Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
FJ: how do you think the pending dock strike will affect the beef market. Not only will imports be halted, but beef, chicken and egg EXPORTS will stop.

Do you think it will apply downward pressure on protein prices or will product be discarded due to rules/regulations/inspection qualification difference for US consumption vs foreign consumption.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Personally -- I think it won't affect prices until it goes beyond a week. Then perishables will be withheld from prep to even ship out from USA. Prices will increase. Incoming prices are set now but, no product at stores will be the issue for some items. A lot of cargo will sit on ships, ports won't unload them.

Supposed to start tomorrow. No one wants it to happen! All sides will work to resolve it. I'm thinking within a week they'll hug & make up. 🙂. Another month and it will be forgotten. :fl


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Since this is only going to affect the eastern/gulf ports...initially.... I don't think it will be such a big deal or long term strike. However, west coast port workers might refuse to handle diverted goods ... so who knows. They say if it lasts more than a week, it could start to cause some problems... 2 weeks and there will be some shortages. The good thing is the only main "perishable " that comes in through these ports is bananas... Also, for Baltimore, they only have started to get back to normal after the huge container ship hit that bridge and destroyed part of it and held up so much traffic in and out of there...
It will affect electronics and other non-perishable goods more... clothes, cars, furniture...

I think it will actually cause a reduction in price of beef/ meats at the stores if it lasts very long... they will not have the room to store beef, that would get shipped out on those ships, for an extended period of time, so there might be a reduction of prices short term in stores... Maybe I am wrong...

As much a problem is the produce that is normally produced in Ga, Al, NC, SC, TN.... these fields produce ALOT of produce and it is about the time for harvesting of things like Peppers...Tomatoes....Green beans..... and Sweet Potatoes... I did not realize that the carolinas produce 60% of the sweet potatoes that are consumed IN THE WHOLE USA.....And these do not get shipped by container ship... and these crops will be damaged and ruined from the flood waters... There will be no replanting of some of them this year...

Talking about insurance costs also...

Think about all the people in these areas.... most have NO FLOOD insurance... they never would think about flood insurance in some places where water has gotten as much as 20+ feet ABOVE FLOOD STAGE.... places that no one ever ever ever would think of flooding..... total devastation and losses....How do you start over when you will not get anything from the ins companies.....
Something to think about for any/everyone... and flood ins is very expensive from what I have heard.

On that note... I got my insurance on the vehicles done... it had gone from 850 to 1250...on 2 vehicles.... I was on a 3 year "rate lock" so it could not go up for 3 years if I did not add/remove a vehicle, add/remove a driver... or change address.... I can change the coverage without triggering a change in the rate lock.... So at this renewal, the 3 year lock was up so it went up $400 on the 2 vehicles... and so I added the other 3 I wanted to cover... liability only... just so I am legally covered to drive them... and it cost me 2 K.... but it cannot go up for 3 years .... unless I take one off like the explorer.... she said if I take it off in the next 3-6 months... should not cause a big deal with the rates changing...
BUT with the devastation of vehicles in the path of destruction by "Helene".... that might change....

Testing went good... light rain and showers... then more rain up at farm and about 2/3 way home then very light misty stuff here.
There was 1.1 inches in the rain gauge this morning though... That's nearly 7 inches in a week... about 2 months worth of rain....'s been slower than many places and much less than they got south of here... we have been very fortunate that we did not get the run off or pounding rain that they got down there... my heart goes out to all those people.
And we are forecast to get more tomorrow and now saying Wed too before it quits...

Got chiropractor appt in morning and DS has Dr appt not too far from there, so able to get 2 for 1 trip. Need a shower.... and bed.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday..... Been up and gone and back. DS went to the brain trauma specialist and he feels that the headaches, stuttering, most of DS's problems are from damage to the spine, in the vertebrae... so that is maybe good??? He has "ordered" blood work, PT, and psychiatrist evaluation.... and that he told DS that he would not be going back to work anytime soon... and that he should continue with the other dr for the time being... Of course, this all has to be approved... by workman's comp.... but DS seems okay with this guy... and it is closer... and so now we can coordinate some with my chiropractor appts once he gets an approval and then can get on a schedule... DS is still having some trouble with "losing his ability to work"... the mental dealing with it... and I think that this is all good... he will convey all this to the lawyer too.... there is some thought that if he goes to the long term disability, that he will have to go to 100% disability and now they are saying he cannot even continue to farm.... he discussed some of this with this dr.... and that with the debt he has, he will lose "everything" if they say he cannot even continue with the farming... especially since he can do some stuff, then stop and go lay down and such if the headaches get too much... it is going to get "nasty"...... if they do not put him on 100% disability, then he has to apply to 5 places a week, to show he is looking for a job... I don't know all the details... he has been put in a spot from work.... by doing what they did... and he cannot apply for other positions that fall under the Va retirement system, to get his last 5 years in to qualify for full retirement benefits... there are other jobs that he could do that do not require the hard hat that severely affects his headaches...

