Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yep, no common sense... or appreciation for the way he was trying to save the state some money in the long run... too bad, go by the book and get paid for every minute. It will help pay for the fuel and wear and tear on his vehicles again... You are right @murphysranch ... can't win for losing...

I got the electric fence done today... at the nurse cow pasture (snyder's) so that job is done. Texted DS and he said he really appreciated it getting done. I will have to watch it for a few days so that everyone is accustomed to it... most of them were there when it was up before, but a few were not. They will get zapped if they do not use caution... hopefully they will learn to respect it again... It is a plug in charger so is "hot".... Took me a couple hours to do it up the one side, 2 strands, and replace some insulators on the other side in several spots...replace 2 insulators that were broken, at the ends with 2 new porcelain ones that screwed into the wood posts.... It was a real nice afternoon out... short sleeve T-shirt, sunny, but not too hot or too windy . Perfect weather and job is done...
A couple of the calves went out through the creep gate, but the biggest one tried and did not want to push through, so tomorrow I will let her out through the gate... hopefully she will come back in through the open gate when I call them for grain. And I might tell DS she needs to go to doug's barn, up back with the other heifers that are closer to her age/size... I fed grain in the pen and 2 came back in through the creep so that is good... They will learn... weather is perfect for them to learn this stuff...

I didn't think about the meters so got to get them put in the storage chest in the carport tomorrow... and change the brackets for the next farm... Need to text that farm and see what he want next week...

Moved the plants out of the greenhouse since it was so hot in the sun, even with the door pulled back open...and they will get rain water, watering, if we get the rain. They need a good soaking and washing off the leaves and such. I will leave them out for the next 2 days probably... then move them back in when the temps drop a little again for next week...
Time to think about getting some seed trays ready... I think spring will get here early this year...

I finally got the chicken stuffed and in the oven... I brought it in from the freezer and then stuck it in a freezer in the house for a few days, then took it out and stuck in fridge, and it still had some ice in it... I was going to do it tomorrow night since we weren't going to be home tonight because of going back to the sale... but it worked to do it this evening. I also have the liver out, so will make that for supper tonight since the chicken will not be done until late. I have onions to cut up and saute'.......then do the liver....

Brought the laundry in before I made the stuffing for the chicken, and just locked the chickens in. I am going to make a bowl of custard also while the oven is on... it will warm the house as it cools off a little this evening.. I turned the heat way down this morning, so won't need to turn it up until later when I get my shower I guess....
Temps hit 77 on the recording thermometer today... 20 degrees above normal for this time of year... rain forecast for Friday is much less than originally forecast...
Tomorrow is appt at chiropractor... my shoulder has been killing me...

Time to get the custard made and in the oven, then make some supper...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a decent day. It was cloudy and we got a little rain after 12 and it was gone by 5 or so with the sun peeking through. All of 1/10th inch...
Got the meter brackets changed and put them away in the storage box.

Had the chiropractor appt at noon... left early enough to stop at the bank to deposit money for the auto-payment on the explorer... and stopped at Chicken Salad Chick's to get some lunch... yeah, got the other chicken roasted... but I will slice the white meat off for sandwiches... I LOVE the grape salad they make... grapes in a cream cheese type "sauce" with some cinnamon sugar/ nuts to sprinkle on top... Got the recipe off the internet so going to try it myself... but although not cheap... it is so nice to just get it already made. That is my "treat" when I go down to the chiropractor when it is near lunch time...
Then went to 2 different Goodwill stores on the way home and found a couple pair of jeans... of course, you can't try things on anymore... so will have to see if they will fit... I am determined to try to drop some weight and get more active again... drinking more water too, now that it is getting nicer out...
It rained some on the way home, but was expecting that.

Went up to the pasture and took 2 more sq bales with me since DS had set them out. Fed the grain, and the one dumb heifer can't figure out how to come back in the creep gate... the other runs in and runs out... she's pretty high strung. The big one won't attempt to go out and the 4th one just stays with the bigger one. Had to take a ride around the back side of the hill, to find the twin holsteins, and the orphan heifer, so they would come for some grain... Put hay in the bunk and 2 of the other black calves came in the creep gate to get some grain. Did not let the big one out yet... fed a bale of hay for them and she can stay in a bit yet...

Came home and warmed up some of the chicken for supper... Didn't get the custard made last night, I was all of a sudden sleepy.... from getting up at 4 to go with DS with the cattle Thursday morning; but it is in the oven now, since it was already warmed from heating the chicken... I will let the chicken cool and then slice all the white meat off and put the carcass in the pot to cook down maybe tomorrow.

