Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Same here!! It's better than COLD but, annoying. It's wet like a steam room, just not hot🥴. Ground has all the water it can hold!

I loaded the big hay racks in the barns, while the goats were outside eating -- out of sight of my doings. Supposed to get rain tonight, winds tomorrow. 🫤 Breakfast was served, buffet style.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been a long enough day... Just got home from the farm 1 1/2 hrs north... It is actually Wed morning already... so, I am going in to get a shower and hit the sack. Got a full day tomorrow... (Wed)... have to go get the hol bull calf in the morning, and take some buckets as she'll have some milk from a bucket cow that is all ready to go in the line in another day....
Caleb is coming around 1, to look at/sort the steer calves to take a load Friday.... Bred cow sale is tomorrow night and hoping he is going to try to take at least the 3 or 4 cull cows to sell; ( as they do cull cows and baby calves and then the bred cows are a once a month thing) ; that are already in the one lot there.... but don't know.
Stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way to the farm this afternoon, and they are going to start saving the buckets and lids, and will call me when they have a few....all the glaze and frostings and such come in the 2 and 5 gallon food safe buckets... I told them I would be glad to just stop in twice a week, but she said it wouldn't be any problem to call all depends on how fast they empty them, donut sales and such... I offered to pay them something for them, but they said no, that they only toss them out anyway... guess I will have to buy some donuts or something as a "thank you" for saving them.... she had to check with her manager and called me about a 1/2 hour after I left there and said mgr said it was fine... sooooo... I will be able to have a bunch for getting milk... plus we use them for carrying feed and storing extra seed and such... I will be leaving some with the farm I am going to get bull calves from... and I will be going past the exit for the farm, to go to the chiropractor on Thursday afternoon... so will take a few extra's tomorrow and tell her to save me whatever she has on Wed night and Thursday and I will stop on my way home Thursday late aft....
Also got a call from a dairy right up the road that they have a jersey bull calf and did I want it? ... so will text them back and let them know I can get it tomorrow afternoon.

Need to fit in packing the samples to ship well as all the usual bottles and such inbetween...

Boy oh boy, this is going to mushroom I think...I must be a little NUTS....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Score on the buckets! I love doughnut shop buckets. I have to buy them though, but at $2 with lids, I’ll take that deal. A baby Jersey calf! I know where he’s going, to your freezer! With prices as high as they are, this is going to be a lucrative deal for you.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, home and making some dinner... Did not go to the bred cow sale... didn't suit DS to go because "they" still had to feed silage after we all got done with the sorting and grouping of the calves...
The morning went okay, did chores and then went to get the holstein bull calf at the farm. Got home and DS called and said that Caleb would be there in a bit... I said I would be home in 10-15 minutes then come down. I said, I really need you to flip the 2 calf hutches back over TODAY, so I can put the new calf in one... Well, he was on his way from work to the barn and so finally stopped and got them flipped over... then when I got here, they were done and I unloaded the holstein bull off the truck. Then went down to the farm... and lo and behold, she had the bale truck... she had been feeding for him... and I said hi and that I would need to take the truck up and feed at the nurse cow pasture... that the other cows had hay , and he said well, we took hay when we took the silage cart the other why am I supposed to feed when he is getting her to do it...??? There was a bale of the wheat/rye/sorghum mix on the truck and she said she was afraid it would fall apart if she set it down, so he took the truck and went and unloaded it... It wound up at the nurse cow pasture I found out when I went up to feed bottles... didn't tell me that though...

He was so nice and pleasant when she was right around there and then got short when I didn't get a gate opened fast enough to let out a calf... she had gone up back to open another gate to move some steers up there... then he went up to tell her something about closing the one gate and opening the other and Caleb just looked at me, and I said, I didn't know we were going to have more help, but that's okay, and he said yeah, but how long is that going to last, again...she'll just do the same thing..... and I just shook my head and said who knows and he said, yeah, til she gets tired of it all again...
So DS turned out the heifers we had sorted out of the steers and got them all put together.... and he accidentally let out one of the cows that was supposed to get sold, and then they went to see about getting the bull in with the bad leg... I thought, to take it with the cull cows... and after going and helping to get it and a crazy fence jumping steer that has been running with the bulls...and walking them through 2 gates and then when they got it in the field to bring up to the barn the steer took off and jumped another fence, got in with the group of heifers. And I said, don't forget the red cow is out with the heifers, and he said, doesn't matter, they will come in to the trough to eat tomorrow, and we will get them sorted out... the steer is getting sold just as soon as I can get it in the barn to get it loaded, and will take it whenever I take them... and I said, you're not going to take them this evening? and he said no, and I said so we are not going to the bred cow sale and he said, I said no...
So, I asked if he needed me to do anything else at the barn and he said no, we are going to feed silage, and I said, well then I guess I will go home. And he just turned around and walked away and so I left.

