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- #7,631
Herd Master
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Long afternoon and in and done. Going to eat some soup... I have had a tooth that has been very tender around the gum... and impossible to bite down on it... had a twinge last week... thought maybe I ate something that just "stuck" into the gum or something... but then it came back Sunday... taking the tylenol for the shoulder it has been tolerable... but today it started to really hurt.. realized it had been 6 hours since I had taken any tylenol... and so gave in and called dentist to take a look at it...preferably Thurs or Fri since I need to rake hay tomorrow... My dentist is away, his new younger partner is booked up and Monday is of course a holiday... but they can see me tomorrow morning so I will be there at 8:30, for them to graciously work me in... try to figure out what it might be and if nothing else get me through til next week.... I will come home and get on the tractor and rake after that and then go test in the afternoon...
I started on the antibiotics I am supposed to take before the dentist... due to replacements.... because I do not want any possibility of infection..... usually take them an hour or 2 before appt... but took some today and will take more in the morning....

Glad I went to the nursery.... they must have had one helluva week before mothers day weekend... there were so much stuff gone out of there... I did manage to get 2 different yellow peonies... no flowers of course... and a pretty lavender one... treated myself since it was 10% off senior day... I think they had about 50%, or less, of what they had 2 weeks ago. Don't remember it being this "sparse"... the plants are smaller and the one has several shoots... so hoping more than 1 or 2 "eyes" in that pot....
Picked up a couple pepper plants since somehow I forgot to get any....
Went back and spent about an hour to tedd out that one field... It had dried alot and what "greenish" stems I turned up should dry more. I will rake the big field first, it will be dry, then rake this field after it has had a chance to sit out in the sun a little more... and hopefully it ought to bale okay by late Wed aft. DS was there, said he would be around but he was on the phone with her and there was some sort of "problem" because he said did he need to come home and I guess she said no... but by the time I came out from the back with the tedder... he had left... then I see a text to just leave the tractor, he would be back in awhile.... and he would get the rake hooked up for me. He had the big round baler out and getting it greased and all that to get it ready and just left everything right there in the driveway....
Got home and was here about 10 minutes... here comes Sam to plow the garden.... so it is all turned over... and he says he will try to come back tomorrow afternoon to disc it.. thinks that will get it worked up pretty good... It was a little muddy on the end and along the one side where the hose had leaked... so good he didn't come yesterday... I would prefer it get tilled... with the tiller but it belongs to another neighbor, and I think he does not want to borrow it even though he did the ones right by his house there... wonder if I can get the one DS got, hooked up to the tractor, once I am done with the rake... and bring it up from the barn next week ???? Then leave it here... Maybe Sam is right, and it will work up okay with just the disc... at least I can get started in it... and I had him plow a section for where I want to put the asparagus bed... eventually I will get the rose-a-sharon bush out of there and the whole thing can be made bigger...It's kinda a U shape with the rose-a-sharon bush on the inside bottom of the U.... I want the asparagus on the side nearer to the house... and that will get done this winter if I have to pull it out with the truck after the garden is finished for the year... next to that is the patch of day lillies... the standard orange ones that we have everywhere here along the roadsides and such... I want to take them out and make that spot for the irises and ...and "fancy" daylillies I have that are prettier and varied colors... as the irises finish blooming, the daylillies will sorta take over....... and then they will stay green and I could plant other stuff in there.. I just want more than the plain orange ones... I want to move them to the bank along the road so they are "ground cover" anyway...
But... I will be able to get things started in the garden hopefully this weekend...
Of course you know most of the cows I wanted in, came to the barn area, and they and several calves came in....

.... but he wasn't around so I didn't even try to "keep them in"... just fed some grain and let them all feel comfortable milling in and out the gate... I got a text at about 8:30 that he had the tractor hooked to the rake and was ready for me for tomorrow... "good luck and be careful with it"... and "thank you for tedding today".... I texted him back and said that most of the cows I wanted had come in with several calves but that I let them back out, since I didn't know if he would be able to move them.... and that I had to test Wed eve so doubted I would mess with them and he would be baling anyway....
So, I came home after that... and there are DARK clouds to the north and I see lightning flashes... PLEASE just let it stay up there for another 24 hours... there was an outside chance of a pop up storm here.... more chance tomorrow afternoon... Definitely Thursday, into the weekend.
Hope I can get some stuff started in the garden... got TONS of sprouted potatoes to plant this year... going to give some to Sam and Doris... she said they didn't plant any... I will have more than I will know what to do with... but DEFINITELY plan to sell some this fall.... and very reasonably so I can get a return on them. But I didn't order any this year so will use what I have for seed potatoes... At least I have them all in marked boxes still... and will have one row for mixed potluck if I need to.... There are a few that I put together I think.,...
So, I am going in to get a shower and wash my hair... read a little and go to bed so I can get up and get going in the morning... Need to be gone by 7:45...
Oh, I have to get a tray of bottles ready for tomorrow too... 95+ cows... at least no set up... The 250 cow herd just texted me back and wants Sat aft... that'll work since it is supposed to possibly wet with pop up storms... Never ends.....
I started on the antibiotics I am supposed to take before the dentist... due to replacements.... because I do not want any possibility of infection..... usually take them an hour or 2 before appt... but took some today and will take more in the morning....