Tomorrow will get up fairly early, going to the Maple Festival with Deb.... she is supposed to be coming out to the farm this evening after work... I will go to bed fairly early again this evening. Want to leave about 7-7:30 and go have pancake breakfast,... then go around and see a few of the maple camps and look at all the booths and stuff for sale... Then I can do the calves when we get home late afternoon.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a nice day yesterday. Weather was pretty nice, started out with a long sleeve t-shirt and light sweatshirt and down to the t-shirt after an hour or so.
Went to Highland county, we had buckwheat pancake breakfast... walked all through the inside exhibits, the hit the outside ones at the "first" place... found some things.... got some snap links that have a screw slide that makes them more secure... like the quick links you get and the little piece screws over the other end... so it looks like a chain link but you can take it apart... anyway, never saw a snap link like that... got 3, 1 each size since they only had 1 each of the 2 smaller ones and the big one was pretty big so only got one of them. got a cute metal sign (not old) that shows a guy on a tractor, and says that as a child I got to play on tractors, and as a grown up I can still play with them... something to that effect... got it for DS to put on the wall at doug's barn... just a whimsical thing...
We stopped at a maple syrup camp that also made syrup from walnut, hickory, and did some flavor combinations... also a cider syrup.... I did buy a couple of them.... rather expensive but very good... an indulgence, but I will be able to use/eat them so not wasted. Maple syrup has gone up in price also... $64 / gallon now... still a good deal as there are health benefits to using maple syrup as opposed to just sugar....
The went on to the county seat, main town... walked all through the high school gym and smaller middle school gym attached... lots and lots of booths.... then all down main street and the booths there...
Came home a different way and stopped at a "yard sale" and got a huge "handful" of lag bolts and, big bolts and nuts and some washers for $5.... saw a double sink I thought might be nice... but it was smaller basins, like I already have... although not the dumb corner sink like is in here... and I want something that has some size to be able to fit bigger pans.... then found the bolts and screws... thinking that they would be handy and alot cheaper than at the farm bureau or hardware store...
We were going to maybe go to the trout hatchery, get trout/fish sandwiches for lunch/dinner, but it was later than we thought, and neither of us was real hungry... so came on back after 4 and Deb had a "blue apron" meal at her house so stopped and got some salad fixins, I dropped her off and came and did the calves grain and all. Went back to her house and took the big bowl of custard.... which I had had a small dish out of and it was good with the lemon flavor, and went back for dinner.
We split up our packages and got the money figured out... a few things we got were $6 for 1 piece, $16 for 3 and stuff like that... got some lip balm, some "scentsy" things to freshen the air, some fudge. Then, since I was beat, came home. My lower back had started to really ache for some reason... Got a good hot shower, and hit the sack.

Up this morning to partly cloudy but supposed to clear off some and be more sun this afternoon. Temps are a little cooler, and are supposed to cool off even more... will move the plants back in the greenhouse on the deck, as temps are going to drop the next couple nights to around freezing.
Thinking I will go out and maybe get the push mower out and start getting some of the taller, deader grass cut down before the new grows up too much... then start some yard "clean up".... need to put batteries on charge to make sure they are up after sitting for several months. Also supposed to be rain free for a few days so might do another load of clothes and get the basket empty.
Need to eat some breakfast first... Not in any hurry this morning to "get going". Back still aches a bit but nothing like last evening...


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Had a nice day yesterday. Weather was pretty nice, started out with a long sleeve t-shirt and light sweatshirt and down to the t-shirt after an hour or so.
Went to Highland county, we had buckwheat pancake breakfast... walked all through the inside exhibits, the hit the outside ones at the "first" place... found some things.... got some snap links that have a screw slide that makes them more secure... like the quick links you get and the little piece screws over the other end... so it looks like a chain link but you can take it apart... anyway, never saw a snap link like that... got 3, 1 each size since they only had 1 each of the 2 smaller ones and the big one was pretty big so only got one of them. got a cute metal sign (not old) that shows a guy on a tractor, and says that as a child I got to play on tractors, and as a grown up I can still play with them... something to that effect... got it for DS to put on the wall at doug's barn... just a whimsical thing...
We stopped at a maple syrup camp that also made syrup from walnut, hickory, and did some flavor combinations... also a cider syrup.... I did buy a couple of them.... rather expensive but very good... an indulgence, but I will be able to use/eat them so not wasted. Maple syrup has gone up in price also... $64 / gallon now... still a good deal as there are health benefits to using maple syrup as opposed to just sugar....
The went on to the county seat, main town... walked all through the high school gym and smaller middle school gym attached... lots and lots of booths.... then all down main street and the booths there...
Came home a different way and stopped at a "yard sale" and got a huge "handful" of lag bolts and, big bolts and nuts and some washers for $5.... saw a double sink I thought might be nice... but it was smaller basins, like I already have... although not the dumb corner sink like is in here... and I want something that has some size to be able to fit bigger pans.... then found the bolts and screws... thinking that they would be handy and alot cheaper than at the farm bureau or hardware store...
We were going to maybe go to the trout hatchery, get trout/fish sandwiches for lunch/dinner, but it was later than we thought, and neither of us was real hungry... so came on back after 4 and Deb had a "blue apron" meal at her house so stopped and got some salad fixins, I dropped her off and came and did the calves grain and all. Went back to her house and took the big bowl of custard.... which I had had a small dish out of and it was good with the lemon flavor, and went back for dinner.
We split up our packages and got the money figured out... a few things we got were $6 for 1 piece, $16 for 3 and stuff like that... got some lip balm, some "scentsy" things to freshen the air, some fudge. Then, since I was beat, came home. My lower back had started to really ache for some reason... Got a good hot shower, and hit the sack.