Went to the dairy closeby and got the jersey bull calf... nice calf... and brought it home... Then made up the bottles and went up to the nurse cow pasture and fed the 4 bottles and fed some more grain, the bunk was licked clean except for the hay in the 2 ends.....and saw that the roll of wheat/mix, was up there. Tomorrow they have got to get some good grass hay, since that mix is what I fed, yesterday, with the wet ground since I did not want to tear up the field going up to get the hay across from my house. Tomorrow I will give them 2 bales of grass hay...

It will take a couple days to get the new calves used to coming for the bottles... gotta fight them a bit until they get the nipple in their mouth... One reason I do not like hutches... they are too short to stand in to feed bottles, so you have to do it from the outside.
I will get the one hog panel bent around to make an "outside" lot for them so I do not have to try to bend in half to feed them... Need to put a couple of T-posts in to attach it to... it is just propped/wedged against the calf hutch for the night.... got the 2 in together to make it a bit easier to feed 2 at a time; even though they are from 2 different farms..... and they are only a couple days apart, and might not get any more for a week or 2... so company too....

Got 7 gallons of milk from the farm I got the hol bull calf from, cow goes back in the tank this evening, but left her a couple more buckets with lids.... I need to get some from Dunkin Donuts so I have some for the 500 cow herd, to get the milk we dump out of the samplers. Which DS can't seem to fit into his schedule.... I so wish Geneva was still around here... she was so reliable and didn't make a stink about helping... and I know she liked to make the extra money, but she was enjoyable to work with.

The 2500 cow herd with the 72 cow rotary parlor is scheduled for NEXT WED, 21st of Feb... and Lindsay is going to go help... she wants to... it is her day off her other job... I should have gotten my 500 cow herd scheduled for that day... Going to be interesting since I have no clue about doing one...

And, now DS is not going to ship any steers this Friday, but wait for another week. When I brought it up he said he was going to wait a week, but no reason. Might be because prices are coming up more... Most places I have been seeing, they are flirting with or actually bringing over $3.00 lb. Caleb did tell him that if it was him... he would ship the smaller ones because they will bring within $100-150 NOW.. at the lighter weight, than to put weight on them and sell for less per lb at heavier weights; and send the heavier ones to WV to graze and sell them in the fall at 1,000 lbs... they will gain good at the larger size on grass... and at $200-2.40 lb now in the 7wts, they will bring about $2.00 or so in the fall at 1,000 lbs so will actually bring a better return...
Of course, when I suggested it, I didn't know what I was talking about... but since Caleb said it, he has decided to change his plans... and probably do that.... Buy a few more 7 wt calves at the sales since that is a more discounted size around here... not alot of that size sold, so usually only a few singles or such, whereas a bigger group will do better... so have always been a good size to buy and then put together a group...

I did find out that the estate is supposed to be settled, finally.... I think the lawyer has had the money sitting and has not been bothered to get it done... said he had all the court papers done awhile ago... and DS signed the release or whatever papers and should be getting the check...after he sent the lawyer a rather "pointed" e-mail and said that it had drug on long enough, that the lawyer had said in an e-mail back several months ago that all the final papers had been presented to the courts.... so why was it continuing to take so long.... on top of the nice check he got for the calves he sold at the graded sale... I think she is seeing all that money too, so right now he is in a more affluent state... I have learned over the last few months, that he has done some other things for her financially in the past... why not take a new look at the cash flow...even though he told me that most of that money was earmarked for some payments... and don't forget, he had 2 "lost calves" out in WV so there was over 3,000 just gone... and a few losses here also... to make up for with the sale of those calves...

I am hoping to get paid for a few other animals of mine, that have been sold over the last year; I had told him to use the money for expenses and pay me later... so I think it is about time I get my money too... there will be some calves in this next group to be sold that are mine... and I will get paid for them when they are sold.. no more letting it slide for a while... if I am being "nudged out" again... then I am going to get my money when they are sold so there is no question down the road...

It was a cool day, breezy, but not bad... Might see some showers Thurs eve, quick passing front... and there is a possibility that we will get some snow showers/light snow Friday night into Sat.... maybe part of the reason he is holding off selling the group... but I think that prices are going to come up a little more and maybe he is thinking that too.... I am not "in the loop" when he has her to talk to.... DS has never been able to concentrate on a relationship, AND keep me informed of things he is going to do... he cannot remember to tell me once he tells whoever he is spending time with... then gets mad when I don't know what he is thinking and I tell him he didn't tell me, and he insists he has, then later on realizes that maybe he didn't tell me...

