Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
AH!! There is the newly formed division of VDOT, that FJ's son can head up. GHHM - short for Goat Herd Highway Management.

He'd be perfect to be the leader of the newest cost cutting/environmentally friendly/woke department, while snubbing those AH's at his old division. I foretell a successful launch!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's a control thing... they want to "control their life and surroundings"... and they see the picture post cards and have NO CLUE that those pictures are but a moment in time, compared to the other 23 hours of the day when it does not look like that.... And they are "educated" so they "KNOW BETTER" than those that have been there doing it forever..... and they have money to back it up.... because they made their "million" doing a sophisticated job that is "essential" and now they want to show the poor dumba$$ country person how much smarter and richer and more educated they are... and they want everything to be that "picture perfect postcard" look all the time....
I hope the B#$&*@ all starve down the road.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Long day on the tractor raking hay... Weather has been PERFECT for drying hay. I am finding that I am super sensitive to the sun because of the antibiotics I am taking for the tooth situation... so had to come home and get a long sleeved shirt to protect my arms and gloves for my hands... they feel like they are on fire tonight since I was out in the sun for quite awhile earlier... Got A LOT of hay raked... but DS went crazy the last 2 days cutting... even cut a section of orchard grass this morning of about 8 + acres... it will have to get tedded to get it dry enough to bale by Sat eve.... calling for showers to come in Sun aft so it would be good to get it all up by Sat eve if possible... I guess I raked maybe 40 acres today... 3 different places .... I am beat. Plus spent an hour on the phone, with the computer techs, fixing some stuff at the "new" herd that I took over... that i had tested 6-8 years ago...
Got the samples packed and finally ran them to UPS since I was in the field so long... about 6+ hours.
49 up to 82 today, light breeze and no humidity...

Yesterday got all the seed potatoes loaded in the pull behind cart and out to the garden area along the pine trees so they were not in hot sun all day.... might get to them on Sat.....really want to get into the garden and get stuff in before the predicted rain... but the hay takes priority......also took out the tomatoes I have and some pepper plants I picked up... have to water them first thing... box of all the seeds is in the house... Would like to get at least one or two rows with some green beans and summer squash in so they can get watered in if it rains...and get a start to grow.... before I get all the potatoes in.

One good thing raking the hay across the street... DS "got" another possum that the turkey buzzard was working on.... one less to bother me.....
Tomorrow I will be back on the tractor for a good part of the day I think. DS cut a whole bunch of the small fields around his house and the neighbors... his 10 acre barn field, and about 4-6 acres across the road from him... that I haven't even looked at yet.... Will finish raking the rye/wheat on the field across the road from the the morning... it is 3/4 done and he actually baled some of it this evening when I had gone to take the samples to UPS....there is the orchard grass coming up that he planted this spring... so that it would get a start with the rye/wheat as a nurse crop... and it should really come on if we get that rain...
The piece that we have fenced off with the electric at the nurse cow pasture made 2 round bales so not bad... and it will be off of there so they can park cars for the big birthday party this weekend for the "owner"... it was her father's place... 75 yrs old... she is the one that has had cancer... and the one that called all upset about the calf "that was just laying in the field and it must be sick, and it was going to rain and it would "get wet"..... GRRRR... We were naturally invited... always are to their get togethers.
I called the farm scheduled for Sat, and told them I probably would NOT get there, wanted to give them a heads up a little ahead...They had said if I was in hay then they understood if I cancelled... and they have cancelled twice on me... I imagine I will be raking the last few places... I think that some of it will get tedded tomorrow as some of it is pretty thick... and it is nice hay so do not want it to get made with any "green" in it and go moldy... weather is too nice for making crummy hay...

I'm going to get a cool shower since the skin is soooo "hot" feeling... and go to bed... Got to work in the hay fields and then go test tomorrow afternoon... got the sample bottles already in the tray to go... no meters or set up... Will drop these reports for the herd I did yesterday evening... and have to stop at the feed store and pay the bill... because they are charging the 3.5% surcharge that the company they have to go through, are charging them...and after last month I REFUSE to pay over the phone with the debit card... OH S**T, need to call the vet's and pay that bill too... not paying a finance charge.. They do not charge extra for over the phone card payments...

Got a list of things to get done... might get some laundry put in tomorrow, to hang on Sat... not desperate but wanted to take advantage of the nice weather... Garden is more important than that.

I opened the gate in the barn for the 2 bottle calves to be able to come over to the other side with the calves that are going in for grain... Nice days out so if they follow someone out it won't hurt them... good exercise to get out, and start "socializing" with the other calves...I will be weaning them in another week or 2, I think... The twin heifers are growing so good considering how small they were...

I've got to go to bed...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
they want to "control their life and surroundings"...
We had a neighbor like that once - since moved away. "Loved the country life" but had a neighborhood meeting to discuss sending people around to chastise people whose places were not as "nice and clean" as they felt they should be. Also wanted everyone to eradicate all the flies in their corrals. This when we were surrounded by hundreds of acres of public land with coyotes, cougar, etc. pooping, killing and eating animals, and other animals dying in the area. They were shocked when DH pointed out that wild animals brought flies and you couldn't put fly traps on several hundred acres of open land where wild animals were pooping and dying. :lol: This was the neighbor that complained about the old toilet we had replaced sitting at the front of our driveway. We were going to take it to the dump but when he complained about it I painted it hot pink and stuck a pot of flowers in the bowl. We left it there for 2 years until he moved. The Rdgetop crowd is a vindictive bunch. :gig

Incredible that you are already cutting hay again - seems like you just finished from last year! I hope DS is relaxing a bit with not having all the heavy responsibility from his job. He can just go along and do his hay making without having to work nights, etc. Hope that situation is under control now and he can file for disability and retire.