Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
My truck is worth the $$ for the front end work. It's just a PIA to get it all at not cheap. But, I'm fine with $1000 to have it all ready for several thousand more miles. :D It's low mileage for the year and it's a 4 door, so good for any traveling....factory tow and 4WH. Plus, I have a car. Actually, beyond the usual oil changes, etc., this is the only "major" work it's needed in the 6 yrs I've had it. Has all the bells & whistles they had for that model. I'd actually hate to need to replace it, so a little TLC will happen as it comes up.

Best old truck I ever had was a $450 Dodge Dakota...that rascal was still running fine at 405K on that original engine! :D =D

Yep, too many new fangled things now days.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I can understand liking the camera, but I haven't turned around to see where I was backing in so long I don't know when. I learned to back with the side mirrors, hardly ever use the inside mirror even in the car. With the trailers, you have to use the mirrors to see the sides of the trailer, and so I just never turn around. Plus, since my bad car wreck in 1989, I have limited range of motion in my neck anyway, so not turning was the only way I ever did stuff anyway.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Okay, to broach a subject I have no knowledge about. Had a real scare yesterday. Had loaded some meters etc for work, in the back. Put some stuff in the front of the truck, and had to get the boxes with the sample bottles., before I left. Getting ready to leave for my farm(s) in Winchester. Came in, took a shower and washed my hair. Got a little dizzy and my eyesight got weird. Thought it was the hot water, and the fact that I hadn't eaten. Got out and it was like my eyes went to the left, and got stuck there.... couldn't see clearly straight ahead, but if I turned my head could see out of the "left corner" of my eyes. I laid down for about 15 minutes and no real improvement. Then it seemed to get a little better, I had put on sweat pants and a t-shirt to finish putting the stuff in the truck, then was going to come back in and get dressed to go. My eyes "locked" again like I was trying to look completely to the left out of the corner of my eyes.
Naturally I thought STROKE.... but nothing wrong with my speech, no paralysis; not able to walk right because I couldn't focus. Called my son and he took me to the emergency room. He noticed the problem with my eyes right off. I was also nauseous feeling, but again, I hadn't eaten. So he had some "nabs" and I ate a few and had a few sips of sprite. No trouble eating, drinking, no difficulties getting it to my mouth etc.

They did put me in to possibly treat for stroke. My eye sight got straight about the time I got there, but then did it again for a couple minutes. Pulled blood, Did a CT scan, blood pressure was high for me, but I was also "upset" so they weren't overly concerned. Talked fine, told them the series of events several times. My blood O2 was good, pulse not too high. Doctor did some more checking, pupils seemed a little large but responsive. Eyes went back to normal and they really weren't sure. So decided to do an MRI. Eyes went to left for about 30 seconds when I got on the slider, and the guy doing the MRI told me afterwards he saw that they were like that, Then they got back to normal. I laid there, closed my eyes, did the MRI, had the headphones and all. Got done, went back to the room. Had to wait for them to "send" the MRI to someone who evaluates it, sent it to a Dr at UVA hosp., ( I was at Augusta Medical) (which is a pretty good one) for a consultation. Finally did a telecomute thing on the TV with a stroke dr there. They seem to think I had a "POSSIBLE" epileptic seizure.... from a brain injury 30 years ago.... from my real bad car accident.... But that seldom ever happens that that much time would elapse between the injury and a seizure.
Dr in ER came in, said that the MRI looked normal, no clots, tumors, nothing showed up. BUT they were thinking I needed to be treated for a "seizure" with medication. I listened to what all they were saying, and questioned them about it all. I was not happy hearing all the possible side effects and that they really weren't sure, but that it was preventative. I finally agreed to the IV dose while there, they were going to call in a prescription for me to start taking and I needed to make an appt with a neurologist.

So I did the IV and then waited and waited. One of the men nurses, said that it looked like a TIA; which is like a mini stroke, that leaves no lasting effects. Could be some plaque that broke off the side of an artery, a tiny blood clot that passed through the vein in the brain affecting just the retina.... But the doctors did not seem to think that was it.
I had been in there for at least 5 hours at this point. I was hungry, getting aggravated etc. Blood pressure was up the last reading (automatic) from 180/87 to 202/92 by the last time. My normal runs around 135/80 or less. I was also getting pretty edgy... which I think accounted to some of it. Finally the dr came back, said they would release me, and that I could pick up the script in the morning. I walked out with no problem except that I was getting a real bad headache.
Chalk that up to nerves, upset or whatever. They gave me 1500 mg of KEPPRA... which they had said they were going to give me 500, then the pills prescribed are 500 to be taken 2x a day. Side effects are many, and scary. Allergic reactions include swelling, hives, and skin reaction, mood changes, suicidal tendencies.... goes on and on.

So we stopped, he got me a sandwich from Sheets which was open and close by, and I devoured it because I was really hungry at this point. Got home, with the headache and went to bed. Woke up with a persistent itch on my arm, but fell back off to sleep. Got up this morning, eyes are okay, but during the night must have really rubbed/scratched at my arm because there are red marks like I was digging at it. Put some childrens benadryl gel on it to stop the itch, but certainly did not want to take any other pills. Headache is dull, but not too bad. Eyes have been fine.

I called my Chiropractor as I trust him with my life, and have an appt later this afternoon. I am thinking that maybe a possible TIA, but maybe a pinched nerve that impeded the blood flow into that part of the brain. I am not going to take the prescribed medication at this point. If they can't find any real indication of a seizure, I see no plus to taking medicine just to take it. Have scheduled an appt with a new Dr for primary care since I no longer had a pcp.

So For all of you that have some medical experience....... ANY SUGGESTIONS ???? THOUGHTS ?????

IT SCARED THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME, and I am not an alarmist. But I am also not stupid, and all the "nothing is showing up" makes me think that treating for something that really has no basis is not in my best interest either. I have spent several hours looking at sites for the TIA and epilepsy.seizures; and the TIA the nurse said makes more sense than a seizure. But I will feel better about it once I talk to my chiropractor. He is not a big fan of medication for no specific reason, so I want his take on it too.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I learned to back with the side mirrors, hardly ever use the inside mirror even in the car.
If you can see behind the vehicle AT ALL with the side mirrors, they are set wrong. If you ever do get a vehicle with a rear view camera and a decent size screen (I can't believe the ones built in to rear view mirrors are big enough for anyone to see what is really behind them), you might find it quite useful.

Yeah: AAACCCCCKKKK!!!!! That is beyond scary, I have no idea what would cause such a thing. I hope it never happens again. I'm with you on the "well we will try this even though we don't really have an idea what happened" meds.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Did they suggest a low dose asprin daily ?
That is something I would do imediatly for myself, even baby to a Dr. about it, sounds like a TIA...I had a patient for four years that I stayed with and she had them often, most followed by a headach, but no permanent damage was done.
I hope you find a Dr. that you trust soon and and follow up on this :hugs:hugs:hugs
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Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry to hear of your issue - that's scary. Many years ago my husband had a fairly similar incident.
He had many of the symptoms you had. But, his eyes didn't lock into any certain position that I'm aware of (he was out of state at a conference at the time).
We did all the testing and the neurologist finally concluded that it was an Ocular Migraine. You might investigate the symptoms of an Ocular and/or Visual Migraine and see if any of them fit.