We had an inch of rain Monday night... so a total of 1.45 inches for the 3 days of misty/drizzly/showers and rain.... The ground did dry up some with the wind which is nice.

Chiropractor appt tomorrow afternoon... shoulder has been really aching again... Looking forward to that... plus my new inserts for my shoes should be in... then I can leave the old ones in the pair of sneakers I wear to the barn and not have to take them in and out.... and I expect that the new ones will be a little different anyway... might take a little getting used to... but I like th support in the shoes....

DS's birthday is Friday... but I am sure he will have "other plans" that won't include me to help celebrate since he is not shipping the steers...

Vet coming Monday... he needs to get those other cows home from the pasture... when I ask what I can do to help, he says nothing, he has to move the corral panels and all... and so.... I offer to do something, and he says, it's too much for you... NO, it isn't too much for me if you are not in a rush trying to make me "hurry up"....not going to beg... and not going to make an issue of it... I am not going to do something and then get told that it was wrong, or his favorite thing... that is not how I wanted it done...then keeps talking about how much he has to get done... but won't delegate anything....

Going to take the large crate off the truck so I can move the tarp full of hay up to the calves....they are eating alot now... which is good... over a 5 gallon bucket of grain a day now too... but they look good and the orphan is eating right along with them...

Going to make a new chart/graph/account for the baby calf endeavor... track all the expenses so I can see how they do in the long run... if it will be a financially sound deal. I will probably get thoroughly sick of feeding bottles before I am done... we'll see.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Chilly start... down to 29 overnight. Sun coming over hill, but supposed to go all the way up to 60 today... then possibly have some snow, slushy mix Friday night when a clipper system comes through... Crazy weather.
Going out to work with the 2 new ones and bottles... and get a couple T-posts into the ground today, to anchor the panel so they can get out in the sunshine,
I plan to leave early to go to chiropractor so that I can stop at the SPCA.... do the paperwork to be able to get the kittens fixed... I think the stump tailed one, Silkie, is coming into heat... the long haired one, calling him Jake, has been following Silkie around sniffing but not doing anything much...

Also got told in an offhand yesterday that Jim is going to have to have more surgery; now for a blocked intestine... and could I possibly be available to take him to the hospital as his son can't do this, and DS has to go to the dr for one of his regular visits the same day... and they are in 2 opposite directions... she is going with DS to the dr since he is scheduled to have the injections in his neck... what I used to go with him for to drive home and we would go to Rural King....
Just when things had started to get a little better overall...

Oh well, the sun is coming out and it is going to be a nice day... Since we are not shipping any calves, I can get the crate off the truck tomorrow, get the hay in the tarp moved up to the calves before we get any weather... and I am going to get some more sq bales since they are up to 3 sections of it every 24 hours. Trying to be conservative with it and not put out more than they will eat so it is not wasted in the barn... and on nice sunny days, I put it outside in the couple of metal feeders so they can be out in the sun and eat and keep some of the manure out of the barn.

Looking like a nice day....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I can't believe DS....thought he acknowledged they wouldn't work as a couple. Ya know, their brains are directly connected to their balls! 🤬 It's a man thing.

This isn't a mom/child issue, it's a failure in your business considerations, workings.

Keep looking for your own satisfaction, beyond his. Don't give up using the barn/pasture space, hay, bulls or equipment use. You've earned & paid for it. Collect your $$$ on the cattle.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yep, @Mini Horses ... going to do my thing within the operation, and not let it eat me up inside anymore... Men can be pretty STUPID.....