Up this morning to partly cloudy but supposed to clear off some and be more sun this afternoon. Temps are a little cooler, and are supposed to cool off even more... will move the plants back in the greenhouse on the deck, as temps are going to drop the next couple nights to around freezing.
Thinking I will go out and maybe get the push mower out and start getting some of the taller, deader grass cut down before the new grows up too much... then start some yard "clean up".... need to put batteries on charge to make sure they are up after sitting for several months. Also supposed to be rain free for a few days so might do another load of clothes and get the basket empty.
Need to eat some breakfast first... Not in any hurry this morning to "get going". Back still aches a bit but nothing like last evening...
Sounds like a fantastic day!
Oh and those quick links with the screw - LOVE those. I’ve got small ones and ginormous ones, very handy to have on hand.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday.... it was a cool 37 this morning, and a little breeze... The sun was out but the wind got stronger, and it got downright cold. Hit 56 and sure did not feel like it. I went up to the calves late this afternoon about 4:30-5... and liked to "froze".... with the wind. The calves I turned out came over and a couple of the other cows came too... DS had come in and fed some Hay, so the "big calves" were nearer to the barn and they got some grain before the cows came over... going to be a PITA to try to feed the calves some outside... the little ones came in through the creep gate so they are good... the ones on the cows that had started to come in a little, were down with the hay he put out so didn't come in for any grain today... but they will again... I was a little later today than normal.

The truck is done and gf and her sister went and got it today... LIKE, HOLY COW.... 5 days.... DS said is is running, shifting good so far... He could not believe it... I had sent him a message that the cows would need hay and he called me back and said that I could go feed them myself... the truck was done and was back... and I said oh, I didn't know you got it back already... he said yeah, they called, and so gf and sister went down to get it... He seems impressed... 3 year warranty... and the friend that gave him this guy's name said that he wouldn't take his stuff anywhere else now... and he has tractor trailers/trucking business... So I said, okay, I can go get it in a little bit... he said, well, I am going to use it for an hour or 2 to feed... then he called and said, he was just going to go ahead and feed since he had to take some hay down to the pasture near her house where those cows had started to calve again and he left them there with the calves when he brought the others back to get preg checked. Anyway, they needed hay so he fed at snyder's and then was taking hay down there when he went. Whatever...

I cut a big bunch of different daffodils.... there are several patches here and there are different "kinds... some regular bright yellow... some pale yellow with long trumpet in the middle.... a pale yellow with more of a short center with ruffled edges..... a few that I had planted when I moved here which are whiter, with a ruffled orange and white "double" center..... a yellow double ruffly centered variety..... some white with tiny centers (jonquil paper white type)..... and a few more delicate with small orangey centers..... If it gets that cold tonight, they might freeze... so this way I can enjoy them for a couple days... They are really blooming nice this year.... I would like to plant a few more this fall.... different than what I have now... just because they come up and get done and then I can mow them off when the tops start to die off...

Went to the SPCA and paid for the female "kitten" to get spayed... not going to do the male for now... Have to have her there next Tuesday at 7 a.m. , pick her up that evening at 7 p.m. They do it through the "Angels of Assisi" . $100 and she gets a 1 yr rabies shot. They do rabies shots at TSC and I will take the male there and get him one for his safety also when they have another clinic... but I am not going to get him fixed at this time..... he is a rather "lazy" cat, always right around here when I call... and unless he starts "spraying" or something, it is not as important as stopping her from producing kittens. She has been in heat and I have seen a couple of "strange" cats here the last week or 2 so I know she could be bred... only be 2 weeks or so when she gets spayed so that is good.

Got a farm scheduled for Thursday this week, and another for Monday next week. Waiting to hear back from another.....
Possible rain Friday night... would really like to try to get this brush pile burned in the garden... DS is taking the calves we brought back home last Thursday, to the sale on Friday... I have a couple in there... so he will be tied up.....have to see when the next rain is called for... There is a HIGH RISK of fires right now... strongly advised to NOT burn for a couple days with the winds... there are a couple of small wildfires in the area now... one is now contained... 80 or more acres... up near one of the farms I test.... and one south of here that is about 15 acres partially contained.. Winds have been the biggest problem the last few days... We only got about 1/10th of an inch last Friday aft/night... so basically not much...It is getting dry again with these winds blowing and drying things out.

It is already down to 31 out there...

I made liver and onions for supper. Have not got the chicken sliced off the carcass yet, it is in the fridge. Maybe tomorrow. I washed a bunch of buckets up today and got feed here at the co-op on my way to go pay for the spay.... then came home and put it over into the back of the forester, before going up there to feed. I took the lemon custard to Deb's for desert Sat eve, and gave her most of it, but there are maybe 2 servings in the fridge to eat... she really liked it so gave most to her so she could take it back to northern Va Sunday aft, if she didn't eat it first. I can easily make more. Like the lemon flavor for a change... going to try the almond flavor @Ridgetop suggested too... might try a small bowl with orange flavor too..

Going to quit for the night.