Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
They're saying very slight chance of fast shower about fireworks time, north of me. I'd be shocked to get a sprinkle but, would love cooler temps 😄

Just got out of shower after several hrs in the heat. 😳 Was soaking wet with sweat. I fed about hr early as I didn't want to be back out. 🥴 Even the goats were walking, not running, for feed. Had all tubs dumped and refilled with some nice cold well water. They loved that ! They're all laying in the shade now.🥰

I'm clean head to toes & chilling. 👍 One zuc, I yellow squash & 2 small tomatoes from garden. Need to pic some green beans -- only a few but, a small pan full...tomorrow.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Got the showers earlier. Had a headache, which I get sometimes from too little sleep, and it was a much too short night last night... so gave in and laid down. Took a nap, and got up and it was rumbling thunder again, rain started and it is still lightly raining. Radar shows another hour maybe??? I will take any and all it DROPS on us. Looking at our radar, it looks like you might get more than a "sprinkle/shower" @Mini Horses.

This is just sooooo nice. Won't solve the drought, but it will sure go a long way to maybe save the pastures and the new orchard grass across the road from my house. That .8 a week ago, helped to keep it alive... I am hoping that this will do the same, and to maybe give our corn a chance. It will go a long way to keeping the hayfields alive... we will need several more rains like this to get them going for 2nd cutting...but EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS.
Not ruining any 4th of July plans since they had cancelled all the fireworks due to the fire danger from the extreme drought. There were no fireworks going to be set off anywhere in the area due to the dried up conditions.
It is a nice soft steady rain out there right this minute... rumbles of thunder again but no lightning anywhere....

Going to work on the computer stuff and packing samples... after I take something for this persistent headache.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
You're right...I see the radar movement showing a drop south of original path for this system. I made sure windows all up in vehicles, feed out of truck bed, etc. either way, it's good 👍 and I'll take any rain as they say indexes will be 105-108 tomorrow. Rains will help slow that rise. If any here, it'll be 8-10 arriving.

Hope rain hangs at your place for a while!!

Fireworks here are at the oceanfront... Even most on barges.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Mini Horses sometimes I feed early too just because I’m so hot and tired. But most often I do evening chores in stages. I feed the dogs first to give them time to go potty before I close them up with sheep for the night. Come back in and cool off. I go out and water, come back in for a cold drink. Go back out and put out hay, come back in. Lastly I feed and put dogs in with sheep. With the borrowed ewe and lambs, 3 breeding pens, separated ewe and ram lambs and ewes that are recovered from the worm debacle, I have 7 pens to feed and water. I’m looking forward to borrowed ewe and lambs going home, ram lambs being sold and ewe lambs going back with their moms. Once ewes have recovered and put on a little more weight, I’ll take out bred ewes and give the boys new girlfriends.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just a quick entry.... We had .8 inch yesterday/last night..... Beautiful rain that all soaked in . Possibly more with the heat causing more pop up showers. Busy getting the samples packed so that I can get them shipped and all to be at a farm again to test this afternoon.... Crazy week.
Humid and sticky outside this morning. Sun and heating up to the upper 80's already.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Long day, and ready to get a shower... I was soaked setting up the meters and then testing... The last 50 cows were not fun with the heat and humidity... I must be getting old.... Luckily they have a small ac for the office as it is totally closed in, no windows, nothing for ventilation, and it gave me a chance to cool off a bit. I ahd water in the parlor, it was just HOT... stood near where the air was blowing down from the big fan whenever I got caught up on a "side" of getting the samples, waiting for the next group to come in...

It hit 95 on the recording thermometer and it wasn't that hot this morning so I know it wasn't any sun hitting it... 69 to start.... but was humid all day.
That did pay off a bit though, it rained some at the house... drove "into" it coming home from the farm and dropping off the reports at the other 2 farms.... hope they got a decent rain out of it. The one farm had about 2.3 inches he said last night and the other one about 5-7 miles away got around an inch. I swung by doug's farm as I often do... drive in the driveway to just check on things... DS was there talking to a buddy of his... he said it had been lightly raining for about an hour or so... I will check the rain gauge in the morning...
Another slight possibility of some more tonight but radar does not look good for here... forecast is saying more possibly Mon-Tues...

Had another possum in the trap this morning so it was dispatched....

When I got to the house, it was clearing in the west and saw a big rainbow towards the east... It had stopped raining here although there were a few sprinkles, but you could see the sun shine coming through as it was setting.
I did get out to the garden for just a little bit... laid some newspaper down inbetween some rows of potatoes, starting at one end... got a couple feet in , between some and got some hay down on the paper... it is good and soaked so hopefully will get more hay on it in the morning and it will retain the moisture and keep the ground moist too for a bit. I had carried some to the garden on the fork the other day and not got it spread yet... so used what was there. Plus it was getting dark. I have some paper down that did not get covered... hoping maybe I can get it covered in the morning before it gets too hot... got alot of mulch to do,,, but every little bit helps.
While the ground is so "good", I want to get my gloves and get on that crappy spiney weeds and get them out... easier pulling when it is more "pourous" and soft from being watered.

Actually going to need to cut the grass too...

But for now, the only thing I am worried about is a shower and the bed... oh, and resetting the trap...