DS called this evening... we are discussing the weather because we are under a "WINTER STORM WATCH" YEP... snow Friday night now... clipper system... originally said a slight possibility now saying 2-5 inches... with heavy snow possible from 11pm-5 am.... as much as 1-2 inches an HOUR.... so he has to go in to work at 8 pm... he will work from 7-noon probably... then go back in... SOOOOO... we will most likely not be moving any cattle this weekend for the vet check on Monday... as it will be too muddy/slick to get in and out of that place... plus with the 1 1/2 inches of rain this past weekend, the barn lot is a MUD HOLE and it was really muddy working the cattle yesterday afternoon... don't want cows with smaller calves in this crap...
So I will call the vet in the morning, give him a heads up, don't want to cancel it Monday at last minute.. he might be able to put someone else in... PLUS.... my brother is going to be here on his way home from Florida.... and he is NO HELP around the cattle... so don't need him "helping" get cattle moved....
And DS wanted to know what I thought about trying to take the cull cows and bull tomorrow to the regular sale, we aren't taking the load of calves.... and I said to just wait... it won't hurt them to stay there for another week... and the bull is up at the barn with the bad leg... he finally walked up the field and into the barn... so let him eat some silage and such....
And the friend that is an auctioneer, JS... that DS called to see about thoughts on selling, told DS that he would sell EVERYTHING he had in the way of steers etc... while these prices are so high....
GEE, what has MOM been trying tell him..... JS said he would not even keep the bigger steers to put in WVA... but we have to graze something out there....
JS said he would also sell heifers if we have them... but I want to keep some back... as many as we can that are decent ones... and not crazy acting.... they will be worth a kings ransom at breeding size... I would like to see if we can buy a few "one and done" type cows to raise a calf off and then sell both in the fall like we sometimes do... but they will probably be worth their weight in gold... so not affordable... We will see... I would be open to buying some "mediocre to halfway crummy" type cows to feed up on grass this summer... and might be able to buy some since there is still a shortage of hay north of here...
BUT, Caleb told him to sell these steers... I have told him to sell these steers... now JS told him to sell... MAYBE he might listen and we will get this bunch gone, then have some more to gather up a few places... even the not so good ones are bringing money since average people cannot afford the good ones...and sell soon....

Things were fine on the phone... he asked if I fed hay today... after I said I would yesterday... like "REALLY?" .... Yes I fed hay; and with the crappy wet coming in, I will feed some more tomorrow so we won't have to go in the fields for an extra day or 2.... not tear things up while it is sloppy from snow/slush/rain... whatever....

Anyway. I did feed 2 rolls to one place and 1 roll to the nurse cow pasture( they fed a roll yesterday that was on the truck)... this morning after doing the bottle calves. These 2 younger ones, here, are a little stupid... the jersey is thick headed, but he is young... eats good once you get him to take the nipple... The holstein is good once he gets on the nipple too... but he sucks it down like a vacuum... and he butts HARD....
Got a phone call this morning... they had buckets... so I had to go get them... didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with them... so after I got done with the feeding and all... left to go to get them, then had to turn around and go in the opposite direction to the chiropractor... but they had 4 with the lids. 2-5 gal and 2-2gal ones so that was good. Have to wash them out... but that's okay... I told them to not worry about cleaning them or anything....
Dropped off the samples that I didn't get sent on Wed from the herd... went to the chiropractor. Boy what a relief... worked on my hand/wrist again, and the shoulder.... and I felt alot better afterward....
My new shoe inserts were in, so got them too... A little different from the old ones, since the replacements and all... will take a little getting used to but not bad... a few hours a few days... can put the old ones in my muddy/manure'y sneakers I wear to feed the calves.... won't matter if they get wet or anything....Have had these for 4 years, from before the ankle replacement... they were $160/pr... but custom made for my feet from the impressions... and the chiropractor's wife (works the desk-ins- stuff) said that they had gone up... and I said I was not unhappy, everything has gone up, and they are really good ones, wear really well, and they make me feel soo much better... I was not quibbling AT ALL about the price. Got 2 pair this time so I don't have to switch them back and forth so much...

I also treated myself to lunch at "Chicken Salad Chick" , I really like their grape salad side that is whole grapes with a sweetened cream cheese, like "sauce " on them... It's not cheap... but a big scoop of Chicken salad and the side, and small cookie... is like $10.00... I also get a large side of the grape salad plate to bring home to have... it is ALOT better than fast food... even though I have plenty of "chicken" to eat... I froze some of the last one I sliced, for chicken sandwiches... Plus it is fun to try some of the different flavors they have... and I have been a very good girl about eating mostly at home most of the time lately...

SPCA was closed for lunch... so I will call them tomorrow. Find out times and such about taking the cats to be fixed... really want to get it done...

Farm did not have any more milk to pick up, cows are all in the tank which is fine...

Stopped at the Goodwill store there and got a couple books and a dvd or 2.... nothing in jeans or anything this time... Got home at 5, fed bottles... done and in for the night.

Did not get the T-posts in for the panel around the calf hutch... next on the list.

Got to take the crate off the truck tomorrow, take the pallets to the barn while it is not wet.... take the hay up there too so I don't have to worry with that for a few days while it is sloppy... going to need more milk replacer and want to get more grain so I don't have to skimp on it for the weekend...
Then deal with brother here for a few days... luckily he will stay at DS's house and he would rather spend time with him, mostly... but will go out to eat with him at least Sat night...

Guess I better think about going to bed....
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