundhog says... and he sure would be seeing his shadow if the shadows on the guy's face that was holding him was any indication... :smack:barnie:he:hide:hide:hide.

Time to get motivated...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
First snake of the year 1/31 in the barn --- we shouldn't see snakes until April-ish. OK maybe late March-ish.
Maybe getting washed out of his burrow by flooding rather than waking up for summer. Lake Shasta is just about at capacity as are Lakes Mead and Powell. :D =D

@farmerjan Maybe it is time to look around for some older nurse cows. If you can fence the back of your place, you can keep the tiny calves at home and just move them across when they are older. Seems like the calf coats are helping enough to not need as much milk to keep warm. With cattle prices on the rise this may be the time to really consider doing the nurse cow/bottle calf thing if you can get the calves cheap enough. And with several feedings of colostrum already in them.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday evening... Turned out to stay mostly cloudy all day.... and got a bit "damp feeling" this afternoon and just "felt cold"... even the farmer said that to me when I got there to set up... We agreed that this getting older and feeling the temps just is the pitts....

Testing went well, they have had to cull several cows in the last 2 months for all sorts of reasons, lost 2 also... took one to the New Bolton Center in Pa where they have EXCELLENT large animal facilities... I had a horse there about 40 years ago for "squamos cell carcinoma"... cancer of the third eyelid... somewhat common in appaloosa's with the freckling pigment around the eyes. and they lost the cow today.... stomach lesions and ulcers, and a compaction in the small intestines... so not a good winter for them either...

Will bring the samples in the house in the morning... it will stay colder out there for the night.

Ate a chicken salad sandwich and going to take a shower and go to bed earlier.

Vet called, the fecals showed a good amount of worms in 2 samples, moderate in 2 samples and few in the 5th sample... and he did NOT know that I had taken 2 samples from thin cows, 2 from moderate cows, and 1 from a well rounded out cow...
So the worming the other day was a good move. Going to worm again in 30 days he said... maybe with an injectible... but at least with another good dose of pour on... I actually would like to use a couple of safeguard blocks since they will go after the molasses.... we will see... but I think maybe we need to worm everyone this year. The vet agrees about not having to worm the mature cows, he says he doesn't do his unless they look a little thin; but he does do all the young stock and heifers he retains, and usually after their first calf... pretty much the same as us. I am thinking that maybe we need to worm these fall calving cows with young calves so they can go into the winter with few/no worms and then they won't get drug down with the kind of cold temps we had. This particular part of doug's farm does not have the best of grass, and I think it is more worm infested than other fields as I always think the cows look "poorer" at this place. At least we have something positive to deal with...

Still waiting on the water samples results...

Already got the word out to a couple of people looking for a possible nurse cow or 2.... even with the cost of the milk replacer, the market outlook for calves is getting more interesting... and profitable promising. Even at the cost of milk replacer, they will be a good deal... I am going to get some hog panels to make a few pens for the 2 calf hutches I have here at the house for starters.

Black steers (angus or other beef ones) in the 300-500 lb range.... hit $4.00 /lb at a Kansas market this week... friend posted a market result from their sale... sure, not all of them hit that... but some good ones did....

If anyone here is going to buy beef, you better do it soon as it is going to keep going up.... the farmer I get my milk from, and his brother who has a beef cow/calf operation and feeds his steers also, was at the barn when I stopped to get his milk samples; ... brother said he took some cull cows to the sale last week and they ALL brought over $1.00/lb.... most were in the $1500+ range...and that some 5 wt steers here local went over $3.00/lb. The reason they bring that much more out in KS and places is there is alot LESS cost in transporting the calves... trucking costs from the east coast are terribly the price per lb is less here.... I am seeing that everywhere... and the number of heifers going on feed lots is still higher than the number being retained... so that means less for breeding stock... fewer calving next year... fewer replacements..

I'm quitting for the night... it is down to 35, but tomorrow is supposed to be sunnier and nicer... so will try to get a few things done outside before having to go to test again tomorrow afternoon... and drop off the reports to the 2 farms also....