Glad I went to the nursery.... they must have had one helluva week before mothers day weekend... there were so much stuff gone out of there... I did manage to get 2 different yellow peonies... no flowers of course... and a pretty lavender one... treated myself since it was 10% off senior day... I think they had about 50%, or less, of what they had 2 weeks ago. Don't remember it being this "sparse"... the plants are smaller and the one has several shoots... so hoping more than 1 or 2 "eyes" in that pot....
Picked up a couple pepper plants since somehow I forgot to get any....
Went back and spent about an hour to tedd out that one field... It had dried alot and what "greenish" stems I turned up should dry more. I will rake the big field first, it will be dry, then rake this field after it has had a chance to sit out in the sun a little more... and hopefully it ought to bale okay by late Wed aft. DS was there, said he would be around but he was on the phone with her and there was some sort of "problem" because he said did he need to come home and I guess she said no... but by the time I came out from the back with the tedder... he had left... then I see a text to just leave the tractor, he would be back in awhile.... and he would get the rake hooked up for me. He had the big round baler out and getting it greased and all that to get it ready and just left everything right there in the driveway....

Got home and was here about 10 minutes... here comes Sam to plow the garden.... so it is all turned over... and he says he will try to come back tomorrow afternoon to disc it.. thinks that will get it worked up pretty good... It was a little muddy on the end and along the one side where the hose had leaked... so good he didn't come yesterday... I would prefer it get tilled... with the tiller but it belongs to another neighbor, and I think he does not want to borrow it even though he did the ones right by his house there... wonder if I can get the one DS got, hooked up to the tractor, once I am done with the rake... and bring it up from the barn next week ???? Then leave it here... Maybe Sam is right, and it will work up okay with just the disc... at least I can get started in it... and I had him plow a section for where I want to put the asparagus bed... eventually I will get the rose-a-sharon bush out of there and the whole thing can be made bigger...It's kinda a U shape with the rose-a-sharon bush on the inside bottom of the U.... I want the asparagus on the side nearer to the house... and that will get done this winter if I have to pull it out with the truck after the garden is finished for the year... next to that is the patch of day lillies... the standard orange ones that we have everywhere here along the roadsides and such... I want to take them out and make that spot for the irises and ...and "fancy" daylillies I have that are prettier and varied colors... as the irises finish blooming, the daylillies will sorta take over....... and then they will stay green and I could plant other stuff in there.. I just want more than the plain orange ones... I want to move them to the bank along the road so they are "ground cover" anyway...
But... I will be able to get things started in the garden hopefully this weekend...
Of course you know most of the cows I wanted in, came to the barn area, and they and several calves came in....

So, I came home after that... and there are DARK clouds to the north and I see lightning flashes... PLEASE just let it stay up there for another 24 hours... there was an outside chance of a pop up storm here.... more chance tomorrow afternoon... Definitely Thursday, into the weekend.
Hope I can get some stuff started in the garden... got TONS of sprouted potatoes to plant this year... going to give some to Sam and Doris... she said they didn't plant any... I will have more than I will know what to do with... but DEFINITELY plan to sell some this fall.... and very reasonably so I can get a return on them. But I didn't order any this year so will use what I have for seed potatoes... At least I have them all in marked boxes still... and will have one row for mixed potluck if I need to.... There are a few that I put together I think.,...
So, I am going in to get a shower and wash my hair... read a little and go to bed so I can get up and get going in the morning... Need to be gone by 7:45...
Oh, I have to get a tray of bottles ready for tomorrow too... 95+ cows... at least no set up... The 250 cow herd just texted me back and wants Sat aft... that'll work since it is supposed to possibly wet with pop up storms... Never ends.....