Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
This morning I found we had had some rain last night 😳 quite a bit judging from puddles by road. Wasn't predicted but....came. Overcast most all day. So, no tractor time today. Maybe tomorrow. Tue/wed & Fri/Sat saying rain here. Yeah, I'm home all week :idunno :th


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So on the way home, got a call from DS.... water leak at a pasture, disaster as it had drained the 2,000 gallon tank, cows were out of water... see once it drains the reservoir tank... no water in their house. They had some new water lines put in last year to some frost proof spigots... for all this stupid rotational grazing on the switch grass they are so in love with.... and NEVER "thought about" putting in any shut offs to any of the lines... so instead of being able to shut off the line that was leaking...
What idiots! Hopefully filling the 2000 gallon tank doesn't have to pump on your $$$.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Nope, we do not pay electric there... the owner's headaches.... Come to find out the cows had "rubbed" on the upright frost proof hydrant, and it screws in to the lower part at the pipe... and gotten it loose so it was partially "unscrewed"...... would have been so simple to just have shut off's on the lines and then figure it out... without us having to move the cows.... but supposedly the owner got it screwed back in hard and it is not leaking.....

Just a quick posting since I just got home from the farm a little bit ago. Got to pack all the samples... and this herd I have to write down the sample numbers since it is not part of the herd scan because they are on a lab samples only type test... so more work for me to write them all down in the list they need in the lab....

Left to go at about 4 a.m..... temps have been fairly comfortable, mid 60's..... recording temp shows 66 for a low and it is only up to 69 now. Cloudy, misty sprinkles on the way home. Calling for chance of showers all day and most of the week is 50% plus.....
Going in to pack them, after just eating a sandwich for my "brunch" ......

Got a text from the farm that "borrows" the meters.... that I left there for the weekend back awhile ago and the husband did not mention to the wife I left them that time.... so they never looked in the office and didn't use them, she wanted them for tonight/tomorrow... but I texted her back after I got out of the barn testing this morning and said that I was using them the next 3 days, they could have them Friday morning... I could have made it work for this eve/tomorrow morning... but alot of extra work for me to have to change the brackets twice, and pushing to go get them in the morning before going to test and I just decided I am not going to do so much rushing.... Unless it is pouring this afternoon, I am going to see if I can get in some of the heifers at the nurse cow pasture to take to the barn for preg test on Wed..... and I just do not feel like making another run out to drop them off and all..... I need 16 tomorrow and have to change the brackets for them, then need 12 at the next farm.... and change the brackets back.... Just not doing it... I will need 24 next week with the brackets changed again....

Time to go in and get these samples in the boxes and lists made so they can go out today....