And all this is working on him mentally ... because like he told me, he was good at what he did at VDOT.... and he got NO appreciation for it or any support by any of the "bosses" that used to say how they always "had his back"; when the couple of "big wigs" had it in for him and sidelined him over stuff that many other supervisors also have done.... and CONTINUE to do.....

Another of his friends called and said they turned in their letter of intent to take retirement... they had planned to work another 5+ years... they qualify for full retirement, and told DS they will not work for such a corrupt bunch as is now running things ....
The whole thing sucks...

My chiropractor appt went well... shoulder hurts less today....

I am going in to pack samples and get them sent out...

The port dock workers are on strike, ports shut down... it could get nasty as it does not look like they are going to talk any time soon now.

The devastation is so bad from Helene.... up to a horrific 130 lives lost and many other still unreacheable and unaccounted for...

My heart aches for all the people... the pictures are so so bad.... even some areas of southwest Va are in terrible shape. But TN and NC and GA are just disasters....

I hope anyone that can would send even a few dollars to help the groups sending relief...

"But for the grace of God, go I" ..... it can happen to ANY OF US.......


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I made the comment in the last post that DS cannot apply for any of the other Va state jobs so he can work out the 5 years to get his full retirement... I forgot to qualify that, with adding that he cannot apply, if he is on 100% disability... but found out that if he quits and then applies to another VA state job that is in the retirement system program... he CAN pick up his years already in... he is talking to the one person he trusts in the HR dept... on her personal phone and time.... so it is not recorded on the work phone lines... so that he can get all the i's dotted and t's crossed and he knows the best decision to make... there is so much BS double talk in all this stuff... and if he goes out on the 100% disability he can then get "re-evaluated" and then could go back to work... and he can take some of his retirement NOW... and then go ahead and apply for another job within that system.... if he does not go on disability.... and not have to worry about them where he was working as they cannot influence his future application.... because it is not their dept... he has 2 guys that want him to come to work for them....
It's such a B#@%H due to the difference in the money... he is trying to make the best decision so he can get to his full retirement in 5 years and get the full amount... and NOT go back to where he was... He's got to the end of Oct I think... so a few more weeks at least.... to figure out the best way to go...
It's still tough.... and this strain is not helping the headaches either...

It has been misty sprinkley out there again...just enough to get you damp..... Hit 70 during one of the few minute outbreaks of sun before getting cloudy again.

Got samples packed and sent off... Called the UVA place, because I could not get it set up for the "My chart" stuff ... lady was wonderful and talked me through it and we got it to work... I did the "pre-register" stuff so will be set and ready to go in the morning... Have to be there at 8 for the CT scan of the shoulder... at least get all the ducks in a row for now. Not going to make any final commitment for any surgery but keep the options open. But this will give a better overview than the x-rays...

DS wants to maybe get in the cows with the calves on the ground out of the calving field, tomorrow afternoon; get them in the barn, work the ones needing banding, and then put them out on the hill and have fewer in the field to feed and have to check... They are eating a round bale a day; cleaning up the ground he said. No sense in feeding them when they can go out on the pasture that he has been holding for fall grazing.

DS is not going to cut any hay before he goes away with the friend for Thurs/Fri... it is too wet and there is a 30-40% chance of showers again tomorrow afternoon...

Dumped .2 out of gauge earlier... sure wish we could have gotten just part of this back in June/early July when it got so terribly dry... Well, better now than not at all...

Going to bed early so I can get up and get going... There will be alot of traffic over near Charlottesville in the morning...rush hour commuters and such going to work.... takes an hour so plan to leave here no later than 6:15... figure it will be at least 1 1/2 be on the safe side.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed eve. Started out clouds and fog... cleared off to mostly sun, then clouded up late and we got some misty stuff then all of a sudden a good quick hard shower... 62 to 77 ...
There was .3 inch in the gauge this morning from the misty/showers yesterday...

Went to the CT scan... the "my chart" thing said it would take 35 minutes... There was all sorts of construction "detours" but found it okay... went in,. they called me in at 8:00, went in and it was a pretty fancy thing... laid on the gurney and it went into the tube but it was very open except for the actual part that the thing goes around... It was uncomfortable to lay with the bad arm down at my side with the palm facing up and the other arm above my head and I figured I could stand it for a half hour... the thing went around... then gurney thing moved...did that twice.... and I figured they were getting it all "sighted in" so to speak... and the girl comes out and says okay, we're done... and I looked at her and I said really... and she said, yes, pretty neat huh? And I said that the info on the "my chart" where I did the pre sign in, said 35 min... and she said, NOPE, all done... I was in there less than 10 MINUTES....
So.... I left and came across and went to Sharp Shopper since I had to go right by it... checking on that iced coffee drink I like.... didn't have that, got a couple things, and went by the hardware store and got the rubber "tips" that go on the end of the cane seat I use... they are 3/4 inch and everyone has 7/8 inch and they fall off.... came on home.

I had put clothes in the wash yesterday to soak them, white socks and such... and so finished running them through and was thinking about hanging them but forecast was saying possible showers later... I didn't get them out and I am glad now.

DS called and they finally got home...neighbor went with him to drive... he had a talk with the Doc that is still the "head of his treatment protocol".... and then the workman's comp lady was there and doc wrote a letter that said he still needs to be off work... pending some further tests and treatments they are trying... this is the next step to when he probably goes off on long term disability... or early retirement... whatever he/his doctors think... He has had some really bad headaches again the last few days... They went to Rural King and stopped at the lawyer's also...
He said he was going to open the gate to the "alley" and see if the cows would come down out of the field... then he was going to get them across the driveway into the barn and we would work the calves and sort them out and then he would let the still pregnant ones back up in the "calving field" and put the ones with calves up the alley and into the other field... less to feed in the calving field... and calves will be out on green grass in the other pasture...
Called me a little later, he had them all in the alley that he wanted... had cut out some that had not calved yet... so I helped him sort a few others, then we took the rest to the barn. Cut out more cows that hadn't calved and got them all run back out across the driveway into the alley for the time being so they could eat a little of the grass; then got the calves all sorted out from the cows and then he banded the little bull calves and we gave all them blackleg shots. Went and got the cows back into the calving field, then he got the cows and calves and brought them across and ran them up the alley and out on grass... Then we got in the 4 calves he had bought... banded 2 and gave shots... but one other that was a "bull" may be a monorchid... he did not like what he was feeling... and the one that was supposed to be a steer felt like he might have a nut still up inside... We gave them all tetanus shots and blackleg... and will have the vet look at these 2 the next time we have a preg check... then at least if they have to get cut, they have had a first tetanus, and can get a 2nd booster shot and it will help to prevent any possibility of them coming down with it and dying...

So he then went and took 3 rolls up to the cows in the calving field, for him being gone the next 2 days.... with 12 less cows in there they won't go through near as much... he was feeding a roll a day and they were cleaning it up but there were over 40 in there.. I think there is still about 30 in there but could not get a good count ... still 12 out will really slow down the hay consumption...

I got home about 6:30-near 7. He was going to go and get some sleep as they are leaving real early to go to the "car show/flea market" thing.
Tomorrow, I will feed the grain at the barn... and take the meters to the farm to get set up and then go back later to test. Maybe hang these clothes if the weather forecast has finally changed... And maybe it might start to dry out enough to try mowing some of the grass in the front that is getting taller and your feet get really wet going out there. But the rain we have had has been really good ... the hay across the road that he got seeded, is coming up really good... I feel so bad for the ones south of here with the horrendous devastation... we were very fortunate to get what we have gotten in the manner it has come down. The ground was so terribly dry and now is very saturated... and it is percolating down into the lower layers which is a blessing.

Time to quit for the night.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Since this is only going to affect the eastern/gulf ports...initially.... I don't think it will be such a big deal or long term strike. However, west coast port workers might refuse to handle diverted goods ... so who knows.
DH heard this morning that they are sendg the shis from the eastern ports around to the western ports to unload. Good idea but the dockworkers here have said that they will not unload them - they will be on a sympathy strike.
I still have a lot of stuff I bought for the Covid shortages - but I took it all to Texas! :he
DS called and they finally got home...neighbor went with him to drive... he had a talk with the Doc that is still the "head of his treatment protocol".... and then the workman's comp lady was there and doc wrote a letter that said he still needs to be off work... pending some further tests and treatments they are trying... this is the next step to when he probably goes off on long term disability... or early retirement... whatever he/his doctors think... He has had some really bad headaches again the last few days...
Maybe early retirement would be the best thing instead of full disabiity since he could continue to farm. I don't understand why being on full disability he can't run his home farming business but t sounds like something they are doing to screw him over. Also if he cando early retirement he can go to work for nother company.